607,809 research outputs found

    Stakeholder Perspectives on Opportunities and Challenges in Achieving Sustainable Growth of the Blue Economy in a Changing Climate

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    Coastal marine environments provide livelihoods as billions of people around the world depend greatly on sustainability efforts in the Blue Economy. In this study, we investigated how stakeholders from important Blue Economy sectors along the German North Sea coast perceive the impacts of climate change on their daily work life and the growth of the Blue Economy. In a two-stage approach we first conducted two stakeholder workshops with representatives from the regional sea food sector, science, NGOs and local authorities, in order to identify important issues linked to climate change affecting environment, society, economy and policy. In the second stage, we conducted semi-structured interviews with key knowledge holders from the Blue Economy, to evaluate and validate the most important issues identified during the first stage, and the impacts on the respective sectors. The workshop participants identified perceptible effects of climate change on their marine environment. Early career scientists showed that they possess a clear focus on measures for climate change adaptation, transdisciplinary approaches and knowledge transfer. The interviews revealed that the climate change effects could be perceived as both negative and positive, depending on the sector. Other issues, especially political decisions and developments are perceived to have a greater immediate impact on the Blue Economy than the slow progress of climate change effects. Additionally, increased human activities, in the form of new or intensified uses like marine renewable energy generation, have a greater influence and lead to conflicts between the Blue Economy sectors. Our study showed that economic and societal stakeholders in Germanys North Sea region are aware of climate change and already perceive its effects on their businesses. Synergies and conflicts between the sectors and political decisions might influence sustainable growth of the Blue Economy in highly contested regions, such as the North Sea basin, much stronger than the effects of climate change. This calls for a more flexible and adaptive approach to policymaking, taking into account the changing environmental, social and economic realities

    Towards a sustainable and equitable blue economy

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    The global rush to develop the \u2018blue economy\u2019 risks harming both the marine environment and human wellbeing. Bold policies and actions are urgently needed. We identify five priorities to chart a course towards an environmentally sustainable and socially equitable blue economy

    Assembling a Blue Economy moment? Geographic engagement with globalizing biological-economic relations in multi-use marine environments

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    In the 2010s, the Blue Economy' has been widely advocated by a spectrum of interests as a strategy to save the world's oceans and water. This article explores what the Blue Economy moment is and how geographers can engage with it. It acknowledges recent efforts by geographers to understand Blue Economy but goes further by outlining the European Union's Blue Economy programmes and by discussing these in relation to recent agenda setting in marine science. We argue that in spite of apparent convergence on this goal, the Blue Economy imaginary disciplines disparate knowledge for economic projects, when the planetary reality is that every economic project is axiomatically a biological project, with some economic aspects. In this context, the article outlines how assemblage thinking could be relevant to a human geography engagement with Blue Economy and what this could like, and how a relational conception of Blue Economy helps advance understanding. Finally, we discuss the difficulties and potential for human geographers to be genuinely enactive given the disciplinary framings that have already been assumed or imposed through Blue Economy. This last is highlighted by discussing engagement in a particular New Zealand Blue Economy initiative. Rather than either promoting or critiquing Blue Economy, we encourage informed and critical engagement with Blue Economy by geographers

    Maritime security and the Blue Economy: intersections and interdependencies in the Indian Ocean

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    Maritime security is essential to supporting the Blue Economy. Many maritime security forums have been key supporters of the Blue Economy concept, particularly in the Indian Ocean region (IOR). This paper will explore the co-evolution and co-dependence of Blue Economy and maritime security agendas, with a particular focus on the IOR. It identifies two primary interactions between Blue Economy and maritime security interests. Firstly, maritime security is an enabler of the Blue Economy, for example, through safeguarding navigation routes, providing important oceanographic data to marine industries and protecting rights over valuable marine resources and activities within claimed zones of maritime jurisdiction. Secondly, an often overlooked role that maritime security plays in the Blue Economy is by being itself a source of economic development and growth. An expanded Blue Economy will create greater demand for maritime security capabilities, and this, in turn, will trigger increased investment and growth in these capabilities. The enhanced and increasingly diverse role that maritime security will continue to play in the Blue Economy can be seen across all sectors in the IOR

    Greening the Blue Economy as an Incentive to Sustainable Development of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County

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    Blue development and blue economy are relatively new terms, although blue economy has been developing for centuries. Its potential on European, Croatian or regional level is huge. New researches point out that the Blue Economy impact will double in next ten years. Although present in theory since 1990ties, blue economy in last few years as a part of the answer on the global challenges, has been followed by the aspects of Green Development, Green Economy Green Growth as synonyms for desirable and necessary transition towards sustainability. The definition of Green Economy in perspective of long-term sustainability, environment protection and reduced use of natural resources is defined as well. Recognizing the importance of blue-green economy for the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County (PGKC) development, the authors describe the potentials and possibilities for development of the region, as well as analyse natural and other preconditions and point out the reached level of blue-green economy innovative sectors. The purpose of this research is to explain the importance of coastal area as a basic determinant for the blue-green economy as well as to analyze the development level of the blue-green economy in European Union, Croatia and PGKC. This paper determined the spatial, geographical, technical-technological and economical potential of PGKC, defined the regional advantages, peculiarities and limits of the blue-green economy implementation in PGKC and set the recommendations for the balanced development and maximal use of extensive regional potential

