27,142 research outputs found

    Manpower Training and Public Sector Job Creation Under CETA: The Experience in Maine and New Hampshire

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    On December 28, 1973 President Nixon signed Public Law 93-203, the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA). The new law represents a significant shift in the roles played by federal, state, and local officials in the expenditure of federal money for manpower services. The key characteristics of CETA are often described as decentralization and decategorization. Prior to the passage of CETA the manpower system was almost exclusively under the control of federal officials. Under CETA, authority has, to some extent, been decentralized as state and local governments have been given block grants of money to be spent on manpower services in accord with locally determined priorities. In addition, CETA has made it possible for states and localities to escape the restrictive categorical programs of the past and to develop programs of a more flexible and more comprehensive nature. In this paper we examine the experience under CETA in Maine and New Hampshire. We will identify some of the problems which have emerged in the experience to date, evaluate the impact that CETA has had on the unemployed, underemployed, and economically disadvantaged, and assess the potential and possibilities which exist for making CETA a truly effective system for solving manpower problems

    Trade sustainability impact assessment (SIA) on the comprehensive economic and trade agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada: Final report

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    Commissioned by the European Commission, the Final Report for the EU-Canada Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA) on the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) provides a comprehensive assessment of the potential impacts of trade liberalisation under CETA. The analysis assesses the economic, social and environmental impacts in Canada and the European Union in three main sectors, sixteen sub-sectors and across seven cross-cutting issues. It predicts a number of macro-economic and sector-specific impacts. The macro analysis suggests the EU may see increases in real GDP of 0.02-0.03% in the long-term from CETA, whereas Canada may see increases of 0.18-0.36%. The Investment section of the report suggests these numbers could be higher when factoring in investment increases. At the sectoral level, the study predicts the greatest gains in output and trade to be stimulated by services liberalisation and by the removal of tariffs applied on sensitive agricultural products. It also suggests CETA could have a positive social impact if it includes provisions on the ILO’s Core Labour Standards and Decent Work Agenda. The study also details a variety of impacts in various “cross-cutting” components of CETA. It finds CETA would stimulate investment in Canada, and to a lesser extent in the EU; and finds costs outweigh the benefits of including controversial NAFTA-style investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) provisions in CETA. It predicts potentially imbalanced benefits from a government procurement (GP) chapter. The study assumes CETA will lead to an upward harmonisation in intellectual property rights (IPR) regulations, particularly in Canada, which will have a number of effects. It predicts some notable impacts in terms of competition policy, as well as trade facilitation, free circulation of goods and labour mobility.EU-Canada Sustainability Impact Assessment; SIA; EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement; Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement; CETA; government procurement; investor-state provisions; ISDS; competition policy; Dan Prud'homme; trade impact assessment

    Del vell FaiĂł a la Pobla de Massaluca creuant el Matarranya

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    Entrevista a l'alcalde de Gandesa

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    Fets i gent

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    Homenatge a sis pagesos que van ser executats al 1947

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    L'ermita de Santa Madrona

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    Regadius a la zona oriental de la Terra Alta (II)

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    Serra de Cavalls. Itinerari de Corbera a la punta Rodona

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    Apunts de la Pobla de Massaluca

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