108,935 research outputs found
Preconditions for Citizen Journalism: A Sociological Assessment
The rise of the citizen journalist and increased attention to this phenomenon requires a sociological assessment that seeks to develop an understanding of how citizen journalism has emerged in contemporary society. This article makes a distinction between two different subcategories of citizen journalism, that is independent and dependent citizen journalism. The purpose of this article is to present four preconditions for citizen journalism to emerge in contemporary society: advanced technology, an \"active audience\", a \"lived\" experience within digital culture, and an organisational change within the news media.Sociology of Web 2.0, Citizen Journalism, Social Media, Digital Culture, User Generated Content, Digital Technology, Active Audience
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Training or Improvisation? Citizen journalists and their educational backgrounds-a comparative view
While citizen journalists hope to bring new impulses to mass media performance, it is often asked whether they are adequately trained for the production of ânewsworthyâ stories. This paper focuses on educational aspects of citizen journalism, which, to date, have largely been disregarded by empirical research. A comparative analytical design illustrates the different ways in which citizen journalists acquire and develop the skills that are necessary to undertake journalistic activities in the different journalism cultures throughout Europe. The authors carried out a multi-national analysis in six European countries (United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, and Poland). In each country, an extensive desk study helped to map the field of citizen journalism and highlight the most relevant examples. Semi-structured interviews with 54 practitioners in the field (representing different types of citizen journalism) made it possible to identify the alternative strategies that citizen journalists employ to prepare themselves for news production initiatives. The research demonstrates that the educational backgrounds of citizen journalists display differences as well as similaritiesâboth within and across journalism cultures. While some of the actors in the field have a clear idea of what constitutes good journalism (and sometimes even aspire to work in a mainstream media organization), others seem to care little about journalistic standards and have only a vague idea about the identity of the profession. On the basis of these insights, the paper develops a typology of citizen journalists that takes into account both their education and their journalistic scope
A citizen journalism primer
Citizen journalism is a hot topic at present, but there remains a degree of conceptual wooliness about its definition and meaning, with everything from lifestyle blogs to live footage of freak weather events being included in this category. This paper will identify factors underpinning the emergence of citizen journalism, including the rise of Web 2.0, rethinking journalism as a professional ideology, the decline of âhigh modernistâ journalism, divergence between elite and popular opinion, changing revenue bases for news production, and the decline of deference in democratic societies. It will consider case studies such as the Korean OhMyNews web site, and connect these issues to wider debates about the implications of journalism and news production increasingly going into the Internet environment
Menyoal Etika Jurnalisme Kontemporer: Belajar dari OhmyNews
This article explores journalism ethics, credibility and objectivity on contemporary journalism platforms (blog, online journalism and citizen journalism) by case study of Ohmynewsâ a citizen journalism developed in South Korea. To answer the challenge of citizen journalism in relation with credibility and objectivity on contemporary journalism, at least there are three solutions. First, by developing education and training for citizen journalism. Second, by building collaboration between professional journalism and citizen. Third, in their task, journalist must based on nine
journalism elements. So, media idealism as social control and education for society can be practice
The case against the democratic influence of the internet on journalism
Book synopsis: Web Journalism: A New Form of Citizenship provides a much-needed analytical account of the implications of interactive participation in the construction of media content. Although web journalism is a fast-changing technology this book will have sustained appeal to an international readership by seeking to critically assess Internet news production.
⊠With the rise of blogging and citizen journalism, it is a commonplace to observe that interactive participatory media are transforming the relationship between the traditional professional media and their audience. A current, popular, assumption is that the traditional flow of information from media to citizen is being reformed into a democratic dialogue between members of a community. The editors and contributors analyse and debate this assumption through international case studies that include the United Kingdom and United States.
