4,223 research outputs found

    Plasmid-Encoded Multidrug Resistance of Salmonella typhi and some Enteric Bacteria in and around Kolkata, India: A Preliminary Study

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    The present study investigates the occurrence of R-plasmid in Salmonella typhi isolates from enteric fever cases in and around Kolkata (1991-2001), India following in vitro conjugation experiments, isolation of plasmid DNAs and agarose gel electrophoretic analysis. The multidrug resistant (MDR) S. typhi strains contained a transferable plasmid conferring resistance to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, cotrimoxazole and tetracycline. The plasmid encoding ACCoT-resistance of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Proteus vulgaris were conjugative and co-migrated with the plasmid of MDR S. typhi isolates. The antibiotic sensitive S. typhi isolates did not contain any plasmid. Thus the findings of the present study confirmed the instability of the R-plasmid in S. typhi, and that the antibiotic sensitive S. typhi strains acquired the R-plasmid from other enteric bacteria such as E. coli, K. pneumoniae and P.vulgaris to undergo a suitable adaptation for survival in the changing antibiotic environment

    Characterizing RecA-Independent Induction of Shiga toxin2-encoding Phages by EDTA Treatment

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    The bacteriophage life cycle has an important role in Shiga toxin (Stx) expression. The induction of Shiga toxin-encoding phages (Stx phages) increases toxin production as a result of replication of the phage genome, and phage lysis of the host cell also provides a means of Stx toxin to exit the cell. Previous studies suggested that prophage induction might also occur in the absence of SOS response, independently of RecA

    Progressive Label Distillation: Learning Input-Efficient Deep Neural Networks

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    Much of the focus in the area of knowledge distillation has been on distilling knowledge from a larger teacher network to a smaller student network. However, there has been little research on how the concept of distillation can be leveraged to distill the knowledge encapsulated in the training data itself into a reduced form. In this study, we explore the concept of progressive label distillation, where we leverage a series of teacher-student network pairs to progressively generate distilled training data for learning deep neural networks with greatly reduced input dimensions. To investigate the efficacy of the proposed progressive label distillation approach, we experimented with learning a deep limited vocabulary speech recognition network based on generated 500ms input utterances distilled progressively from 1000ms source training data, and demonstrated a significant increase in test accuracy of almost 78% compared to direct learning.Comment: 9 page

    Are inner disc misalignments common? ALMA reveals an isotropic outer disc inclination distribution for young dipper stars

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    Dippers are a common class of young variable star exhibiting day-long dimmings with depths of up to several tens of per cent. A standard explanation is that dippers host nearly edge-on (id ≈ 70°) protoplanetary discs that allow close-in (10 au) disc resolved by ALMA and that inner disc misalignments may be common during the protoplanetary phase. More than one mechanism may contribute to the dipper phenomenon, including accretion-driven warps and ‘broken’ discs caused by inclined (sub-)stellar or planetary companions

    IR ion spectroscopy in a combined approach with MS/MS and IM-MS to discriminate epimeric anthocyanin glycosides (cyanidin 3-O-glucoside and -galactoside)

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    Anthocyanins are widespread in plants and flowers, being responsible for their different colouring. Two representative members of this family have been selected, cyanidin 3-O-β-glucopyranoside and 3-O-β-galactopyranoside, and probed by mass spectrometry based methods, testing their performance in discriminating between the two epimers. The native anthocyanins, delivered into the gas phase by electrospray ionization, display a comparable drift time in ion mobility mass spectrometry (IM-MS) and a common fragment, corresponding to loss of the sugar moiety, in their collision induced dissociation (CID) pattern. However, the IR multiple photon dissociation (IRMPD) spectra in the fingerprint range show a feature particularly evident in the case of the glucoside. This signature is used to identify the presence of cyanidin 3-O-β-glucopyranoside in a natural extract of pomegranate. In an effort to increase any differentiation between the two epimers, aluminum complexes were prepared and sampled for elemental composition by FT-ICR-MS. CID experiments now display an extensive fragmentation pattern, showing few product ions peculiar to each species. More noteworthy is the IRMPD behavior in the OH stretching range showing significant differences in the spectra of the two epimers. DFT calculations allow to interpret the observed distinct bands due to a varied network of hydrogen bonding and relative conformer stability

    Boundary Ring: a way to construct approximate NG solutions with polygon boundary conditions: I. Z_n-symmetric configurations

