121,075 research outputs found
Reciprocal expression of interferon gamma or interleukin 4 during the resolution or progression of murine leishmaniasis. Evidence for expansion of distinct helper T cell subsets.
We purified poly(A)+ mRNA from the spleen and lymph nodes at designated times after infection with Leishmania major in genetically susceptible BALB/c and resistant C57BL/6 mice. The steady-state levels of IL-2, IFN-gamma, IL-4, and IL-1 beta mRNA were determined using Northern hybridizations. IL-2 mRNA levels in the infected organs of BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice were comparable after infection, but IFN-gamma and IL-4 mRNA levels were reciprocally expressed. Levels of IFN-gamma mRNA in C57BL/6 draining nodes and spleen were significantly greater than in BALB/c mice except at 4 and 6 wk of infection, when splenic IFN-gamma mRNA levels were transiently comparable. In contrast, IL-4 mRNA was apparent only in BALB/c and not in C57BL/6 nodes and spleen. Tissue levels of IL-1 beta mRNA were 10-20-fold greater in BALB/c mice. BALB/c mice were pretreated with GK1.5 mAb, a manipulation that promotes healing of subsequent infection by transiently depleting L3T4+ cells. At 8 wk of infection, by which time lymphoid organs were repopulated with L3T4+ cells, GK1.5-pretreated BALB/c mice produced IFN-gamma, but not IL-4 message. Serum levels of IgE were markedly elevated in infected BALB/c, but not in infected C57BL/6 or GK1.5-pretreated BALB/c mice, consistent with in vivo biologic activity of IL-4 in nonhealing mice. Treatment of infected BALB/c mice with neutralizing anti-IL-4 antibody abolished the elevation of serum IgE and significantly attenuated the progression of disease as assessed by size and ulceration of the lesion, and by reduction in the number of tissue parasites. Both protective and deleterious responses to Leishmania infection have previously been shown to be L3T4+ cell dependent. Our findings are consistent with the differential expansion of protective, IFN-gamma-producing Th1 cells in healing mice, and the expansion of deleterious, IL-4-producing Th2 cells in nonhealing mice. The inverse relationship of IFN-gamma and IL-4 gene expression during leishmaniasis may underlie the divergence of cellular and humoral immunity that occurs during chronic infection with Leishmania and possibly other intracellular parasites
Hyperglycemia and Hyperlipidemia Act Synergistically to Induce Renal Disease in LDL Receptor-Deficient BALB Mice
Diabetic nephropathy is the leading cause of end-stage renal disease in Western countries, but only a portion of diabetic patients develop diabetic nephropathy. Dyslipidemia represents an important aspect of the metabolic imbalance in diabetic patients. In this study, we addressed the impact of combined hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia on renal pathology. Kidneys from wildtype (WT) or LDL receptor-deficient BALB/cBy mice (BALB. LDLR -/-) were examined at 22 weeks of age. Diabetes was induced by administration of streptozotocin and mice were randomly assigned to either standard chow or Western diet. Chow fed BALB. LDLR -/- mice did not demonstrate renal abnormalities, whereas BALB. LDLR -/- mice fed a Western diet showed occasional glomerular and tubulointerstitial foam cells. Diabetic WT mice had modestly increased glomerular cellularity and extracellular matrix. Hyperlipidemic and diabetic BALB. LDLR -/- mice exhibited an increase in glomerular cellularity and extracellular matrix, accumulation of glomerular and tubulointerstitial foam cells and mesangial lipid deposits. The tubular epithelium demonstrated pronounced lipid induced tubular degeneration with increased tubular epithelial cell turnover. Hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia seem to act synergistically in inducing renal injury in the BALB. LDLR-/- mouse. This model of diabetic nephropathy is unique in its development of tubular lesions and may represent a good model for hyperlipidemia-exacerbated diabetic nephropathy. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel
