82,687 research outputs found
AUVIS-Brain Gym To Increase Children's Learning Concentration During Covid-19 Pandemic
Background: The COVID-19 Pandemic Disaster lasted for more than a year and had an impact on children in their learning, including stress in learning, thereby reducing learning concentration. An environment that is not conducive to a learning process that is not optimal can make children's learning concentration go down.
Methods: The research method used a Pre experimental study with a pre-post test design. The population of this study was elementary school students in the Sidoarjo district with criteria. Namely, the respondents carried out brain gym with a frequency of 1 time a day for three weeks. The sample chosen using non-random Sampling with a sample size was 139 respondents. This research used an independent variable Psychosocial Disaster Management: AuVis-BG (Brain Gym), one time a day for three weeks. The dependent variable of this research was Children's Learning Concentration with a questionnaire. The research tool is the questionnaire that the respondents measure to be valid and reliable. Statistical test using Wilcoxon with <0.05. Health Research Ethical Clearance letter 134/XI/EC/2021
Results: Based on the Wilcoxon statistical test was found that p = 0.000, which means that there is an influence of Psychosocial Disaster Management: AuVis-BG (Brain Gym) on Children's Learning Concentration During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Conclusion: Psychosocial Disaster Management: AuVis-BG (Brain Gym) effectively increases Children's Learning Concentration during the COVID-19 Pandemic. This intervention can be used as a preventive therapy for cognitive decline in children during online learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Tingkat Konsentrasi Belajar Anak pada Siswa Kelas IV SD melalui Brain Gym (Senam Otak)
This study aims to determine the effect of the brain gym on the level of concentration in children's learning in fourth-grade elementary school students at SDN Cimalaka II, Cimalaka District, Sumedang Regency. The research method used is a quasi-experimental design using one group pre-test and post-test design. The results showed that the average level of learning concentration in fourth-grade elementary school students before the brain gym was done was 6.18, with a standard deviation of 1.632. Meanwhile, the intermediate level of learning concentration in fourth-grade elementary school students after brain gym is done 7.01 with a standard deviation of 1.291. Bivariate analysis showed that the average increase was 7.09, evidenced by a p-value of 0.001 <0.05. In conclusion, the brain gym affects concentration in children's learning in fourth-grade elementary school students at SDN Cimalaka II, Cimalaka District, Sumedang Regency.
Keywords: Brain Gym, Learning Concentration, Elementary School Student
Peningkatan Konsentrasi Belajar dengan Yoga Anak
The Covid-19 pandemic does not only affect adults. Even children don't escape this problem. The obstacles that parents often face during the learning period at home are related to the children's learning concentration because the home environment and teaching materials are often not controlled by the parents. Many methods are currently being used to increase learning concentration in children, one of which is by using child yoga. Child yoga is a technique that allows children to concentrate on learning which is specifically applied by parents in parenting. The purpose of community service is to help increase the concentration of children's learning at home during the pandemic with child yoga methods. This activity consists of 3 stages, namely stage 1, measuring the concentration of learning, stage 2, providing application assistance material and stage 3 evaluating the application of children's yoga. Initial results when given the questionnaire showed that the concentration level of children in the Kemantren Village (15 respondents) for the good concentration category was 36% while those who concentrated sufficiently were 64%. The companion implementation was carried out for one week with the results of the evaluation, namely that there was a concentration of children's learning that concentrated well by 68. % while those who concentrate enough are 32%. The conclusion from this community service is that the children's yoga method can be applied by parents to increase learning concentration in children. AbstrakPandemi Covid-19 tidak hanya berdampak pada orang dewasa. Anak-anak pun tidak luput dari masalah ini. Kendala yang sering dihadapi orang tua dalam masa pembelajaran di rumah adalah berkaitan dengan konsentasi belajar anak karena lingkungan rumah dan materi ajar sering kali tidak dikuasai orang tua. Banyak metode yang dilakukan sekarang ini untuk meningkatkan konsentrasi belajar pada anak salah satunya dengan menggunakan yoga anak. Yoga anak adalah teknik yang membuat anak bisa konsentrasi dalam belajar yang secara khusus diterapkan oleh orang tua dalam mengasuh anak. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk membantu meningkatkan konsentrasi belajar anak di rumah pada masa pandemi dengan metode yoga anak. Kegiatan ini terdiri dari 3 tahapan yaitu tahap 1 pengukuran konsentarasi belajar tahap 2 pemberian materi pendampingan penerapan dan tahap 3 evaluasi penerapan yoga anak. Hasil awal saat diberikan kuisoner menunjukkan bahwa tingkat konsentrasi pada anak-anak di Desa Kemantren (15 responden) untuk kategori berkonsentrasi baik sebesar 36 % sedangkan yang berkonsentrasi cukup sebesar 64%. Pendamping penerapan dilakukan selama satu minggu dengan hasil evaluasi yaitu terjadi pada konsentrasi belajar anak berkonsentrasi baik sebesar 68 . % sedangkan yang berkonsentrasi cukup sebesar 32 %. Kesimpulan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini bahwa metode yoga anak dapat diterapkan orangtuan untuk meningkatkan konsentrasi belajar pada anak
The purpose of this study was to find out the benefits of music art through children's songs as a learning medium to increase the learning concentration of fourth-grade students at SD Negeri 20 Pahbatan Balingka. Music can not only be used as a medium of entertainment but music can be used as a medium in the learning process to increase student learning concentration. The method used in this study is the literature review method. The data in this study were obtained from the results of analysis of journals and scientific articles from previous researchers and practitioners relevant to this research. The results of the analysis were reduced to obtain the required data and then presented the data and conclusions were drawn. The results of this study indicate that learning the art of music through children's songs has good benefits for students, namely providing calm, and comfort, providing happiness, relieving stress, sharpening memory, and making minds brighter so as to increase student learning concentration
Peningkatan Konsentrasi Belajar dengan Yoga Anak
The Covid-19 pandemic does not only affect adults. Even children don't escape this problem. The obstacles that parents often face during the learning period at home are related to the children's learning concentration because the home environment and teaching materials are often not controlled by the parents. Many methods are currently being used to increase learning concentration in children, one of which is by using child yoga. Child yoga is a technique that allows children to concentrate on learning which is specifically applied by parents in parenting. The purpose of community service is to help increase the concentration of children's learning at home during the pandemic with child yoga methods. This activity consists of 3 stages, namely stage 1, measuring the concentration of learning, stage 2, providing application assistance material and stage 3 evaluating the application of children's yoga. Initial results when given the questionnaire showed that the concentration level of children in the Kemantren Village (15 respondents) for the good concentration category was 36% while those who concentrated sufficiently were 64%. The companion implementation was carried out for one week with the results of the evaluation, namely that there was a concentration of children's learning that concentrated well by 68. % while those who concentrate enough are 32%. The conclusion from this community service is that the children's yoga method can be applied by parents to increase learning concentration in children. AbstrakPandemi Covid-19 tidak hanya berdampak pada orang dewasa. Anak-anak pun tidak luput dari masalah ini. Kendala yang sering dihadapi orang tua dalam masa pembelajaran di rumah adalah berkaitan dengan konsentasi belajar anak karena lingkungan rumah dan materi ajar sering kali tidak dikuasai orang tua. Banyak metode yang dilakukan sekarang ini untuk meningkatkan konsentrasi belajar pada anak salah satunya dengan menggunakan yoga anak. Yoga anak adalah teknik yang membuat anak bisa konsentrasi dalam belajar yang secara khusus diterapkan oleh orang tua dalam mengasuh anak. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk membantu meningkatkan konsentrasi belajar anak di rumah pada masa pandemi dengan metode yoga anak. Kegiatan ini terdiri dari 3 tahapan yaitu tahap 1 pengukuran konsentarasi belajar tahap 2 pemberian materi pendampingan penerapan dan tahap 3 evaluasi penerapan yoga anak. Hasil awal saat diberikan kuisoner menunjukkan bahwa tingkat konsentrasi pada anak-anak di Desa Kemantren (15 responden) untuk kategori berkonsentrasi baik sebesar 36 % sedangkan yang berkonsentrasi cukup sebesar 64%. Pendamping penerapan dilakukan selama satu minggu dengan hasil evaluasi yaitu terjadi pada konsentrasi belajar anak berkonsentrasi baik sebesar 68 . % sedangkan yang berkonsentrasi cukup sebesar 32 %. Kesimpulan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini bahwa metode yoga anak dapat diterapkan orangtuan untuk meningkatkan konsentrasi belajar pada anak
