2,881 research outputs found
Modeling and analysis methodology for aeroelastically tailored chordwise deformable wings
Structural concepts have been created which produce chordwise camber deformation that results in enhanced lift. A wing box can be tailored to utilize each of these with composites. In attempting to optimize the aerodynamic benefits, we have found there are two optimal designs that are of interest. There is a weight optimum which corresponds to the maximum lift per unit structural weight. There is also a lift optimum that corresponds to maximum absolute lift. New structural models, the basic deformation mechanisms that are utilized and typical analytical results are presented. It appears that lift enhancements of sufficient magnitude can be produced to render this type of wing tailoring of practical interest. Experiments and finite element correlations are performed which confirm the validity of the theoretical models utilized
Suppression of flutter
An active aerodynamic control system to control flutter over a large range of oscillatory frequencies is described. The system is not affected by mass, stiffness, elastic axis, or center of gravity location of the system, mode of vibration, or Mach number. The system consists of one or more pairs of leading edge and trailing edge hinged or deformable control surfaces, each pair operated in concert by a stability augmentation system. Torsion and bending motions are sensed and converted by the stability augmentation system into leading and trailing edge control surface deflections which produce lift forces and pitching moments to suppress flutter
Tailored composite wings with elastically produced chordwise camber
Four structural concepts were created which produce chordwise camber deformation that results in enhanced lift. A wing box can be tailored to utilize each of these with composites. In attempting to optimize the aerodynamic benefits, researchers found that there are two optimum designs that are of interest. There is a weight optimum which corresponds to the maximum lift per unit structural weight. There is also a lift optimum that corresponds to maximum absolute lift. Experience indicates that a large weight penalty accompanies the transition from weight to lift optimum designs. New structural models, the basic deformation mechanisms that are utilized, and typical analytical results are presented. It appears that lift enhancements of sufficient magnitude can be produced to render this type of wing tailoring of practical interest
Conceptual-level evaluation of a variable stiffness skin for a morphing wing leading edge
A morphing leading edge produces a continuous aerodynamic surface that has no gaps between the moving and fixed parts. The continuous seamless shape has the potential to reduce drag, compared to conventional devices, such as slats that produce a discrete aerofoil shape change. However, the morphing leading edge has to achieve the required target shape by deforming from the baseline shape under the aerodynamic loads. In this paper, a conceptual-level method is proposed to evaluate the morphing leading edge structure. The feasibility of the skin design is validated by checking the failure index of the composite when the morphing leading edge undergoes the shape change. The stiffness of the morphing leading edge skin is spatially varied using variable lamina angles, and comparisons to the skin with constant stiffness are made to highlight its potential to reduce the actuation forces. The structural analysis is performed using a two-level structural optimisation scheme. The first level optimisation is applied to find the optimised structural proper- ties of the leading edge skin and the associated actuation forces. The structural properties of the skin are given as a stiffness distribution, which is controlled by a B spline interpolation function. In the second level, the design solution of the skin is investigated. The skin is assumed to be made of variable stiffness composite. The stack sequence of the composite is optimised element-by-element to match the target stiffness. A failure criterion is employed to obtain the failure index when the leading edge is actuated from the baseline shape to the target shape. Test cases are given to demonstrate that the optimisation scheme is able to provide the stiffness distribution of the leading edge skin and the actuation forces can be reduced by using a spatially variable stiffness skin
On simple aerodynamic sensitivity derivatives for use in interdisciplinary optimization
Low-aspect-ratio and piston aerodynamic theories are reviewed as to their use in developing aerodynamic sensitivity derivatives for use in multidisciplinary optimization applications. The basic equations relating surface pressure (or lift and moment) to normal wash are given and discussed briefly for each theory. The general means for determining selected sensitivity derivatives are pointed out. In addition, some suggestions in very general terms are included as to sample problems for use in studying the process of using aerodynamic sensitivity derivatives in optimization studies
Helicopter vibration suppression using simple pendulum absorbers on the rotor blade
A comprehensive anaytical design procedure for the installation of simple pendulums on the blades of a helicopter rotor to suppress the root reactions is presented. A frequency response anaysis is conducted of typical rotor blades excited by a harmonic variation of spanwise airload distributions as well as a concentrated load at the tip. The results presented included the effect of pendulum tuning on the minimization of the hub reactions. It is found that a properly designed flapping pendulum attenuates the root out-of-plane force and moment whereas the optimum designed lead-lag pendulum attenuates the root in-plane reactions. For optimum pendulum tuning the parameters to be determined are the pendulum uncoupled natural frequency, the pendulum spanwise location and its mass. It is found that the optimum pendulum frequency is in the vicinity of the excitation frequency. For the optimum pendulum a parametric study is conducted. The parameters varied include prepitch, pretwist, precone and pendulum hinge offset
Multi-objective/loading optimization for rotating composite flexbeams
With the evolution of advanced composites, the feasibility of designing bearingless rotor systems for high speed, demanding maneuver envelopes, and high aircraft gross weights has become a reality. These systems eliminate the need for hinges and heavily loaded bearings by incorporating a composite flexbeam structure which accommodates flapping, lead-lag, and feathering motions by bending and twisting while reacting full blade centrifugal force. The flight characteristics of a bearingless rotor system are largely dependent on hub design, and the principal element in this type of system is the composite flexbeam. As in any hub design, trade off studies must be performed in order to optimize performance, dynamics (stability), handling qualities, and stresses. However, since the flexbeam structure is the primary component which will determine the balance of these characteristics, its design and fabrication are not straightforward. It was concluded that: pitchcase and snubber damper representations are required in the flexbeam model for proper sizing resulting from dynamic requirements; optimization is necessary for flexbeam design, since it reduces the design iteration time and results in an improved design; and inclusion of multiple flight conditions and their corresponding fatigue allowables is necessary for the optimization procedure
A numerical study on active control for tiltrotor whirl flutter stability augmentation
The use of active control to augment whirl flutter stability of tiltrotor aircraft is studied by means of a multibody simulation. The numerical model is based on a 1/5 scale semi-span aeroelastic wind tunnel model of a generic tiltrotor concept and possesses a gimballed, stiff-in-plane rotor that is windmilling. A single-input single-output controller and two types of multi-input multi-output algorithms, Linear Quadratic Gaussian Control and Generalized Predictive Control, are studied. They are using measured wing deflections in order to calculate appropriate swashplate input. Results on the closed-loop behavior of three wing and two gimbal natural modes are given. Robustness analyses with respect to major parameters like wing natural frequencies or structural damping are also briefly discussed. The rotor shear force is shown in the uncontrolled condition and in presence of a controller in order to illustrate the whirl flutter mechanism. The single-input single-output controller yielded substantial gain in stability and turned out to be most suitable for industrial application, whereas the Linear Quadratic Gaussian Regulator yielded even higher damping and still had good robustness characteristics
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