3,916 research outputs found

    Demystifying the Underpinning Role of Civics and Ethical Education on Freshman Students’ Engagement in Democratic Principles: The Case of Dire Dawa University, Ethiopia

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    The aim of the present study was to ascertain the extent to which the teaching of Civic and Ethical Education enables students to engage in key democratic principles of Ethiopia.  To this purpose, the study adopted descriptive survey design. The target population for this study was freshman students taking Civics and Ethical Education (CEE) course in Dire Dawa University in 2016/2017 academic year. A sample of 113 freshman students who took CEE course were selected from total of 872 freshman students using simple random sampling method. Students’ disposition towards democratic principles was examined using ten items and the reliability of items was found to be Cronbach’s alpha of 0.872. Likewise, items used to examine students’ experience in struggling against violation of democratic principles had reliability coefficient alpha of 0.863. One-sample t-test analysis was made using SPSS 20. Freshman university students have had good disposition to democratic principles and good experience of struggling against violation of these principles. However, students’ had low participation in the election of regional and national representatives and in community meetings. These findings suggest that freshman students do not exercise their democratic right of voting, and fail to participate in community meetings. Keywords: Civic learning, democratic principles, equality, civic dispositio

    Vignette 3. Homo economicus and the developmentalist state. Controversies over citizenship education in Ethiopia

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    The author analyzes a classroom observation of a lesson on traditional versus modern practices of saving money, given in the context of Ethiopia\u27s Civic and Ethical Education (CEE) program. This program\u27s curriculum was central to Ethiopia\u27s post-1991 nation-building project and is in many respects a blueprint for a particular notion of citizenship and personhood, and for relationships between Ethiopians, their nation, and the world. This vignette unveils the deeply controversial nature of the lesson\u27s content and juxtaposes this with the lack of debate encouraged in the classroom. It shows how the CEE curriculum espouses a set of financial priorities here that may be unrealistic for students on the one hand, and antithetical to their religious, community and cultural values on the other. (DIPF/Orig.

    Corruption and Political Interest: Empirical Evidence at the Micro Level

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    The topic of corruption has recently attracted a great deal of attention, yet there is still a lack of micro level empirical evidence regarding the determinants of corruption. Furthermore, the present literature has not investigated the effects of political interest on corruption despite the interesting potential of this link. We address these deficiencies by analyzing a cross-section of individuals, using the World Values Survey. We explore the determinants of corruption through two dependent variables (perceived corruption and the justifiability of corruption). The impact of political interest on corruption is explored through three different proxies, presenting empirical evidence at both the cross-country level and the within-country level. The results of the multivariate analysis suggest that political interest has an impact on corruption controlling for a large number of factors.Corruption; Political Interest, Social Norms

    Corruption and Political Interest: Empirical Evidence at the Micro Level

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    The topic of corruption has recently attracted a great deal of attention, yet there is still a lack of micro level empirical evidence regarding the determinants of corruption. Furthermore, the present literature has not investigated the effects of political interest on corruption despite the interesting potential of this link. We address these deficiencies by analyzing a cross-section of individuals, using the World Values Survey. We explore the determinants of corruption through two dependent variables (perceived corruption and the justifiability of corruption). The impact of political interest on corruption is explored through three different proxies, presenting empirical evidence at both the cross-country level and the within-country level. The results of the multivariate analysis suggest that political interest has an impact on corruption controlling for a large number of factors.Corruption, Political Interest, Social Norms