The purpose of this study was to find out the benefits of music art through children's songs as a learning medium to increase the learning concentration of fourth-grade students at SD Negeri 20 Pahbatan Balingka. Music can not only be used as a medium of entertainment but music can be used as a medium in the learning process to increase student learning concentration. The method used in this study is the literature review method. The data in this study were obtained from the results of analysis of journals and scientific articles from previous researchers and practitioners relevant to this research. The results of the analysis were reduced to obtain the required data and then presented the data and conclusions were drawn. The results of this study indicate that learning the art of music through children's songs has good benefits for students, namely providing calm, and comfort, providing happiness, relieving stress, sharpening memory, and making minds brighter so as to increase student learning concentration
Peningkatan Konsentrasi Belajar dengan Yoga Anak
The biggest challenge for children with the pandemic is the growing risk that affects the development of cognitive, behavioral and emotional abilities and even experiences physical danger that can result in a decrease or delay in overall growth and development, so that it can affect children's lives in the future. Obstacles that are often faced by parents in the learning period at home are related to the concentration of children's learning because the home environment and teaching materials are often not controlled by parents. Many methods are currently being used to increase the concentration of learning in children, one of which is by using children's yoga. Yoga is an activity that directs a person to concentrate, regulate breath, calm the mind, with certain poses. The purpose of this community service is to help increase the concentration of children's learning at home during the pandemic with the children's yoga method. This activity consists of 3 stages, namely stage 1 providing material, stage 2 video playback and online mentoring of children's yoga practice practices, and stage 3 evaluating the application of children's yoga. The success of yoga counseling activities in overcoming children's learning concentration difficulties is strongly influenced by the willingness of participants to listen to the material to be understood and the availability of participants in trying to apply it in their daily lives. This yoga counseling activity in overcoming children's learning difficulties is carried out by children aged 6-12 years or elementary school age by listening to the material and asking questions and evaluating activities. After evaluating the counseling activities about yoga in overcoming learning concentration in children aged 6-12 years, the participants seemed to already know yoga movements that can be used to overcome learning concentration in elementary school-aged children.AbstrakTantangan terbesar pada anak dengan adanya pandemi adalah tumbuhnya risiko yang berpengaruh pada perkembangan kemampuan kognitif, perilaku dan emosional bahkan juga mengalami bahaya fisik yang dapat mengakibatkan penurunan atau keterlambatan tumbuh kembang secara keseluruhan, sehingga dapat mempengaruhi kehidupan anak di masa depan. Kendala yang sering dihadapi orang tua dalam masa pembelajaran di rumah adalah berkaitan dengan konsentasi belajar anak karena lingkungan rumah dan materi ajar sering kali tidak dikuasai orang tua. Banyak metode yang dilakukan sekarang ini untuk meningkatkan konsentrasi belajar pada anak salah satunya dengan menggunakan yoga anak. Yoga adalah sebuah aktivitas yang mengarahkan seseorang untuk berkonsentrasi, mengatur nafas, menenangkan pikiran, dengan pose-pose tertentu. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk membantu meningkatkan konsentrasi belajar anak di rumah pada masa pandemi dengan metode yoga anak. Kegiatan ini terdiri dari 3 tahapan yaitu tahap 1 pemberian materi, tahap 2 pemutaran video dan pendampingan praktek gerakan yoga anak bersama secara daring, dan tahap 3 evaluasi penerapan yoga anak. Keberhasilan kegiatan penyuluhan yoga dalam mengatasi kesulitan konsentrasi belajar anak ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh kebersediaannya peserta dalam menyimak materi untuk dipahami dan ketersediaannya peserta dalam mencoba menerapkannya dalam kesehariannya. Kegiatan penyuluhan yoga dalam mengatasi kesulitan belajar anak ini dilakukan oleh anak-anak usia 6-12 tahun atau usia sekolah dasar dengan menyimak materi dan tanya jawab serta melakukan evaluasi kegiatan. Setelah dilakukannya evaluasi kegiatan penyuluhan tentang yoga dalam mengatasi konsentrasi belajar pada anak usia 6-12 tahun tersebut, peserta tampak sudah mengetahui gerakan-gerakan yoga yang dapat digunakan dalam mengatasi konsentrasi belajar pada anak usia sekolah dasar
Peningkatan Konsentrasi Belajar dengan Yoga Anak
