2,211,188 research outputs found
Potential Adverse Effects of Novel Drug Therapies in Multiple Myeloma Treatment
Background: Multiple Myeloma (MM) has undergone a surge in the introduction of novel therapies to treat the disease in recent years. As of yet, the research has yet to be done compiling the information on the adverse effects caused by these drugs and how patients can manage them.
Objectives: The purpose of this integrative literature review is to identify the adverse effects caused by the novel therapies and to find management techniques for these effects.
Method: An integrative literature review was conducted.
Results: The most common adverse effects included peripheral neuropathy, myelosuppression, fatigue, gastrointestinal disturbances, and cardiopulmonary events. The most common treatments included medications, acupuncture, and distraction techniques, depending on the adverse effect.
Conclusion: Much of the research found was located in articles that were qualitative, descriptive, or expert opinions. This indicates the need for further research, including randomized control trials, focused on managing the adverse effects that patients have experienced.
Key Words: Myeloma, novel therapy, adverse effects, self-management strategies, hierarchy of evidence, evidence-based practic
Towards a Mini-App for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics at Exascale
The smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) technique is a purely Lagrangian
method, used in numerical simulations of fluids in astrophysics and
computational fluid dynamics, among many other fields. SPH simulations with
detailed physics represent computationally-demanding calculations. The
parallelization of SPH codes is not trivial due to the absence of a structured
grid. Additionally, the performance of the SPH codes can be, in general,
adversely impacted by several factors, such as multiple time-stepping,
long-range interactions, and/or boundary conditions. This work presents
insights into the current performance and functionalities of three SPH codes:
SPHYNX, ChaNGa, and SPH-flow. These codes are the starting point of an
interdisciplinary co-design project, SPH-EXA, for the development of an
Exascale-ready SPH mini-app. To gain such insights, a rotating square patch
test was implemented as a common test simulation for the three SPH codes and
analyzed on two modern HPC systems. Furthermore, to stress the differences with
the codes stemming from the astrophysics community (SPHYNX and ChaNGa), an
additional test case, the Evrard collapse, has also been carried out. This work
extrapolates the common basic SPH features in the three codes for the purpose
of consolidating them into a pure-SPH, Exascale-ready, optimized, mini-app.
Moreover, the outcome of this serves as direct feedback to the parent codes, to
improve their performance and overall scalability.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables, 2018 IEEE International Conference on
Cluster Computing proceedings for WRAp1
A runtime heuristic to selectively replicate tasks for application-specific reliability targets
In this paper we propose a runtime-based selective task replication technique for task-parallel high performance computing applications. Our selective task replication technique is automatic and does not require modification/recompilation of OS, compiler or application code. Our heuristic, we call App_FIT, selects tasks to replicate such that the specified reliability target for an application is achieved. In our experimental evaluation, we show that App FIT selective replication heuristic is low-overhead and highly scalable. In addition, results indicate that complete task replication is overkill for achieving reliability targets. We show that with App FIT, we can tolerate pessimistic exascale error rates with only 53% of the tasks being replicated.This work was supported by FI-DGR 2013 scholarship and the European Community’s
Seventh Framework Programme [FP7/2007-2013] under the Mont-blanc 2
Project (www.montblanc-project.eu), grant agreement no. 610402 and in part by the
European Union (FEDER funds) under contract TIN2015-65316-P.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
A Comparison of Parallel Graph Processing Implementations
The rapidly growing number of large network analysis problems has led to the
emergence of many parallel and distributed graph processing systems---one
survey in 2014 identified over 80. Since then, the landscape has evolved; some
packages have become inactive while more are being developed. Determining the
best approach for a given problem is infeasible for most developers. To enable
easy, rigorous, and repeatable comparison of the capabilities of such systems,
we present an approach and associated software for analyzing the performance
and scalability of parallel, open-source graph libraries. We demonstrate our
approach on five graph processing packages: GraphMat, the Graph500, the Graph
Algorithm Platform Benchmark Suite, GraphBIG, and PowerGraph using synthetic
and real-world datasets. We examine previously overlooked aspects of parallel
graph processing performance such as phases of execution and energy usage for
three algorithms: breadth first search, single source shortest paths, and
PageRank and compare our results to Graphalytics.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, Submitted to EuroPar 2017 and rejected. Revised
and submitted to IEEE Cluster 201
Algorithm-Directed Crash Consistence in Non-Volatile Memory for HPC
Fault tolerance is one of the major design goals for HPC. The emergence of
non-volatile memories (NVM) provides a solution to build fault tolerant HPC.
