214,733 research outputs found

    Global Incidence and mortality of oesophageal cancer and their correlation with socioeconomic indicators temporal patterns and trends in 41 countries

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    Oesophageal cancers (adenocarcinomas [AC] and squamous cell carcinomas [SCC]) are characterized by high incidence/mortality in many countries. We aimed to delineate its global incidence and mortality, and studied whether socioeconomic development and its incidence rate were correlated. The age-standardized rates (ASRs) of incidence and mortality of this medical condition in 2012 for 184 nations from the GLOBOCAN database; national databases capturing incidence rates, and the WHO mortality database were examined. Their correlations with two indicators of socioeconomic development were evaluated. Joinpoint regression analysis was used to generate trends. The ratio between the ASR of AC and SCC was strongly correlated with HDI (r = 0.535 [men]; r = 0.661 [women]) and GDP (r = 0.594 [men]; r = 0.550 [women], both p < 0.001). Countries that reported the largest reduction in incidence in male included Poland (Average Annual Percent Change [AAPC] = −7.1, 95%C.I. = −12,−1.9) and Singapore (AAPC = −5.8, 95%C.I. = −9.5,−1.9), whereas for women the greatest decline was seen in Singapore (AAPC = −12.3, 95%C.I. = −17.3,−6.9) and China (AAPC = −5.6, 95%C.I. = −7.6,−3.4). The Philippines (AAPC = 4.3, 95%C.I. = 2,6.6) and Bulgaria (AAPC = 2.8, 95%C.I. = 0.5,5.1) had a significant mortality increase in men; whilst Columbia (AAPC = −6.1, 95%C.I. = −7.5,−4.6) and Slovenia (AAPC = −4.6, 95%C.I. = −7.9,−1.3) reported mortality decline in women. These findings inform individuals at increased risk for primary prevention

    Monomial principalization in the singular setting

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    We generalize an algorithm by Goward for principalization of monomial ideals in nonsingular varieties to work on any scheme of finite type over a field. The normal crossings condition considered by Goward is weakened to the condition that components of the generating divisors meet as complete intersections. This leads to a substantial generalization of the notion of monomial scheme; we call the resulting schemes `c.i. monomial'. We prove that c.i. monomial schemes in arbitrarily singular varieties can be principalized by a sequence of blow-ups at codimension 2 c.i. monomial centers.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Renal impairment in a rural African antiretroviral programme

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    Background: There is little knowledge regarding the prevalence and nature of renal impairment in African populations initiating antiretroviral treatment, nor evidence to inform the most cost effective methods of screening for renal impairment. With the increasing availability of the potentially nephrotixic drug, tenofovir, such information is important for the planning of antiretroviral programmes Methods: (i) Retrospective review of the prevalence and risk factors for impaired renal function in 2189 individuals initiating antiretroviral treatment in a rural African setting between 2004 and 2007 (ii) A prospective study of 149 consecutive patients initiating antiretrovirals to assess the utility of urine analysis for the detection of impaired renal function. Severe renal and moderately impaired renal function were defined as an estimated GFR of ≤ 30 mls/min/1.73 m2 and 30–60 mls/min/1.73 m2 respectively. Logistic regression was used to determine odds ratio (OR) of significantly impaired renal function (combining severe and moderate impairment). Co-variates for analysis were age, sex and CD4 count at initiation. Results: (i) There was a low prevalence of severe renal impairment (29/2189, 1.3% 95% C.I. 0.8–1.8) whereas moderate renal impairment was more frequent (287/2189, 13.1% 95% C.I. 11.6–14.5) with many patients having advanced immunosuppression at treatment initiation (median CD4 120 cells/μl). In multivariable logistic regression age over 40 (aOR 4.65, 95% C.I. 3.54–6.1), male gender (aOR 1.89, 95% C.I. 1.39–2.56) and CD4<100 cells/ul (aOR 1.4, 95% C.I. 1.07–1.82) were associated with risk of significant renal impairment (ii) In 149 consecutive patients, urine analysis had poor sensitivity and specificity for detecting impaired renal function. Conclusion: In this rural African setting, significant renal impairment is uncommon in patients initiating antiretrovirals. Urine analysis alone may be inadequate for identification of those with impaired renal function where resources for biochemistry are limited