The biggest challenge for children with the pandemic is the growing risk that affects the development of cognitive, behavioral and emotional abilities and even experiences physical danger that can result in a decrease or delay in overall growth and development, so that it can affect children's lives in the future. Obstacles that are often faced by parents in the learning period at home are related to the concentration of children's learning because the home environment and teaching materials are often not controlled by parents. Many methods are currently being used to increase the concentration of learning in children, one of which is by using children's yoga. Yoga is an activity that directs a person to concentrate, regulate breath, calm the mind, with certain poses. The purpose of this community service is to help increase the concentration of children's learning at home during the pandemic with the children's yoga method. This activity consists of 3 stages, namely stage 1 providing material, stage 2 video playback and online mentoring of children's yoga practice practices, and stage 3 evaluating the application of children's yoga. The success of yoga counseling activities in overcoming children's learning concentration difficulties is strongly influenced by the willingness of participants to listen to the material to be understood and the availability of participants in trying to apply it in their daily lives. This yoga counseling activity in overcoming children's learning difficulties is carried out by children aged 6-12 years or elementary school age by listening to the material and asking questions and evaluating activities. After evaluating the counseling activities about yoga in overcoming learning concentration in children aged 6-12 years, the participants seemed to already know yoga movements that can be used to overcome learning concentration in elementary school-aged children.AbstrakTantangan terbesar pada anak dengan adanya pandemi adalah tumbuhnya risiko yang berpengaruh pada perkembangan kemampuan kognitif, perilaku dan emosional bahkan juga mengalami bahaya fisik yang dapat mengakibatkan penurunan atau keterlambatan tumbuh kembang secara keseluruhan, sehingga dapat mempengaruhi kehidupan anak di masa depan. Kendala yang sering dihadapi orang tua dalam masa pembelajaran di rumah adalah berkaitan dengan konsentasi belajar anak karena lingkungan rumah dan materi ajar sering kali tidak dikuasai orang tua. Banyak metode yang dilakukan sekarang ini untuk meningkatkan konsentrasi belajar pada anak salah satunya dengan menggunakan yoga anak. Yoga adalah sebuah aktivitas yang mengarahkan seseorang untuk berkonsentrasi, mengatur nafas, menenangkan pikiran, dengan pose-pose tertentu. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk membantu meningkatkan konsentrasi belajar anak di rumah pada masa pandemi dengan metode yoga anak. Kegiatan ini terdiri dari 3 tahapan yaitu tahap 1 pemberian materi, tahap 2 pemutaran video dan pendampingan praktek gerakan yoga anak bersama secara daring, dan tahap 3 evaluasi penerapan yoga anak. Keberhasilan kegiatan penyuluhan yoga dalam mengatasi kesulitan konsentrasi belajar anak ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh kebersediaannya peserta dalam menyimak materi untuk dipahami dan ketersediaannya peserta dalam mencoba menerapkannya dalam kesehariannya. Kegiatan penyuluhan yoga dalam mengatasi kesulitan belajar anak ini dilakukan oleh anak-anak usia 6-12 tahun atau usia sekolah dasar dengan menyimak materi dan tanya jawab serta melakukan evaluasi kegiatan. Setelah dilakukannya evaluasi kegiatan penyuluhan tentang yoga dalam mengatasi konsentrasi belajar pada anak usia 6-12 tahun tersebut, peserta tampak sudah mengetahui gerakan-gerakan yoga yang dapat digunakan dalam mengatasi konsentrasi belajar pada anak usia sekolah dasar
The development of the digital era encourages the transformation of the formation of children's learning independence through learning in the classroom and outside the classroom. Especially in Ambon City, the establishment of children's learning independence agrees between teachers and parents. In some early childhood education parents always wait for their children to come home from school, children always peek back to make sure whether their mother is still there or has gone home, there are children who want to learn but must be accompanied by parents. Of course, this reduces the concentration of learning, forms an attitude of lack of confidence in conveying thoughts, less independently storing learning equipment, less independently wearing shoes, etc. To find solutions to the problems above, the author uses a literature review method related to parental involvement and forming learning independence for children aged 5-6 years in the digital era. Based on a literature review of the topics discussed, the author found the formation of children's learning independence by involving them in competitions, additional lessons and the importance of parental involvement in shaping children's independence in the family
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