Corticotropin-releasing factor receptors couple to multiple g-proteins to activate diverse intracellular signaling pathways in mouse hippocampus: role in neuronal excitability and associative learning
Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) exerts a key neuroregulatory control on stress responses in various regions of the mammalian brain, including the hippocampus. Using hippocampal slices, extracts, and whole animals, we investigated the effects of human/rat CRF (h/rCRF) on hippocampal neuronal excitability and hippocampus-dependent learning in two mouse inbred strains, BALB/c and C57BL/6N. Intracellular recordings from slices revealed that application of h/rCRF increased the neuronal activity in both mouse inbred strains. Inhibition of protein kinase C (PKC) by bisindolylmaleimide I (BIS-I) prevented the h/rCRF effect only in hippocampal slices from BALB/c mice but not in slices from C57BL/6N mice. Inhibition of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) by H-89 abolished the h/rCRF effect in slices from C57BL/6N mice, with no effect in slices from BALB/c mice. Accordingly, h/rCRF elevated PKA activity in hippocampal slices from C57BL/6N mice but increased only PKC activity in the hippocampus of BALB/c mice. These differences in h/rCRF signal transduction were also observed in hippocampal membrane suspensions from both mouse strains. In BALB/c mice, hippocampal CRF receptors coupled to Gq/11 during stimulation by h/rCRF, whereas they coupled to Gs, Gq/11, and Gi in C57BL/6N mice. As expected on the basis of the slice experiments, h/rCRF improved context-dependent fear conditioning of BALB/c mice in behavioral experiments, and BIS-I prevented this effect. However, although h/rCRF increased neuronal spiking in slices from C57BL/6N mice, it did not enhance conditioned fear. These results indicate that the CRF system activates different intracellular signaling pathways in mouse hippocampus and may have distinct effects on associative learning depending on the mouse strain investigated
The local immune response of mice after Helicobacter suis infection: strain differences and distinction with Helicobacter pylori
Helicobacter (H.) suis colonizes the stomach of pigs and is the most prevalent gastric non-H. pylori Helicobacter species in humans. Limited information is available on host immune responses after infection with this agent and it is unknown if variation in virulence exists between different H. suis strains. Therefore, BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice were used to compare colonization ability and gene expression of various inflammatory cytokines, as determined by real-time PCR, after experimental infection with 9 different H. suis strains. All strains were able to persist in the stomach of mice, but the number of colonizing bacteria at 59 days post inoculation was higher in stomachs of C57BL/6 mice compared to BALB/c mice. All H. suis strains caused an upregulation of interleukin (IL)-17, which was more pronounced in BALB/c mice. This upregulation was inversely correlated with the number of colonizing bacteria. Most strains also caused an upregulation of regulatory IL-10, positively correlating with colonization in BALB/c mice. Only in C57BL/6 mice, upregulation of IL-1 beta was observed. Increased levels of IFN-gamma mRNA were never detected, whereas most H. suis strains caused an upregulation of the Th2 signature cytokine IL-4, mainly in BALB/c mice. In conclusion, the genetic background of the murine strain has a clear impact on the colonization ability of different H. suis strains and the immune response they evoke. A predominant Th17 response was observed, accompanied by a mild Th2 response, which is different from the Th17/Th1 response evoked by H. pylori infection