Data in NVM-based main memory are not lost when the system crashes because of
the non-volatility nature of NVM. However, because of volatile caches, data
must be logged and explicitly flushed from caches into NVM to ensure
consistence and correctness before crashes, which can cause large runtime
In this paper, we introduce an algorithm-based method to establish crash
consistence in NVM for HPC applications. We slightly extend application data
structures or sparsely flush cache blocks, which introduce ignorable runtime
overhead. Such extension or cache flushing allows us to use algorithm knowledge
to \textit{reason} data consistence or correct inconsistent data when the
application crashes. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for three
algorithms, including an iterative solver, dense matrix multiplication, and
Monte-Carlo simulation. Based on comprehensive performance evaluation on a
variety of test environments, we demonstrate that our approach has very small
runtime overhead (at most 8.2\% and less than 3\% in most cases), much smaller
than that of traditional checkpoint, while having the same or less
recomputation cost.Comment: 12 page
A Unified Optimization Approach for Sparse Tensor Operations on GPUs
Sparse tensors appear in many large-scale applications with multidimensional
and sparse data. While multidimensional sparse data often need to be processed
on manycore processors, attempts to develop highly-optimized GPU-based
implementations of sparse tensor operations are rare. The irregular computation
patterns and sparsity structures as well as the large memory footprints of
sparse tensor operations make such implementations challenging. We leverage the
fact that sparse tensor operations share similar computation patterns to
propose a unified tensor representation called F-COO. Combined with
GPU-specific optimizations, F-COO provides highly-optimized implementations of
sparse tensor computations on GPUs. The performance of the proposed unified
approach is demonstrated for tensor-based kernels such as the Sparse Matricized
Tensor- Times-Khatri-Rao Product (SpMTTKRP) and the Sparse Tensor- Times-Matrix
Multiply (SpTTM) and is used in tensor decomposition algorithms. Compared to
state-of-the-art work we improve the performance of SpTTM and SpMTTKRP up to
3.7 and 30.6 times respectively on NVIDIA Titan-X GPUs. We implement a
CANDECOMP/PARAFAC (CP) decomposition and achieve up to 14.9 times speedup using
the unified method over state-of-the-art libraries on NVIDIA Titan-X GPUs
Distributed Bayesian Probabilistic Matrix Factorization
Matrix factorization is a common machine learning technique for recommender
systems. Despite its high prediction accuracy, the Bayesian Probabilistic
Matrix Factorization algorithm (BPMF) has not been widely used on large scale
data because of its high computational cost. In this paper we propose a
distributed high-performance parallel implementation of BPMF on shared memory
and distributed architectures. We show by using efficient load balancing using
work stealing on a single node, and by using asynchronous communication in the
distributed version we beat state of the art implementations
A Review of Lightweight Thread Approaches for High Performance Computing
High-level, directive-based solutions are becoming the programming models (PMs) of the multi/many-core architectures. Several solutions relying on operating system (OS) threads perfectly work with a moderate number of cores. However, exascale systems will spawn hundreds of thousands of threads in order to exploit their massive parallel architectures and thus conventional OS threads are too heavy for that purpose. Several lightweight thread (LWT) libraries have recently appeared offering lighter mechanisms to tackle massive concurrency. In order to examine the suitability of LWTs in high-level runtimes, we develop a set of microbenchmarks consisting of commonly-found patterns in current parallel codes. Moreover, we study the semantics offered by some LWT libraries in order to expose the similarities between different LWT application programming interfaces. This study reveals that a reduced set of LWT functions can be sufficient to cover the common parallel code patterns andthat those LWT libraries perform better than OS threads-based solutions in cases where task and nested parallelism are becoming more popular with new architectures.The researchers from the Universitat Jaume I de Castelló were supported by project TIN2014-53495-R of the MINECO, the Generalitat Valenciana fellowship programme Vali+d 2015, and FEDER. This work was partially supported by the U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Advanced
Scientific Computing Research (SC-21), under contract DEAC02-06CH11357. We gratefully acknowledge the computing resources provided and operated by the Joint Laboratory for System Evaluation (JLSE) at Argonne National Laboratory.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
The Second Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions (2011)
The Second Meeting of States Parties (2MSP) took place in Beirut, Lebanon, from 13 to 16 September 2011 and gathered more than 1,000 delegates from 52 States Parties, 38 signatories States, 41 observers and 15 international organizations (see list below).
The 2MSP was opened by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, President of the 1MSP to the CCM, Mr. Thongloun Sisoulith. During the first plenary meeting, the meeting elected by acclamation Dr. Adnan Mansour, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants of the Republic of Lebanon, as President of the 2MSP to the CCM, assisted by Najla Riachi Assaker, Permanent Representative of Lebanon to the UN in Geneva
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