    Localization and traces in open-closed topological Landau-Ginzburg models

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    We reconsider the issue of localization in open-closed B-twisted Landau-Ginzburg models with arbitrary Calabi-Yau target. Through careful analsysis of zero-mode reduction, we show that the closed model allows for a one-parameter family of localization pictures, which generalize the standard residue representation. The parameter λ\lambda which indexes these pictures measures the area of worldsheets with S2S^2 topology, with the residue representation obtained in the limit of small area. In the boundary sector, we find a double family of such pictures, depending on parameters λ\lambda and μ\mu which measure the area and boundary length of worldsheets with disk topology. We show that setting μ=0\mu=0 and varying λ\lambda interpolates between the localization picture of the B-model with a noncompact target space and a certain residue representation proposed recently. This gives a complete derivation of the boundary residue formula, starting from the explicit construction of the boundary coupling. We also show that the various localization pictures are related by a semigroup of homotopy equivalences.Comment: 36 page

    Dynamics of socio-economic development of districts of eastern Uttar Pradesh

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    Development process of any system is dynamic in nature and depends on large number of parameters. This study attempted to capture latest dynamics of development of districts of Eastern Uttar Pradesh in respect of three dimensions- Agriculture, Social and Infrastructure. Techniques adopted by Narain et al. (1991) have been used in addition to Principal component and factor analysis. Ranking seems to very close to ground reality and provides useful information for further planning and corrective measures for future development of Eastern UttarPradesh’s Districts. The Composite Indices (C.I.) of development in respect of 18 developmental indicators for the total 28 districts of eastern Uttar Pradesh have been estimated for the year 2010-2011. The district Barabanki was showed a higher level of development (C.I. =0.10) in Agricultural development compared to Social development (C.I.=1.12) and Infrastructural development (C.I. =0.89) followed by the district Ambedkar nagar (Agricultural, C.I. =0.52), (Social, C.I. =1.12) and (Infrastructure, C.I. =0.89). District Allahabad secured first position in the Social development (C.I. =0.81) and second in Infrastructural development (C.I. =0.34) as compared to Agriculture (C.I. =0.93). District Varanasi was the most developed district in Infrastructure (C.I. =0.10) as compared to Agriculture (C.I.=0.96) and Social (C.I. =0.96). As per findings of the study, the two districts Mau and Jaunpur were down in their ranking and the districts Chandauli and Maharajganj improved their ranking

    A Quantification and Risk Analysis of Occupational Burns: Oregon Workers' Compensation Claims 1990-1997

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    This study examined all accepted Oregon workers' compensation claims for occupational burn injuries over 1990-1997 (n = 3,158). The Current Population Survey (CPS) was used to derive employee population baselines for establishing rate estimates. It was estimated that the average occupational burn claim rate was 2.89 per 10,000 workers (95% C.I. = 2.76-3.02). The majority of claimants (71.7%) were males, the largest proportion (32.6%) were aged 25 years or under, and almost half (48.7%) had less than 1 year of job tenure. Costs averaged over $1.6 million annually. The average indemnity period was 16 days. Higher relative risks were found for evening workers (2.97, 95% C.I. = 2.96-2.98) and night workers (2.13, C.I. = 2.12-2.13) compared to day shift workers. Kitchen workers had the highest burn rate of all occupations with 62.5 per 10,000.burns, occupational burns, employee safety, Oregon, workers' compensation

    On the boundary coupling of topological Landau-Ginzburg models

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    I propose a general form for the boundary coupling of B-type topological Landau-Ginzburg models. In particular, I show that the relevant background in the open string sector is a (generally non-Abelian) superconnection of type (0,1) living in a complex superbundle defined on the target space, which I allow to be a non-compact Calabi-Yau manifold. This extends and clarifies previous proposals. Generalizing an argument due to Witten, I show that BRST invariance of the partition function on the worldsheet amounts to the condition that the (0,<= 2) part of the superconnection's curvature equals a constant endomorphism plus the Landau-Ginzburg potential times the identity section of the underlying superbundle. This provides the target space equations of motion for the open topological model.Comment: 21 page

