101,687 research outputs found

    Book Review: Paul Collins, \u3cem\u3eBelievers: Does Australian Catholicism Have a Future?\u3c/em\u3e, University of New South Wales Press, 2008

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    The text Believers: Does Australian Catholicism Have a Future? explores the historical, contemporary, and present role of Roman Catholicism within Australian society. Central to six engaging, challenging, and perhaps controversial chapters is the question: “Is the Church in a state of decline within Australia?” In his book Paul Collins highlights certain aspects of Australian culture and society that have flourished due to the influence of the Church, and critically examines some factors attributed to the apparent “failure” of Catholicism to permeate this same culture fully. Despite his criticism of the localized Church, the author remains optimistic for the future of Roman Catholicism in Australia

    Responses: Studying Catholicism

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    William Godwin and Catholicism

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    This essay traces Godwin‘s changing attitude to Catholicism by exploring a variety of texts generally considered marginal to his oeuvre and a hitherto unexamined selection of his unpublished manuscripts

    Book Review: Democracy, Culture, Catholicism: Voices from Four Continents, edited by Michael Schuck and John Crowley-Buck

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    A review of Democracy, Culture, Catholicism: Voices from Four Continents edited by Michael Schuck and John Crowley-Buck

    Public Catholicism: An American Prospect

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    Church of the Epiphany: Catholicism

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    Student perspectives on worship services from Instructor Jennifer Garvin-Sanchez\u27s Religious Studies 108 Human Spirituality course at Virginia Commonwealth University

    A Pastor’s Kid Finds the Catholic Church

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    In this essay, I describe my journey to Catholicism and explain one of the many reasons I became Catholic--namely, an argument from the canon of Scripture

    Menorah Review (No. 19, Summer, 1990)

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    Jewish Historiography -- Dreyfus and French Catholicism -- Child of Israel -- Behind the Scenes of the Forty-Year War -- Learning the Lessons of History: Reflections on the Writing of Michael Marru

    The Implications of Cultural Background on Labour Market Choices: The Case of Religion and Entrepreneurship

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    We suggest a methodology for identifying the implications of alternative cultural and social norms embodied by religious denomination on labour market outcomes, by estimating the differential impact of Protestantism versus Catholicism on the propensity to be an entrepreneur, on the basis of the diverse minority status of both confessions across European regions. Our quasi-experimental research design exploits the stronger degree of attachment to religious ethic of religious minorities and the exogenous historical determination of the geographical distribution of religious minorities in Europe. Our analysis of European Social Survey data collected in four waves between 2002 and 2008 in 22 European countries, indicates that cultural background has a significant effect on the individual propensity to become an entrepreneur, with Protestantism increasing the chances to be an entrepreneur by around 3% with respect to Catholicism. Our findings, stable across a number of robustness checks, provide further evidence on the need to take cultural elements into consideration when analysing economic behaviour.entrepreneurship, self-employment, religion, culture, Protestantism, Catholicism

    Book Review: \u3ci\u3eVernacular Catholicism, Vernacular Saints: Selva J. Raj on “Being Catholic the Tamil Way”\u3c/i\u3e

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    Book review of Vernacular Catholicism, Vernacular Saints: Selva J. Raj on “Being Catholic the Tamil Way.” Edited by Reid B. Locklin. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 2017, xvii + 290 pages