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    In this article, the authors discuss teachers’ and pupils’ perspectives on civic education in Slovenian public schools. More specifi cally, the authors discuss various factors influencing the implementation of the subject, which since 2008/2009 has been referred to as ‘Citizenship and Homeland Education and Ethics’, previously referred to as ‘Civic Education and Ethics’.1 In Slovenian public schools, the subject is taught in the last triad, more specifically, in the seventh and eighth grades, but not in the ninth grade.In primary schools, the objectives of the subject are value-oriented, drawing on human rights, and originating from learners’ pre-existing knowledge, abilities, and interests. Teachers derive their teaching practice from didactical principles and criteria based on the developmental period of the child, the child’s experiences, personal experiences, ideas, pre-existing knowledge, interests and their fundamental needs when choosing content, individual motivation, case studies, actively including each pupil and achieving social, emotional, motivational, aesthetic, and moral ethical goals. The results of the research show that factors such as the curriculum, teaching and learning methods, teaching aids, the organisation of school life and work, the number of hours per subject, and the teacher’s professionalism have an important influence on teachers’ and pupils’ viewpoints regarding the success of the course. Thus, this article examines the view of pedagogical practice and highlights the views of teachers and students on the implementation of this subject.Autori u prilogu prikazuju rezultate istraživanja mišljenja učitelja i učenika o poučavanju nastavnih predmeta sa sadržajima građanskog odgoja u slovenskoj javnoj školi te utjecaj raznih čimbenika koji utječu na ostvarivanje nastave predmeta koji su od školske godine 2008/09 nazvani građanski i domovinski odgoj te etika. Prije toga ti su predmeti nazivani kratko građanski odgoj i etika. Predmeti se u slovenskoj školi poučavaju u zadnjoj trećini trajanja obavezne škole, u sedmom i osmom razredu, ali ne i u devetom. U osnovnoj školi ciljevi predmeta nadovezuju se na vrijednosti koje proizlaze iz ljudskih prava i za njihovo ostvarivanje mora se, kao i kod svih ostalih predmeta, polaziti od učenikovih predznanja, sposobnosti i interesa. Pri organiziranju nastave učitelji polaze od didaktičkih načela i kriterija kao što su razvojna dob djeteta, djetetova iskustva, osobni doživljaji, učenikovo mišljenje, predznanje, interesi i temeljne potrebe učenika pri izboru sadržaja, motivacija, proučavanje slučajeva, aktivno uključivanje svakog učenika te ostvarivanje socijalnih, osjetilnih, motivacijskih, estetskih te moralnih i etičkih ciljeva. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da čimbenici kao što su nastavni program, oblici i metode rada, nastavna sredstva, organizacija života i rada u školi, broj nastavnih sati i stručnost učitelja značajno utječu na osobna stajališta učenika i učitelja o uspješnosti izvedbe nastave. Ovaj rad tako prikazuje pogled u pedagošku praksu izvođenja nastave prikazanog nastavnog predmeta i objašnjava razlike u gledanjima učitelja i učenika na ostvarivanje nastave ovih predmeta

    Civil Society in the 'Visegrad Four': Data and Literature in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia

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    The first of three publications on the '25 Years After -- Mapping Civil Society in the VisegrĂĄd Four' project contains an overview of existing data and literature in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. It looks at where and what kind of research on civil society has been and is being done, who is doing it and where the gaps are.To be consistent and comparable, the four country reports include the same core sections: relevant publications on civil society in the respective country; existing databases and other data sources; active centres of research, training, and policy studies. More than providing just a list, this report looks at how they can be evaluated in terms of scope, accurateness and depth. Finally, it considers the question of what the most crucial gaps in research and funding in the countries are.An academic volume is slated for the end of 2014. For other publications in English and German, see www.maecenata.eu

    Education Corruption, Reform, and Growth: Case of Post-Soviet Russia

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    This paper investigates a possible impact of education corruption on economic growth in Russia. It argues that high levels of education corruption may harm total factor productivity in the long run, primarily through lowering the level of human capital and slowing down the pace of its accumulation. Ethical standards learned in the process of training in universities can also affect the standards of practice in different professions. The growing level of productivity is not likely to reduce education corruption in the short run, but can eventually lead to implementation of higher ethical standards in the education sector.corruption, education, growth, reform, Russia, transition

    NTA as political strategy in Eastern Europe

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    Although non-territorial autonomy (NTA) has become an increasingly salient feature of minority politics in Central and Eastern Europe over the past two decades, there has been surprisingly little research exploring the origins of NTA arrangements and the underlying understanding of statehood, state-minority relations, and minority rights that they bring to bear. After a brief introduction to the original Renner and Bauer model, this chapter analyses contemporary NTA debates and practices in Estonia, Hungary, Romania, and Russia, linking the discussion to broader agendas that have informed approaches to minority issues in the region following the fall of communism and the demise of the USSR. In each case, attention is given to the varying perspectives of both state and minority actors with regard to NTA and the extent to which it can be seen as a viable model for addressing varying claims advanced across different political contexts

    Beyond Economic Instruments - Social Capital, Governance and Rural Institutional Innovation

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    Economic instruments, or market based instruments try to bring market advantages to social dilemma situations, where private actions do not lead to socially optimal outcomes. Economic instruments try to redress such market failure. They try to create incentives for firms and individuals to act in the public interest. Such situations can be regarded as ‘social dilemma’. An alternative mechanism to solve social dilemma is to use cooperation amongst individuals, by facilitating and utilising social capital. The use of social capital is remains largely underexplored as a policy option, although this trend is changing, most notably in European rural development. Using evidence from research conducted on agricultural and rural institutions in central and Eastern Europe, where extreme institutional change was caused by political shocks to the system, it is argued that policy is best directed at stimulating institutional innovation, through social capital formation. There are lessons applicable to problems evident in rural New Zealand.social capital, institutions, governance, central and eastern Europe, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Environmental Economics and Policy, Political Economy,
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