    Accuracy of methods for diagnosing atrial fibrillation using 12-lead ECG: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Screening for atrial fibrillation (AF) using 12-lead-electrocardiograms (ECGs) has been recommended; however, the best method for interpreting ECGs to diagnose AF is not known. We compared accuracy of methods for diagnosing AF from ECGs. Methods: We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL and LILACS until March 24, 2014. Two reviewers identified eligible studies, extracted data and appraised quality using the QUADAS-2 instrument. Meta-analysis, using the bivariate hierarchical random effects method, determined average operating points for sensitivities, specificities, positive and negative likelihood ratios (PLR, NLR) and enabled construction of Summary Receiver Operating Characteristic (SROC) plots. Results: 10 studies investigated 16 methods for interpreting ECGs (n = 55,376 participant ECGs). The sensitivity and specificity of automated software (8 studies; 9 methods) were 0.89 (95% C.I. 0.82–0.93) and 0.99 (95% C.I. 0.99–0.99), respectively; PLR 96.6 (95% C.I. 64.2–145.6); NLR 0.11 (95% C.I. 0.07–0.18). Indirect comparisons with software found healthcare professionals (5 studies; 7 methods) had similar sensitivity for diagnosing AF but lower specificity [sensitivity 0.92 (95% C.I. 0.81–0.97), specificity 0.93 (95% C.I. 0.76–0.98), PLR 13.9 (95% C.I. 3.5–55.3), NLR 0.09 (95% C.I. 0.03–0.22)]. Sub-group analyses of primary care professionals found greater specificity for GPs than nurses [GPs: sensitivity 0.91 (95% C.I. 0.68–1.00); specificity 0.96 (95% C.I. 0.89–1.00). Nurses: sensitivity 0.88 (95% C.I. 0.63–1.00); specificity 0.85 (95% C.I. 0.83–0.87)]. Conclusions: Automated ECG-interpreting software most accurately excluded AF, although its ability to diagnose this was similar to all healthcare professionals. Within primary care, the specificity of AF diagnosis from ECG was greater for GPs than nurses

    Diagnostic Accuracy of CT Angiography for A Infrapopliteal Lesions in Patientes with Diabetic Foot Ulcers Undergoing Endovascular Revascularization

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    Introdução: A angiografia por tomografia computorizada (AngioTC) é aceite como técnica para seleção de doentes com doença arterial periférica candidatos a terapêutica endovascular ou cirúrgica. Não existe suficiente evidencia em relação à sua acuidade em doentes com pé diabético e patologia infrapopliteia. Objetivo: Avaliar a acuidade diagnóstica da AngioTC nas artérias infrapopliteias em doentes com pé diabético. Métodos: Estudo unicêntrico retrospetivo dos achados AngioTC e da angiografia digital de subtração em 14 doentes submetidos a revascularização endovascular periférica com pé diabético. A sensibilidade e especificidade da AngioTC foram calculadas para cada segmento arterial de acordo com uma classificação modificada da classificação de Rutherford. Resultados: A sensibilidade e especificidade global da AngioTC na deteção de lesões estenóticas significativas foi de 1 (95% C.I. 0.89-1) e 0.7 (95% C.I. 0.35-0.93), respetivamente. Por segmento arterial a sensibilidade e especificidade foram de 0.96 (95% C.I. 0.88-0.99) e 0.86 (95% C.I. 0.57-0.98) na artéria tibial anterior, de 0.98 (95% C.I. 0.90-0.99) e 0.93 (95% C.I. 0.66-0.99) na artéria tibial posterior, de 0.93 (95% C.I. 0.83-0.98) e 0.72 (95% C.I. 0.42-0.92) na artéria peroneal, respetivamente. Conclusão: A AngioTC tem excelente acuidade diagnóstica e permite a triagem de doentes diabéticos com doença arterial periférica infrapopliteia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estimating the Costs and the Disease Burden Associated With Campylobacter Infections and Sequelae in the Netherlands

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    Campylobacter infections pose an important public health problem in the Netherlands. Approximately 79,000 persons per year are estimated to experience symptoms of acute gastroenteritis. Further annually some 1400 ReA cases, 60 GBS cases and 11 IBD cases are associated with a previous Campylobacter infection. Using a stochastic simulation model the disease burden and the cost-of-illness of Campylobacter infections and its sequelae were estimated. Estimates of the Campylobacter-associated disease burden and costs-of-illness were 1185 DALYs (90% C.I. 693 - 1845 DALYs) per year and some 21 million E (90% C.I. 10 - 38 million E) per year respectively.Campylobacter, sequelae, cost-of-illness, disease burden, Netherlands, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,
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