Respon Kekebalan Humoral Mencit Balb/c yang Divaksinasi dengan Vaksin Limpa dan Vaksin Kultur Penyakit Jembrana terhadap Protein Virus Jembrana
Sapi Bali adalah salah satu aset nasional Indonesia yang harus dilestarikan karena mempunyai keuntungan ekonomi. Tetapi sapi Bali mempunyai beberapa kelemahan penyakit khususnya penyakit Jembrana yang disebabkan oleh virus penyakit Jembrana (JDV). Pencegahan terhadap penyakit Jembrana telah dilakukan dengan vaksinasi. Vaksin yang terbukti dapat menurunkan tingkat kematian sapi Bali terserang JDV adalah vaksin limpa. Jenis vaksin ini hanya mampu menginduksi kekebalan dengan perlindungan 70%. Proteksi ini dapat ditingkatkan jika jumlah virus yang digunakan dalam vaksin meningkat. Tekhnik kultur in vitro adalah salah satu metode meningkatkan jumlah virus penyakit Jembrana, dan selanjutnya dibuat vaksin kultur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sel limfosit sapi Bali terinfeksi JDV adalah 9,5% pada limpa dan 57,43% pada sel kultur. Uji westernimmunoblotting sel limfosit sapi Bali dari darah tepi dan limpa terinfeksi JDV menggunakan antibodi monoklonal (AbMo) anti Ca, terdeteksi protein dengan berat molekul 26 kDa, 42 kDa dan 51 kDa. Pada medium kultur PBMC dan endapan plasma sapi Bali terinfeksi JDV, teridentifikasi protein dengan berat molekul 16 kDa an 26 kDa menggunakan AbMo, dan teridentifikasi protein dengan berat molekul 16 kDa; 21,5 kDa. 26 kDa; 29,7 kDa; 40 kDa dan 50 kDa menggunakan AbPo. Uji Elisa didapatkan nilai absorban antibodi mencit balb/c yang divaksinasi dengan vaksin kultur penyakit Jembrana lebih tinggi yaitu sebesar 0,3089 dibandingkan vaksin limpa yaitu sebesar 0,177 dengan p<0,05. Nilai absorban antibodi mencit balb/c terhadap antigen Ca, SU dan tat, memperlihatkan nilai absorban terhadap antigen SU berbeda sangat signifikan dibandingkan dengan antigen Ca dan antigen tat (p<0,01). Antigen Ca berbeda signifikan terhadap antigen tat (p<0,05)
Innate immune basis for rift valley fever susceptibility in mouse models
Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) leads to varied clinical manifestations in animals and in humans that range from moderate fever to fatal illness, suggesting that host immune responses are important determinants of the disease severity. We investigated the immune basis for the extreme susceptibility of MBT/Pas mice that die with mild to acute hepatitis by day 3 post-infection compared to more resistant BALB/cByJ mice that survive up to a week longer. Lower levels of neutrophils observed in the bone marrow and blood of infected MBT/Pas mice are unlikely to be causative of increased RVFV susceptibility as constitutive neutropenia in specific mutant mice did not change survival outcome. However, whereas MBT/Pas mice mounted an earlier inflammatory response accompanied by higher amounts of interferon (IFN)-α in the serum compared to BALB/cByJ mice, they failed to prevent high viral antigen load. Several immunological alterations were uncovered in infected MBT/Pas mice compared to BALB/cByJ mice, including low levels of leukocytes that expressed type I IFN receptor subunit 1 (IFNAR1) in the blood, spleen and liver, delayed leukocyte activation and decreased percentage of IFN-γ-producing leukocytes in the blood. These observations are consistent with the complex mode of inheritance of RVFV susceptibility in genetic studies
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Cure of murine leishmaniasis with anti-interleukin 4 monoclonal antibody. Evidence for a T cell-dependent, interferon gamma-independent mechanism.
