204 research outputs found
Religious Journalism
The purpose of this thesis is to show the progress of religious journalism, especially Catholic journalism, in the United States; the present state of\u27 the religious press; and the need for an active church press
The Purple, February 1896
The Purple is a student publication offering news of the month, editorials, poetry, college news and alumni news. This issue contains the following: Contents News of the Month The Exile Bread Cast Upon the Waters The Colonel\u27s Tale The Pen or the Hoe Senator Lodges\u27s Speech on the Venezuelan Question Life\u27s Ways Are One American Catholic Journalism Editorials Book Notices Alumni Notes College Notes Athletics Jottings Advertisement
Journalistic norms, ethics, and practices at EWTN
Professional project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Arts in Journalism from the School of Journalism, University of Missouri--Columbia.Includes bibliographic references
Mechanisms of homonym transformations : on Catholic variants of Stalinist discourse in Poland
Despite its anti-religious character, totalitarian discourse, in the years 1949-1956 filling the entire space of Polish official culture, had its Catholic segment. Within this segment, there occurred a transformation of the religious net of concepts into semantic units of totalitarian language, a transformation of Catholic worldview narratives into Stalinist ones. This text aims to describe the semiotic mechanisms of such transformation. The relations between the initial semiosphere of language and the sub-semiosphere of its totalitarian variant are described. Presented here is a proposal for a theoretical description of the transformation of signs and texts of natural language into totalitarian ones, and an analysis of its possible strategies: renomination of signs, resemantization of texts, and incorporation of signs and texts from foreign semiotic fields. The material analyzed here comes mainly from the weekly magazine Dziś i Jutro and from other parts of the discursive field of Polish Catholic journalism, which tended towards the official discourse, including periodicals of the circles of Catholic priests ready to institutionally cooperate with the communist authorities
Serial struggles : English Catholics and their periodicals,1648-1844
EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo
Masoneria jako „Antykościół” w publicystyce katolickiej Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej
In the Catholic journalism of the Second Republic, Freemasonry was often accused of seeking to destroy the Church and eradicate religious life from society. It was attributed to its connections with Jews and satanic inclinations. Enunciations on the aforementioned issue were therefore an emanation of the “black legend” of freemasonry, which had long been spread in conservative circles, especially Catholic ones. The purpose of this article is to show the image of Freemasonry as an organization fighting against the Church and being the cause of secularization, or de-Christianization of society in the home country and the world, as it was created in the Catholic press of interwar Poland
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