    Zanzibar and the Establishment of Blue Economy Strategies

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    Zanzibar prosperity is created, not inherited. It does not grow out of a country’s natural endowments, ocean-based economy, its labor pool, its enabling environment and presence of good policy, legal and institutional frameworks as the blue economy insists. A country rapid economic growth accompanied with promotion and protection of the strategies planned to obtain sustainable development.In 2021 Government adopted a comprehensive roadmap for the development of its blue economy policy 2020 and Zanzibar Development Vision 2050 focus to Zanzibar’s efforts in the blue economy over the next 30 years. This paper gives a brief description of the Zanzibar’s Blue Economy and discusses some of the key blue economy frameworks. However, the aim of the paper is to look at the contemporary situation in Zanzibar in the context of the Blue Economy and its frameworks through effective initiatives done by the Zanzibar Government. Effective implementation of panned strategies will play the major role for obtaining sustainable economic development in Zanzibar. Finally, the paper provides recommendations towards a sustainable blue economy in Zanzibar. Keywords: Blue economy, Policy, Legal, Institutional framework, Zanzibar DOI: 10.7176/JRDM/74-05 Publication date:March 31st 202


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    Blue economy, new concept that planned by the government to support sustainable development programs. Blue economy is not only oriented to the economic aspects but also concerned with environment aspect. The implementation of blue economy is suitable for catfish aquaculture with purpose to escalate fish farmer’s welfare. Implementation of the blue economy should be done in synergy between government, academia and the group of farmers. Therefore, it needs empowerment from farmers group to implementing the blue economy. The purpose of this research is to analyze some problems and also to systemize the strategy that can empowering fish farmers group to reach the blue economy concept. This research uses a qualitative method using Analytic Network Process (ANP).Qualitative analysis is done by direct observation in the field and in-depth interviews with the respondent that selected by purposive sampling. However, there are some problems that occur on this group. There are production facilities, marketing, organization and environment. The result showed that blue economy is capable to resolve any existing problems. In conclusion, they need to strengthen every aspect with blue economy concept to achieve the sustainable developmen


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    Tulisan ini membahas upaya keterlibatan Indonesia untuk menginternasionalisasikan konsep blue economy dengan mengambil studi kasus pada kepemimpinan Indonesia di IORA periode 2015-2017. Kepemimpinan Indonesia memprakarsai KTT IORA 2017 dan menghasilkan dokumen penting IORA Concord, IORA Action Plan dan Deklarasi Jakarta tentang Ekonomi Biru. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan sumber-sumber yang diperoleh secara dokumenter, studi kepustakaan, dan penelusuran data online untuk memperkuat argumentasi penulis. Blue Economy merupakan konsep yang dikembangkan oleh Gunter Pauli yang memadukan unsur ekonomi dan lingkungan. Agenda Indonesia untuk mengedepankan konsep ini untuk meningkatkan ekonominya, mengukuhkan kepentingan politisnya dan memperkuat pengaruhnya di Samudra Hindia, dan menyelamatkan lingkungan. Penelitian menggunakan teori rezim internasional untuk melihat perkembangan blue economy sebagai aturan dan norma yang menjadi pengikat Indonesia dengan IORA dan teori norm life cycles yang membahas tentang siklus hidup norma blue economy yang menjelaskan tentang kaitan Indonesia dengan kemunculan blue economy mulai periode Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono sampai Presiden Joko Widodo, kepemimpinan Indonesia dalam mempersuasi dan mensosialisasikan blue economy dan internalisasi blue economy dalam ruang lingkup IORA. Penelitian ini juga membahas output yang didapatkan setelah Indonesia bertindak sebagai blue economy norm entrepreneur yaitu mendapatkan pengakuan internasional tentang kemampuan Indonesia, hal ini sejalan dengan usaha Indonesia yang berusaha untuk mewujudkan Poros Maritim Dunia.Kata Kunci : Blue Economy, IORA, Norm entrepreneur, Norm Life Cycles, Rezim Internasional

    Institutional arrangements for the blue economy : marine spatial planning a way forward

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    Blue Economy is one of the important aspects of Sustainable Ocean Governance as it refers to sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth and improved livelihood by maintaining healthy marine ecosystem. In order to achieve sustainable ocean governance, it is important to implement the contemporary and newly developed principles and concepts including Blue Economy and Ecosystem based management (EBM). As an implementation toll for sustainable ocean governance, Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) can play an important role to achieve the objectives of Blue Economy. Due to various reasons, the current institutional arrangements for sustainable ocean govern as well as exploring the concept of Blue Economy is at a very rudimentary stage in Bangladesh. The objective of this section is to analyze the significance of Blue Economy in achieving sustainable ocean governance through institutional framework. In this respect, relationship between MSP and Blue Economy is examined in the paper. This section is concluded with some recommendations to improve the institutional framework to achieve the objectives of Blue Economy in Bangladesh
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