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    We describe an algebro-geometric construction of polygon-bounded minimal surfaces in ADS_5, based on consideration of what we call the "boundary ring" of polynomials. The first non-trivial example of the Nambu-Goto (NG) solutions for Z_6-symmetric hexagon is considered in some detail. Solutions are represented as power series, of which only the first terms are evaluated. The NG equations leave a number of free parameters (a free function). Boundary conditions, which fix the free parameters, are imposed on truncated series. It is still unclear if explicit analytic formulas can be found in this way, but even approximate solutions, obtained by truncation of power series, can be sufficient to investigate the Alday-Maldacena -- BDS/BHT version of the string/gauge duality.Comment: 42 pages, 5 figure

    Deployment of Keystroke Analysis on a Smartphone

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    The current security on mobile devices is often limited to the Personal Identification Number (PIN), a secretknowledge based technique that has historically demonstrated to provide ineffective protection from misuse. Unfortunately, with the increasing capabilities of mobile devices, such as online banking and shopping, the need for more effective protection is imperative. This study proposes the use of two-factor authentication as an enhanced technique for authentication on a Smartphone. Through utilising secret-knowledge and keystroke analysis, it is proposed a stronger more robust mechanism will exist. Whilst keystroke analysis using mobile devices have been proven effective in experimental studies, these studies have only utilised the mobile device for capturing samples rather than the more computationally challenging task of performing the actual authentication. Given the limited processing capabilities of mobile devices, this study focuses upon deploying keystroke analysis to a mobile device utilising numerous pattern classifiers. Given the trade-off with computation versus performance, the results demonstrate that the statistical classifiers are the most effective

    Assessment of Biomass and Biochar of Maritime Pine as a Porous Medium for Water Retention in Soils

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    Pinewood biomass in Portugal can be considered a major source of biochar for soil physical, chemical, and biological edaphic amendment. This work intended to evaluate the aptitude of lab produced biochar for upgrading soil moisture dynamics’ relationships considering mixtures of biochar with silica-based sand. The methodology used focused on the carbonization of pine biomass with inert atmosphere at 300 C, 400 C, 500 C and 600 C, followed by a chemical proximate and thermogravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared analysis, numerical modeling, and characterization of biochar porosity by gas adsorption (Brunauer–Emmett–Teller) and mercury porosimetry. The results showed the increased amounts of soil water retention and plant available water, evaluated through pF curves, due to biochar application. The thermogravimetric analysis mass loss patterns and FTIR transmittance, reflected major structural modifications in carbonized products by comparison with raw biomass. Mercury porosimetry showed that biochar pores between 392 and 250 micrometer and 32 and 6 micrometer gave the highest pore volume for water retention with a major increase from carbonization, by comparison with physical activation. The used methodologies allowed us to conclude that the carbonaceous feedstock can potentiate the improvement of soil water relations aiming at agricultural land use.FCT/MCTES, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superio

    A green and fast approach to nanoporous carbons with tuned porosity: UV-assisted condensation of organic compounds at room temperature

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    This work reports a green and fast approach to the synthesis of nanoporous carbon materials based on the UV-assisted condensation of organic compounds as precursors. This new approach offers several improvements over the classical soft template and sol-gel routes for the synthesis of materials: versatility of organic precursors, shorter synthesis time, and ambient conditions. Owing to the specificity of the UV-assisted reactions mechanisms, organic compounds of varied chemical composition can be used as precursors in the preparation of nanoporous carbons with tuned porous features. The method consisted in the exposure of an aqueous solution of the organic precursors to UV light for 60 min at room temperature in the absence of a catalyst, allowing an outstanding shortening of the synthesis time compared to sol-gel routes. Furthermore, UV irradiation promoted the cross-linking of the polymer chains of precursors at room temperature, as opposed to classical methods that require an additional step at mild/high temperatures. By changing the chemistry of the organic compound used as precursor, it was possible to modulate the surface area (from 10 to 720 m2 g−1) and the porosity of the synthesized carbons within the micro-/mesopore range. The obtained carbons also presented varied morphology depending on the precursor, from dense aggregates to ordered hexagonal arrangements of nanometric dimensions.This study was supported by the European Research Council through a ERC-Consolidator Grant (648161-PHOROSOL) and the Spanish MINECO (grant CTM2014-56770-R).Peer reviewe