60,782 research outputs found
Strong late-time circumstellar interaction in the peculiar supernova iPTF14hls
We present a moderate-resolution spectrum of the peculiar Type II supernova
iPTF14hls taken on day 1153 after discovery. This spectrum reveals the clear
signature of shock interaction with dense circumstellar material (CSM). We
suggest that this CSM interaction may be an important clue for understanding
the extremely unusual photometric and spectroscopic evolution seen over the
first 600 days of iPTF14hls. The late-time spectrum shows a double-peaked
intermediate-width H-alpha line indicative of expansion speeds around 1000
km/s, with the double-peaked shape hinting at a disc-like geometry in the CSM.
If the CSM was highly asymmetric, perhaps in a disc or torus that was ejected
from the star 3-6 years prior to explosion, then the CSM interaction could have
been overrun and hidden below the SN ejecta photosphere from a wide range of
viewing angles. In that case, CSM interaction luminosity would have been
thermalized well below the photosphere, possibly sustaining the high luminosity
without exhibiting the traditional observational signatures of strong CSM
interaction (narrow H-alpha emission and X-rays). Variations in density
structure of the CSM could account for the multiple rebrightenings of the
lightcurve. We propose that enveloped CSM interaction as seen in some recent
SNe, rather than an entirely new explosion mechanism, may be adequate to
explain the peculiar evolution of iPTF14hls.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, submitted to MNRAS with referee respons
Outside the Wall: Hydrodynamics of Type I Supernovae Interacting with a Partially Swept-Up Circumstellar Medium
Explaining the observed diversity of supernovae (SNe) and the physics of
explosion requires knowledge of their progenitor stars, which can be obtained
by constraining the circumstellar medium (CSM). Models of the SN ejecta
colliding with CSM are necessary to infer the structure of the CSM and tie it
back to a progenitor model. Recent SNe I revealed CSM concentrated at a
distance cm, for which models of SN interaction are extremely
limited. In this paper, we assume the concentrated region is a "wall"
representing swept-up material, and unswept material lies outside the wall. We
simulate one-dimensional hydrodynamics of SNe Ia & Ib impacting 300 unique CSM
configurations using RT1D, which captures the Rayleigh-Taylor instability. We
find that the density ratio between the wall and ejecta -- denoted or
"wall height" -- is key, and higher walls deviate more from self-similar
evolution. Functional fits accounting for are presented for the forward
shock radius evolution. We show that higher walls have more degeneracy between
CSM properties in the deceleration parameter, slower shocks, deeper-probing
reverse shocks, slower shocked ejecta, less ejecta mass than CSM in the shock,
and more mixing of ejecta into the CSM at early times. We analyze observations
of SN 2014C (Type Ib) and suggest that it had a moderately high wall () and wind-like outer CSM. We also postulate an alternate interpretation
for the radio data of SN 2014C, that the radio rise occurs in the wind rather
than the wall. Finally, we find that hydrodynamic measurements at very late
times cannot distinguish the presence of a wall, except perhaps as an
anomalously wide shock region.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, accepted to Ap
Against the Wind: Radio Light Curves of Type Ia Supernovae Interacting with Low-Density Circumstellar Shells
For decades, a wide variety of observations spanning the radio through
optical and on to the x-ray have attempted to uncover signs of type Ia
supernovae (SNe Ia) interacting with a circumstellar medium (CSM). The goal of
these studies is to constrain the nature of the hypothesized SN Ia mass-donor
companion. A continuous CSM is typically assumed when interpreting observations
of interaction. However, while such models have been successfully applied to
core-collapse SNe, the assumption of continuity may not be accurate for SNe Ia,
as shells of CSM could be formed by pre-supernova eruptions (novae). In this
work, we model the interaction of SNe with a spherical, low density,
finite-extent CSM and create a suite of synthetic radio synchrotron light
curves. We find that CSM shells produce sharply peaked light curves, and
identify a fiducial set of models that all obey a common evolution and can be
used to generate radio light curves for interaction with an arbitrary shell.
