538,627 research outputs found

    Stellar-mass black holes in star clusters: implications for gravitational wave radiation

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    We study the dynamics of stellar-mass black holes (BH) in star clusters with particular attention to the formation of BH-BH binaries, which are interesting as sources of gravitational waves (GW). We examine the properties of these BH-BH binaries through direct N-body simulations of star clusters using the GPU-enabled NBODY6 code. We perform simulations of N <= 10^5 Plummer clusters of low-mass stars with an initial population of BHs. Additionally, we do several calculations of star clusters confined within a reflective boundary mimicking only the core of a massive cluster. We find that stellar-mass BHs with masses ~ 10 solar mass segregate rapidly into the cluster core and form a sub-cluster of BHs within typically 0.2 - 0.5 pc radius, which is dense enough to form BH-BH binaries through 3-body encounters. While most BH binaries are ejected from the cluster by recoils received during super-elastic encounters with the single BHs, few of them harden sufficiently so that they can merge via GW emission within the cluster. We find that for clusters with N \ga 5\times 10^4, typically 1 - 2 BH-BH mergers occur within them during the first ~ 4 Gyr of evolution. Also for each of these clusters, there are a few escaping BH binaries that can merge within a Hubble time, most of the merger times being within a few Gyr. These results indicate that intermediate-age massive clusters constitute the most important class of candidates for producing dynamical BH-BH mergers. Old globular clusters cannot contribute significantly to the present-day BH-BH merger rate since most of the mergers from them would have occurred earlier. In contrast, young massive clusters are too young to produce significant number of BH-BH mergers. Our results imply significant BH-BH merger detection rates for the proposed "Advanced LIGO" GW detector. (Abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 11 pages, 6 figures, 2 color figure

    Double Compact Objects III: Gravitational Wave Detection Rates

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    The unprecedented range of second-generation gravitational-wave (GW) observatories calls for refining the predictions of potential sources and detection rates. The coalescence of double compact objects (DCOs)---i.e., neutron star-neutron star (NS-NS), black hole-neutron star (BH-NS), and black hole-black hole (BH-BH) binary systems---is the most promising source of GWs for these detectors. We compute detection rates of coalescing DCOs in second-generation GW detectors using the latest models for their cosmological evolution, and implementing inspiral-merger-ringdown (IMR) gravitational waveform models in our signal-to-noise ratio calculations. We find that: (1) the inclusion of the merger/ringdown portion of the signal does not significantly affect rates for NS-NS and BH-NS systems, but it boosts rates by a factor ∼1.5\sim 1.5 for BH-BH systems; (2) in almost all of our models BH-BH systems yield by far the largest rates, followed by NS-NS and BH-NS systems, respectively, and (3) a majority of the detectable BH-BH systems were formed in the early Universe in low-metallicity environments. We make predictions for the distributions of detected binaries and discuss what the first GW detections will teach us about the astrophysics underlying binary formation and evolution.Comment: published in ApJ, 19 pages, 11 figure

    Mergers of Black Hole -- Neutron Star binaries. I. Methods and First Results

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    We use a 3-D relativistic SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) code to study mergers of black hole -- neutron star (BH--NS) binary systems with low mass ratios, adopting MNS/MBH≃0.1M_{NS}/M_{BH} \simeq 0.1 as a representative case. The outcome of such mergers depends sensitively on both the magnitude of the BH spin and its obliquity (i.e., the inclination of the binary orbit with respect to the equatorial plane of the BH). In particular, only systems with sufficiently high BH spin parameter aa and sufficiently low orbital inclinations allow any NS matter to escape or to form a long-lived disk outside the BH horizon after disruption. Mergers of binaries with orbital inclinations above ∼60o\sim60^o lead to complete prompt accretion of the entire NS by the BH, even for the case of an extreme Kerr BH. We find that the formation of a significant disk or torus of NS material around the BH always requires a near-maximal BH spin and a low initial inclination of the NS orbit just prior to merger.Comment: to appear in ApJ, 54 pages, 19 figure

