333,577 research outputs found

    Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Clearance Effect in High Solid Loading Polydisperse Solid-Liquid Mixing

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    A high solid loading concentration of solid-liquid mixing was investigated to observe the effect of ratio C, Clearance, and T, diameter tank, with C/T 0.33; C/T 0.25 and C/T 0.17 on local volume of hydrodynamic and spatial distribution of polydisperse solid suspension using CFD, Computational Fluid Dynamics. The 45o pitch blade turbine, diameter 0.5T, with down pumping flow simulation was used to remove solid particle from bottom of the tank. The tank is also equipped with four baffle with the size of 0.1T.. A solid-liquid mixing consists of five fractions of glass beads with equal proportion (X1=X2=X3=X4=X5=0.2X) have 40% wt total solid concentration with liquid fraction is aqueous solution of NaCl. The effect of ratio C/T at impeller speed 612 rpm create a flow pattern in the tank different. Effect ratio C / T also indicated the distribution on solid had a good uniformity index when N≥ Njs, just suspended speed. The highest uniformity was obtained on C/T 0.17. it also made difference power consumption on each geometry with C/T 0.17, 0.25, and 0.33 respectively are 251.18, 238.13, and 270.65watt

    Computational fluid dynamics based analysis of a closed thermo-siphon hot water solar system.

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    One of the alternative sources of energy is solar energy which is available in abundance throughout the world. The energy contained within the solar rays is capable of starting natural convection within closed mechanical systems containing a suitable working fluid. One such system is commonly known as a Thermo-Siphon which transfers solar energy into internal energy of the working fluid, commonly water. In the present study, an attempt has been made towards better understanding of the flow structure within a thermo-siphon by analysing the natural convection phenomenon using Computational Fluid Dynamics techniques. A commercial CFD package has been used to create a virtual domain of the working fluid within the thermo-siphon, operating under no-load condition. The effects of the length to diameter ratio of the pipes connecting the condenser and the evaporator, number of connecting pipes, angle of inclination of the thermo-siphon and the heat flux from the solar rays to the working fluid, on the performance of the thermo-siphon, have been critically analysed in this study. The results depict that the heat flux and the length to diameter ratio of the pipes have significant effects on the performance of a thermo-siphon, whereas, the angle of inclination has negligibly small effect. Furthermore, an increase in the number of connecting pipes increases the temperature of the working fluid by absorbing more solar energy. Hence, CFD can be used as a tool to analyse, design and optimise the performance output of a thermo-siphon with reasonable accuracy

    Computational fluid dynamics

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    An overview of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) activities at the Langley Research Center is given. The role of supercomputers in CFD research, algorithm development, multigrid approaches to computational fluid flows, aerodynamics computer programs, computational grid generation, turbulence research, and studies of rarefied gas flows are among the topics that are briefly surveyed

    Distributed computational fluid dynamics

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    Computational fluid dynamics simulations of relevance to jet-engine design, for instance, are extremely computationally demanding and the use of large-scale distributed computing will allow the solution of problems that cannot be tackled using current resources. It is often appropriate to leave the large datasets generated by CFD codes local to the compute resource in use at the time. This naturally leads to a distributed database of results that will need to be federated as a coherent resource for the engineering community. We describe the use of Globus and Condor within Cambridge for sharing computer resources, progress on defining XML standards for the annotation of CFD datasets and a distributed database framework for them

    Coupled flight dynamics and CFD - demonstration for helicopters in shipborne environment

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    The development of high-performance computing and computational fluid dynamics methods have evolved to the point where it is possible to simulate complete helicopter configurations with good accuracy. Computational fluid dynamics methods have also been applied to problems such as rotor/fuselage and main/tail rotor interactions, performance studies in hover and forward flight, rotor design, and so on. The GOAHEAD project is a good example of a coordinated effort to validate computational fluid dynamics for complex helicopter configurations. Nevertheless, current efforts are limited to steady flight and focus mainly on expanding the edges of the flight envelope. The present work tackles the problem of simulating manoeuvring flight in a computational fluid dynamics environment by integrating a moving grid method and the helicopter flight mechanics solver with computational fluid dynamics. After a discussion of previous works carried out on the subject and a description of the methods used, validation of the computational fluid dynamics for ship airwake flow and rotorcraft flight at low advance ratio are presented. Finally, the results obtained for manoeuvring flight cases are presented and discussed

    Computational fluid dynamics research

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    The focus of research in the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) area is two fold: (1) to develop new approaches for turbulence modeling so that high speed compressible flows can be studied for applications to entry and re-entry flows; and (2) to perform research to improve CFD algorithm accuracy and efficiency for high speed flows. Research activities, faculty and student participation, publications, and financial information are outlined

    FNAS computational fluid dynamics

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    This work involves the coordination of necessary resources, facilities, and special personnel to provide a workshop to promote the exchange of CFD technology between industry, universities, and government. Critical flow problems have been isolated and simulation of these is being done

    Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling of critical velocity for sand transport flow regimes in multiphase pipe bends.

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    The production and transportation of hydrocarbon fluids in multiphase pipelines could be severely hindered by particulate solids deposit - such as the sand particles that can accompany hydrocarbon production. Knowledge of the flow characteristics of solid particles in fluids when transported in pipelines is important, in order to accurately predict solid particle deposition in pipelines. This thesis presents the development of a three-dimensional (3D) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling technique for the prediction of liquid-solids multiphase flow in pipes, with special emphasis on the flow in V-inclined pipe bends. The Euler-Euler (two-fluid) multiphase modelling methodology has been adopted, and the multiphase model equations and closure models describing the liquid-solids flow have been implemented and calculated using the finite volume method in a CFD code software. The liquid phase turbulence has been modelled using a two-equation k - epsilon turbulence model, which contains additional terms to account for the effects of the solid-particles phase on the multiphase turbulence structure. The developed CFD numerical framework has been verified for the relevant forces and all the possible interaction mechanisms of the liquid-solids multiphase flow by investigating four different numerical frameworks, in order to determine the optimum numerical framework that both captures the underlying physics and that also covers the interaction mechanisms leading to sand deposition, and the range of sand transport flow regimes in pipes. The flow of liquid-sand in pipe has been studied extensively, and the numerical results of sand concentration distribution across pipe and other flow properties are in good agreement with published experimental data on validation. The numerical framework has been employed to investigate the multiphase flow in V-inclined pipe bends of ± 4 to 6 degrees, seemingly small inclined bend angles. The predicted results - including the sand segregation, deposition velocity and flow turbulence modulation in the pipe bend - show that the seemingly small pipe bends have a significant effect on the flow, which is different to that of horizontal pipes. The pipe bend causes an abrupt local change in the multiphase flow characteristic and formation of stationary sand deposits in the pipe at a relatively high flow velocity. The threshold velocity to keep sand entrained in liquid in pipe bends is significantly higher than that required for flow horizontal pipes. A critical implication of this is that the correlations for predicting sand deposition in pipelines must account for the effect of pipe bend on flow characteristics in order to provide accurate predictions of the critical sand transport velocity (MTV) in subsea petroleum flowlines, where V-inclined pipe bends are inevitable due to seabed topology
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