The relations obeyed by the fiducial models can be used to deduce CSM
properties from radio observations; we demonstrate this by applying them to the
non-detections of SN 2011fe and SN 2014J. Finally, we explore a multiple shell
CSM configuration and describe its more complicated dynamics and resultant
radio light curves.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, ApJ accepte
Shadows of characteristic cycles, Verma modules, and positivity of Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson classes of Schubert cells
Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson (CSM) classes generalize to singular and/or
noncompact varieties the classical total homology Chern class of the tangent
bundle of a smooth compact complex manifold. The theory of CSM classes has been
extended to the equivariant setting by Ohmoto. We prove that for an arbitrary
complex projective manifold , the homogenized, torus equivariant CSM class
of a constructible function is the restriction of the characteristic
cycle of via the zero section of the cotangent bundle of . This
extends to the equivariant setting results of Ginzburg and Sabbah. We
specialize to be a (generalized) flag manifold . In this case CSM
classes are determined by a Demazure-Lusztig (DL) operator. We prove a `Hecke
orthogonality' of CSM classes, determined by the DL operator and its
Poincar{\'e} adjoint. We further use the theory of holonomic
-modules to show that the characteristic cycle of a Verma
module, restricted to the zero section, gives the CSM class of the
corresponding Schubert cell. Since the Verma characteristic cycles naturally
identify with the Maulik and Okounkov's stable envelopes, we establish an
equivalence between CSM classes and stable envelopes; this reproves results of
Rim{\'a}nyi and Varchenko. As an application, we obtain a Segre type formula
for CSM classes. In the non-equivariant case this formula is manifestly
positive, showing that the expansion in the Schubert basis of the CSM class of
a Schubert cell is effective. This proves a previous conjecture by Aluffi and
Mihalcea, and it extends previous positivity results by J. Huh in the Grassmann
manifold case. Finally, we generalize all of this to partial flag manifolds
.Comment: 40 pages; main changes in v2: removed some unnecessary compactness
hypotheses; added remarks 7.2 and 9.6 explaining how orthogonality of
characteristic cycles for transversal Schubert cell stratifications leads to
orthogonality of stable envelopes and that of CSM classe
Supernova PTF12glz: a possible shock breakout driven through an aspherical wind
We present visible-light and ultraviolet (UV) observations of the supernova
PTF12glz. The SN was discovered and monitored in near-UV and R bands as part of
a joint GALEX and Palomar Transient Factory campaign. It is among the most
energetic Type IIn supernovae observed to date (~10^51erg). If the radiated
energy mainly came from the thermalization of the shock kinetic energy, we show
that PTF12glz was surrounded by ~1 solar mass of circumstellar material (CSM)
prior to its explosive death. PTF12glz shows a puzzling peculiarity: at early
times, while the freely expanding ejecta are presumably masked by the optically
thick CSM, the radius of the blackbody that best fits the observations grows at
~8000km/s. Such a velocity is characteristic of fast moving ejecta rather than
optically thick CSM. This phase of radial expansion takes place before any
spectroscopic signature of expanding ejecta appears in the spectrum and while
both the spectroscopic data and the bolometric luminosity seem to indicate that
the CSM is optically thick. We propose a geometrical solution to this puzzle,
involving an aspherical structure of the CSM around PTF12glz. By modeling
radiative diffusion through a slab of CSM, we show that an aspherical geometry
of the CSM can result in a growing effective radius. This simple model also
allows us to recover the decreasing blackbody temperature of PTF12glz.
SLAB-Diffusion, the code we wrote to model the radiative diffusion of photons
through a slab of CSM and evaluate the observed radius and temperature, is made
available on-line.Comment: Sumbitted to ApJ. Comments are welcom
CSM analyses of
We study the modifications of the amplitudes and cross sections of several
processes, especially , generated
by Higgs boson and top quark compositeness, in particular within the CSM
concept. We illustrate the observable differences that may appear between
various, CSM conserving or CSM violating, compositeness possibilities.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure
Computational structural mechanics: A new activity at the NASA Langley Research Center
Complex structures considered for the late 1980's and early 1990's include composite primary aircraft structures and the space station. These structures are much more difficult to analyze than today's structures and necessitate a major upgrade in computerized structural analysis technology. A major research activity in computational structural mechanics (CSM) was initiated. The objective of the CSM activity is develop advanced structural analysis technology that will exploit modern and emerging computers such as computers with vector and/or parallel processing capabilities. The three main research activities underway in CSM include: (1) structural analysis methods development; (2) a software testbed for evaluating the methods; and (3) numerical techniques for parallel processing computers. The motivation and objectives of the CSM activity are presented and CSM activity is described. The current CSM research thrusts, and near and long term CSM research thrusts are outlined
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