⊠While the text has been written and designed for undergraduate and postgraduate use, Web Journalism: A New Form of Citizenship? will be of use and of interest to all those engaged in the debate over Web reporting and citizen journalism
Etika Komunikasi Citizen Journalism Di Media Internet Perspektif Islam: Analisis Konten Topik Pilihan Demo 4 November 2016 pada Blog kompasiana.com
Citizen journalism is a journalistic activities undertaken by the citizens. Citizen journalism can be accessed via internet anywhere and anytime. Application of communication ethics in reporting by citizens is one of the issues that need to be highlighted. Moreover, citizens are not professional journalists who received special training in journalism. Citizens prefer the ability and experience alone in covering and disseminating information on the internet. In this research reveal how communication ethics of citizen journalism in âTopik Pilihan Demo 4 November blog kompasiana.comâ according to the Islamic perspective. Data obtained by observation with a qualitative approach, as well as critical discourse analysis. As the result of this reseach, citizen journalism has the ability of fairness, free and responsible,also constructive criticism. Nevertheless citizen journalism still has weaknesses in accuracy andIslamic ccommunication ethics.***Citizen journalism (jurnalisme warga) merupakan kegiatan jurnalistik yang dilakukan oleh warga. Citizen journalism dapat diakses melalui internet di mana saja dan kapan saja. Penerapan etika komunikasi dalam pemberitaan oleh warga menjadi salah satu masalah yang perlu disoroti. Terlebih warga bukanlah jurnalis profesional yang mendapat pelatihan khusus jurnalisme. Penelitian ini mengungkap bagaimana etika komunikasi citizen journalism pada âTopik Pilihan Demo 4 November blog kompasiana.comâ dalam perspektif Islam. Data diperoleh dengan dokumentasi dengan pendekatan kualitatif, serta analisis wacana kritis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa citizen journalism memiliki kemampuan fairness, bebas bertanggungjawab dan kritik konstruktif. Meski demikian citizen journalism masih mempunyai kelemahan dalam akurasi dan etika komunikasi islami
Etika Komunikasi Citizen Journalism Di Media Internet Perspektif Islam: Analisis Konten Topik Pilihan Demo 4 November 2016 pada Blog kompasiana.com
Citizen journalism is a journalistic activities undertaken by the citizens. Citizen journalism can be accessed via internet anywhere and anytime. Application of communication ethics in reporting by citizens is one of the issues that need to be highlighted. Moreover, citizens are not professional journalists who received special training in journalism. Citizens prefer the ability and experience alone in covering and disseminating information on the internet. In this research reveal how communication ethics of citizen journalism in âTopik Pilihan Demo 4 November blog kompasiana.comâ according to the Islamic perspective. Data obtained by observation with a qualitative approach, as well as critical discourse analysis. As the result of this reseach, citizen journalism has the ability of fairness, free and responsible,also constructive criticism. Nevertheless citizen journalism still has weaknesses in accuracy andIslamic ccommunication ethics.***Citizen journalism (jurnalisme warga) merupakan kegiatan jurnalistik yang dilakukan oleh warga. Citizen journalism dapat diakses melalui internet di mana saja dan kapan saja. Penerapan etika komunikasi dalam pemberitaan oleh warga menjadi salah satu masalah yang perlu disoroti. Terlebih warga bukanlah jurnalis profesional yang mendapat pelatihan khusus jurnalisme. Penelitian ini mengungkap bagaimana etika komunikasi citizen journalism pada âTopik Pilihan Demo 4 November blog kompasiana.comâ dalam perspektif Islam. Data diperoleh dengan dokumentasi dengan pendekatan kualitatif, serta analisis wacana kritis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa citizen journalism memiliki kemampuan fairness, bebas bertanggungjawab dan kritik konstruktif. Meski demikian citizen journalism masih mempunyai kelemahan dalam akurasi dan etika komunikasi islami
CITIZEN JOURNALISM SEBAGAI BENTUK JURNALISTIK MODERN (Studi Fenomenologi Citizen Journalism Di Kanal Net Citizen Journalist)
Penelitian yang berjudul : âCITIZEN JOURNALISM SEBAGAI BENTUK JURNALISTIK MODERN : Studi Fenomenologi Citizen Journalism Di Kanal Net Citizen Journalistâ. Fokus penelitian ini adalah Bagaimana Citizen Journalism Sebagai Bentuk Jurnalistik Modern. Internet yang tumbuh sebagai media baru dalam menyediakan informasi secara cepat memunculkan kegiatan jurnalisme baru. Kehadiran citizen journalism membentuk berita tidak lagi milik para jurnalis profesional, namun kini wargapun memiliki berita untuk disebarluarkan sebagai informasi. Citizen Journalism mampu menyajikian berita yang luput dari perhatian media massa umunnya.
Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan teori Fenomenologi Transendental dari pemikiran Edmud Husserl sebagai dasar dari penelitian. Fenomena bertugas untuk menjelaskan thing in themselves, mengetahui apa yang masuk sebelum kesadaran, dan memahami makna dan esensinya, dalam intuisi dan refleksi diri. Proses ini memerlukan penggabungan dari apa yang nampak, dan apa yang ada dalam gambaran orang yang mengalaminya.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan hadirnya citizen journalism merupakan bentuk dari jurnalistik modern. Hal itu di tegaskan bahwa kegiatan jurnalistik tidak lagi milik media yang memiliki jurnalis profesional di dalamnya namun masyarakat luaspun bisa melakukan hal serupa. Didukung dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi yang kian pesat menabah kegiatan jurnalistik semakin modern. Citizen Journalism adalah wajah masa depan dari pemberitaan. Saat ini banyak orang yang memiliki ponsel dengan camera dan video rekaman di dalamnya. Ia bisa mengumpulkan informasi dan menyebarkan informasi tersebut tanpa adanya interfensi dari media.
Mereka menyebut kegiatan citizen journalism adalah hobi untuk berbagi informasi. Latar belakang mereka melakukan kegiatan citizen journalism memperngaruhi prilaku dan cara pandang mereka. citizen journalism dianggap sebagai penyalur aspirasi, protes, tanggapan juga untuk bisa membantu masyarakat. Pengalaman yang membuat pemahaman itu muncul dalam kesadaran dan dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan mereka
Blogging on the ice: Connecting audiences with climate-change sciences
Scientists working in Antarctica have recognized the need to counteract problems associated with mainstream media's treatment of the climate-change crisis. For this reason, several of them have assumed the role of citizen journalists in order to report on the effects of global warming first-hand. More specifically, they have chosen to communicate directly with the general public through official or personal blogs. In so doing they are capitalizing on the way the Internet is changing science news and journalism. This article draws on an analysis of more than 50 Antarctic blogs published during the International Polar Year (2007-08), as well as data from e-interviews with a broad selection of bloggers, in order to examine how scientists 'on the ice' act as citizen journalists. The article explores the idea of citizen journalism as education and the extent to which the scientists achieve an unmediated form of communication through their blogging efforts. It concludes by suggesting this new form of citizen journalism, beyond raising people's awareness of the climate-change crisis, also signals an important way in which mainstream environmental reporting can be reinvigorated. © 2013 Intellect Ltd Article
ANALISIS FOTO JURNALISTIK DALAM KONTEN CITIZEN JOURNALISM Studi Analisis Semiotika Foto Jurnalistik Dalam Berita Kriminal Pada Akun Instagram @infobandungraya Ditinjau Dari Kode Etik Jurnalistik
KONTEN CITIZEN JOURNALISMâ Studi Analisis Semiotika Foto
Jurnalistik Dalam Berita Kriminal Pada Akun Instagram @infobandungraya
Ditinjau Dari Kode Etik Jurnalistik. Fokus penelitian ini adalah bagaimana
analisis foto jurnalistik pada berita kriminal dalam konten citizen jurnalism
pada akun instagram @infobandungraya ditinjau dari kode etik jurnalistik.
Lahirnya citizen journalism membuat masyarakat tidak lagi menjadi
konsumen berita akan tetapi sekarang sudah menjadi produsen berita dalam
penyebaran suatu informasi. Kehadiran media online mempermudah
masyarakatdalam mendapatkan informasi, bahkan informasi yang berada
sangat jauh. Akun instagram @infobandungraya menjadi salah satu contoh
bentuk media online yang menyajikan informasi seputar Bandung, dan akun
yang menjadi wadah para penggiat citizen journalism.
Kemunculan konten Citizen Journalism pada akun instagram
@infobandungraya menjadi sesuatu yang menarik bagi peneliti. Peneliti
bertujuan untuk menganalisis apakah foto jurnalistik dalam konten Citizen
Journalism sudah memenuhi nilai-nilai sebagai foto jurnalistik yang ditinjau
dari Kode Etik Jurnalistik.
Penelitian menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif serta menggunakan
teori Budaya Media Partisipatoris dan Teori Semiotika Roland Barthes.
Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa dari 2 foto jurnalistik yang menjadi
sample penelitian, semuanya telah mengandung nilai jurnalistik berupa
informatif dan faktual. Namun jika ditinjau dari Kode Etik Jurnalistik 2 foto
jurnalistik tersebut menyalahi Kode Etik Jurnalistik . Hal ini dikarenakan
konten Citizen Journalism lebih mengutamakan kecepatan informasi dan
para pelaku citizen journalism belum memahami bahwa ada Kode Etik
Kata kunci: Citizen Journalism, Foto Jurnalistik, Kode Etik Jurnalisti
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