    Low-mass X-ray binaries from black-hole retaining globular clusters

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    Recent studies suggest that globular clusters (GCs) may retain a substantial population of stellar-mass black holes (BHs), in contrast to the long-held belief of a few to zero BHs. We model the population of BH low-mass X-ray binaries (BH-LMXBs), an ideal observable proxy for elusive single BHs, produced from a representative group of Milky Way GCs with variable BH populations. We simulate the formation of BH-binaries in GCs through exchange interactions between binary and single stars in the company of tens to hundreds of BHs. Additionally, we consider the impact of the BH population on the rate of compact binaries undergoing gravitational wave driven mergers. The characteristics of the BH-LMXB population and binary properties are sensitive to the GCs structural parameters as well as its unobservable BH population. We find that GCs retaining ∼1000\sim 1000 BHs produce a galactic population of ∼150\sim 150 ejected BH-LMXBs whereas GCs retaining only ∼20\sim20 BHs produce zero ejected BH-LMXBs. Moreover, we explore the possibility that some of the presently known BH-LMXBs might have originated in GCs and identify five candidate systems.Comment: 27 pages, 18 figures, 7 tables, submitted to MNRA

    IC10~X-1/NGC300~X-1: the very immediate progenitors of BH-BH binaries

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    We investigate the future evolution of two extragalactic X-ray binaries: IC10 X-1 and NGC300 X-1. Each of them consists of a high mass BH (\sim 20-30 \msun) accreting from a massive WR star companion (\gtrsim 20 \msun), and both are located in low metallicity galaxies. We analyze the current state of the systems and demonstrate that both systems will very quickly (≲0.3\lesssim 0.3 Myr) form close BH-BH binaries with the short coalescence time (∼3\sim 3 Gyr) and large chirp mass (\sim 15 \msun). The formation of BH-BH system seems unavoidable, as {\em (i)} WR companions are well within their Roche lobes and they do not expand so no Roche lobe overflow is expected, {\em (ii)} even intense WR wind mass loss does not remove sufficient mass to prohibit the formation of the second BH, {\em (ii)} even if BH receives the large natal kick, the systems are very closely bound and are almost impossible to disrupt. As there are two such immediate BH-BH progenitor systems within 2 Mpc and as the current gravitational wave instruments LIGO/VIRGO (initial stage) can detect such massive BH-BH mergers out to ∼200\sim 200 Mpc, the empirically estimated detection rate of such inspirals is R=3.36−2.92+8.29R=3.36^{+8.29}_{-2.92} at the 99% confidence level. If there is no detection in the current LIGO/VIRGO data (unreleased year of s6s6 run), the existence of these two massive BH systems poses an interesting challenge. Either the gravitational radiation search is not sensitive to massive inspirals or there is some fundamental misunderstanding of stellar evolution physics leading directly to the formation of BH-BH binaries.Comment: 9 pages, resubmitted to ApJ with major extensio

    Pinpointing the massive black hole in the Galactic Center with gravitationally lensed stars

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    A new statistical method for pinpointing the massive black hole (BH) in the Galactic Center on the IR grid is presented and applied to astrometric IR observations of stars close to the BH. This is of interest for measuring the IR emission from the BH, in order to constrain accretion models; for solving the orbits of stars near the BH, in order to measure the BH mass and to search for general relativistic effects; and for detecting the fluctuations of the BH away from the dynamical center of the stellar cluster, in order to study the stellar potential. The BH lies on the line connecting the two images of any background source it gravitationally lenses, and so the intersection of these lines fixes its position. A combined search for a lensing signal and for the BH shows that the most likely point of intersection coincides with the center of acceleration of stars orbiting the BH. This statistical detection of lensing by the BH has a random probability of ~0.01. It can be verified by deep IR stellar spectroscopy, which will determine whether the most likely lensed image pair candidates (listed here) have identical spectra.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to ApJ
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