10 research outputs found

    Non-dissipative anomalous currents in 2D materials: the parity magnetic effect as an analog of the chiral magnetic effect

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    Anomalous electric currents along a magnetic field, first predicted to emerge during large heavy ion collision experiments, were also observed a few years ago in condensed matter environments, exploring the fact that charge carriers in Dirac/Weyl semi-metals exhibit a relativistic-like behavior. The mechanism through which such currents are generated relies on an imbalance in the chirality of systems immersed in a magnetic background, leading to the so-called chiral magnetic effect (CME). While chiral magnetic currents have been observed in materials in three space dimensions, in this work we propose that an analog of the chiral magnetic effect can be constructed in two space dimensions, corresponding to a novel type of intrinsic half-integer Quantum Hall effect, thereby also offering a topological protection mechanism for the current. While the 3D chiral anomaly underpins the CME, its 2D cousin is emerging from the 2D parity anomaly, we thence call it the parity magnetic effect (PME). It can occur in disturbed honeycomb lattices where both spin degeneracy and time reversal symmetry are broken. These configurations harbor two distinct gap-opening mechanisms that, when occurring simultaneously, drive slightly different gaps in each valley, establishing an analog of the necessary chiral imbalance. Some examples of promising material setups that fulfill the prerequisites of our proposal are also listed.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Cavity effects on the Fermi velocity renormalization in a graphene sheet

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    Recently, in the literature, it was shown that the logarithmic renormalization of the Fermi velocity in a plane graphene sheet (which, in turn, is related to the Coulombian static potential associated to electrons in the sheet) is inhibited by the presence of a single parallel conducting plate. In the present paper, we investigate the situation of a suspended graphene sheet in a cavity formed by two conducting plates parallel to the sheet. The effect of a cavity on the interaction between electrons in the graphene is not merely the addition of the effects of each plate individually. From this, one can expect that the inhibition of the renormalization of the Fermi velocity generated by a cavity is not a mere addition of the inhibition induced by each single plate. In other words, the simple addition of the result for the inhibition of the renormalization of the Fermi velocity found in the literature for a single plate could not be used to predict the exact behavior of the inhibition for the graphene between two plates. Here, we show that, in fact, this is what happens and calculate how the presence of a cavity formed by two conducting plates parallel to the suspended graphene sheet amplifies, in a non-additive manner, the inhibition of the logarithmic renormalization of the Fermi velocity. In the limits of a single plate and no plates, our formulas recover those found in the literature.This work was partially supported by the following Brazilian Agencies: Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq), and Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ). E. C. Marino was partially supported by CNPq and FAPERJ. D. T. Alves was partially supported by CAPES via Programa Estagio Senior no Exterior - Processo 88881.119705/2016-01, by CNPq via Processos 461826/2014-3 (Edital Universal) and 311920/2014-4 (Bolsa de Produtividade em Pesquisa), and also thanks Jaime Santos, Mikhail I. Vasilevskiy, Nuno M. R. Peres and Yuliy Bludov for useful discussions, as well as the hospitality of the Centro de Fisica, Universidade do Minho, Braga - Portugal. V. S. Alves acknowledges CNPq for support through Bolsa de Produtividade em Pesquisa n. 312654/2017-0. The authors also thank Ygor P. Silva for useful comments

    Field and Gauge Theories with Ultracold Gauge Potentials and Fields

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    In the last decade there has been an intense activity aimed at the quantum simulation of interacting many-body systems using cold atoms [1, 2]. The idea of quantum simulations traces back to Feynman [3], who argued that the ideal setting to study quantum systems would be a quantum experimental setup rather then a classical one - the latter one being fundamentally limited due to its hardware classical structure. This is a particularly important problem given the intrinsic complexity of interacting many-body problems, and the difficulties that arise when tackling them with numerical simulations - two paradigmatic examples being the sign(s) problem affecting Monte Carlo simulations of fermionic systems, and the real time dynamics in more than one spatial dimension. Ultracold atoms offer a very powerful setting for quantum simulations. Atoms can be trapped in tailored optical and magnetic potentials, also controlling their dimensionality. The inter-atomic interactions can be tuned by external knobs, such as Feshbach resonances. This gives a large freedom on model building and, with suitable mappings, they allow the implementation of desired target models. This allowed an impressive exploitation of quantum simulators on the context of condensed matter physics. The simulation of high-energy physics is an important line of research in this field and it is less direct. In particular it requires the implementation of symmetries like Lorentz and gauge invariance which are not immediately available in a cold atomic setting. Gauge fields are ubiquitous in physics ranging from condensed matter [4\u20136] and quantum computation [7, 8] to particle physics [9], an archetypical example being Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) [10,11], the theory of strong nuclear forces. Currently open problems in QCD, providing a long-term goal of cold atomic simulations, include confinement/deconfinement and the structure of color superconducting phases at finite chemical potential [12]. Even though QCD is a very complicated theory (to simulate or study), it is possible to envision a path through implementation of simpler models. Furthermore, it is also expected that interesting physics is found on such \u201cintermediate models\u201d which may deserve attention irrespectively of the QCD study. A very relevant model in this regard is the Schwinger model (Quantum Electrodynamics in 1+1 dimensions) [13]. This theory exhibits features of QCD, such as confinement [14], and is at the very same time amenable to both theoretical studies and simpler experimental schemes. This model was the target of the first experimental realization of a gauge theory with a quantum simulator [15]. The work on this Thesis is, in part, motivated by the study of toy models which put in evidence certain aspects that can be found in QCD. Such toy models provide also intermediate steps in the path towards more complex simulations. The two main aspects of QCD which are addressed here are symmetry-locking and confinement. The other main motivation for this study is to develop a systematic framework, through dimensional mismatch, for theoretical understanding and quantum simulations of long-range theories using gauge theories. The model used to study symmetry-locking consists of a four-fermion mixture [16]. It has the basic ingredients to exhibit a non-Abelian symmetry-locked phase: the full Hamiltonian has an SU (2) 7 SU (2) (global) symmetry which can break to a smaller SU (2) group. Such phase is found in a extensive region of the phase diagram by using a mean-field approach and a strong coupling expansion. A possible realization of such system is provided by an Ytterbium mixture. Even without tuning interactions, it is shown that such mixture falls inside the the locked-symmetry phase pointing towards a possible realization in current day experiments. The models with dimensional mismatch investigated here have fermions in a lower dimensionality d + 1 and gauge fields in higher dimensionality D + 1. They serve two purposes: establish mappings to non-local theories by integration of fields [17] and the study of confinement [18]. In the particular case of d = 1 and D = 2 it is found that some general non-local terms can be obtained on the Lagrangian [17]. This is found in the form of power-law expansions of the Laplacian mediating either kinetic terms (for bosons) or interactions (for fermions). The fact that such expansions are not completely general is not surprising since constraints do exist, preventing unphysical features like breaking of unitarity. The non-local terms obtained are physically acceptable, in this regard, since they are derived from unitary theories. The above mapping is done exactly. In certain cases it is shown that it is possible to construct an effective long-range Hamiltonian in a perturbative expansion. In particular it is shown how this is done for non-relativistic fermions (in d = 1) and 3 + 1 gauge fields. These results are relevant in the context of state of the art experiments which implement models with long-range interactions and where theoretical results are less abundant than for the case of local theories. The above mappings establish a direct relation with local theories which allow theoretical insight onto these systems. Examples of this would consist on the application of Mermin- Wagner-Hohenberg theorem [19, 20] and Lieb-Robinson bounds [21], on the propagation of quantum correlations, to non-local models. In addition they can also provide a path towards implementation of tunable long-range interactions with cold atoms. Furthermore, in terms of quantum simulations, they are in between the full higher dimensional system and the full lower dimensional one. Such property is attractive from the point of view of a gradual increase of complexity for quantum simulations of gauge theories. Another interesting property of these models is that they allow the study of confinement beyond the simpler case of the Schwinger model. The extra dimensions are enough to attribute dynamics to the gauge field, which are no longer completely fixed by the Gauss law. The phases of the Schwinger model are shown to be robust under variation of the dimension of the gauge fields [18]. Both the screened phase, of the massless case, and the confined phase, of the massive one, are found for gauge fields in 2+1 and 3+1 dimensions. Such results are also obtained in the Schwinger- Thirring model. This shows that these phases are very robust and raises interesting questions about the nature of confinement. Robustness under Thirring interactions are relevant because it shows that errors on the experimental implementation will not spoil the phase. Even more interesting is the case of gauge fields in higher dimensions since confinement in the Schwinger model is intuitively atributed to the dimensionality of the gauge fields (creating linear potentials between particles). This Thesis is organized as follows. In Chapter 1, some essential background regarding quantum simulations of gauge theories is provided. It gives both a brief introduction to cold atomic physics and lattice gauge theories. In Chapter 2, it is presented an overview over proposals of quantum simulators of gauge potentials and gauge fields. At the end of this Chapter, in Section 2.3 it is briefly presented ongoing work on a realization of the Schwinger model that we term Half Link Schwinger model. There, it is argued, some of the generators of the gauge symmetry on the lattice can be neglected without comprimising gauge invariance. In Chapter 3, the results regarding the phase diagram of the fourfermion mixture, exhibiting symmetry-locking, is presented. In Chapter 4, the path towards controlling non-local kinetic terms and interactions is provided, after a general introduction to the formalism of dimensional mismatch. At the end the construction of effective Hamiltonians is described. Finally, Chapter 5 concerns the study of confinement and the robustness of it for 1+1 fermions. The first part regards the Schwinger-Thirring with the presence of a -term while, in the second part, models with dimensional mismatch are considered. The thesis ends with conclusions and perspectives of future work based on the results presented here

    Finite group lattice gauge theories for quantum simulation

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    The present manuscript focuses on Lattice Gauge Theories based on finite groups. For the purpose of Quantum Simulation, the Hamiltonian approach is considered, while the finite group serves as a discretization scheme for the degrees of freedom of the gauge fields. Several aspects of these models are studied. First, we investigate dualities in Abelian models with a restricted geometry, using a systematic approach. This leads to a rich phase diagram dependent on the super-selection sectors. Second, we construct a family of lattice Hamiltonians for gauge theories with a finite group, either Abelian or non-Abelian. We show that is possible to express the electric term as a natural graph Laplacian, and that the physical Hilbert space can be explicitly built using spin network states. In both cases we perform numerical simulations in order to establish the correctness of the theoretical results and further investigate the models