BALB/c mice infected with Leishmania major develop fatal, progressive disease, despite an immune response characterized by expansion of CD4+ T cells in the draining lymph nodes. The immune response has been further characterized by a lack of IFN-gamma mRNA, but increased IL-4 mRNA in lymphoid tissues, and striking elevation of serum IgE. Treatment of infected BALB/c mice with rIFN-gamma at doses shown to be beneficial in other protozoan infections was insufficient to ameliorate L. major infection. In contrast, neutralization of IL-4 by six weekly injections of mAb 11B11 led to attenuation of disease in 100% of animals, and complete cure in 85%. Resolution of disease required the presence of T cells, and recovered mice remained resistant to reinfection at 12 wk. This immunity was adoptively transferable and was dependent on both CD4+ and CD8+ cells. Although administration of anti-IL-4 was associated with fourfold increase in IFN-gamma mRNA in lymph node cells draining the lesion, the coadministration of neutralizing R4 6A2 anti-IFN-gamma mAb had no effect on resistance to disease. This was in marked contrast to resolution of disease in both resistant C57BL/6- and GK1.5-pretreated BALB/c mice that was abrogated by in vivo treatment with anti-IFN-gamma. These data suggest a novel mechanism of cellular immunity established by interference with the development of Th2 cells during infection
An Improved Model of House Dust Mite Allergic Sensitization
The existing mouse models for allergic asthma are incapable of reproducing all of the immunogenic and physiological features of allergic asthma as seen in humans. These models can also induce some changes inconsistent with human disease. Reasons for these inconsistencies could be the amount of allergen to which the mice are exposed, the way they are exposed, and inadvertent stress brought about through animal handling. To address these issues, we attempted to create a novel mouse model of allergic asthma induction in which mice were persistently (for 6 weeks) exposed to zero, low (1μg/g), medium (10μg/g), and high (100μg/g) doses of house dust mite extract based on the Derp1 content/g inoculated into their bedding nestlets. For this model, we based the amount of allergen inoculated into the bedding on epidemiological studies, which indicate that 5.5% of children living in homes containing a concentration of 10μg Derp1/g of carpet dust are allergically sensitized to house dust mite [1]. At the end of the exposures, airway hyperresponsiveness was assessed and immunophenotyping was performed. We found no significant differences in the methacholine hyperresponsiveness, the production of IgG1, IgE, and IgG2a, or the cytokine production between the treatment groups. Since our model did not elicit methacholine hyperresponsiveness or HDM-specific immune responses, future studies will determine whether allergen sensitization elicited through a single intranasal instillation of 1 μg HDM extract, followed by the 6-week persistent exposure to varying concentrations of HDM as described above, elicits changes consistent with those found in human allergic asthmatics
IL-6 controls susceptibility to helminth infection by impeding Th2 responsiveness and altering the Treg phenotype in vivo
IL-6 plays a pivotal role in favoring T-cell commitment toward a Th17 cell rather than Treg-cell phenotype, as established through in vitro model systems. We predicted that in the absence of IL-6, mice infected with the gastrointestinal helminth Heligmosomoides polygyrus would show reduced Th17-cell responses, but also enhanced Treg-cell activity and consequently greater susceptibility. Surprisingly, worm expulsion was markedly potentiated in IL-6-deficient mice, with significantly stronger adaptive Th2 responses in both IL-6−/− mice and BALB/c recipients of neutralizing anti-IL-6 monoclonal Ab. Although IL-6-deficient mice showed lower steady-state Th17-cell levels, IL-6-independent Th17-cell responses occurred during in vivo infection. We excluded the Th17 response as a factor in protection, as Ab neutralization did not modify immunity to H. polygyrus infection in BALB/c mice. Resistance did correlate with significant changes to the associated Treg-cell phenotype however, as IL-6-deficient mice displayed reduced expression of Foxp3, Helios, and GATA-3, and enhanced production of cytokines within the Treg-cell population. Administration of an anti-IL-2:IL-2 complex boosted Treg-cell proportions in vivo, reduced adaptive Th2 responses to WT levels, and fully restored susceptibility to H. polygyrus in IL-6-deficient mice. Thus, in vivo, IL-6 limits the Th2 response, modifies the Treg-cell phenotype, and promotes host susceptibility following helminth infection
Transnuclear CD8 T cells specific for the immunodominant epitope Gra6 lower acute-phase Toxoplasma gondii burden.
We generated a CD8 T-cell receptor (TCR) transnuclear (TN) mouse specific to the Ld -restricted immunodominant epitope of GRA6 from Toxoplasma gondii as a source of cells to facilitate further investigation into the CD8 T-cell-mediated response against this pathogen. The TN T cells bound Ld -Gra6 tetramer and proliferated upon unspecific and peptide-specific stimulation. The TCR beta sequence of the Gra6-specific TN CD8 T cells is identical in its V- and J-region to the TCR-β harboured by a hybridoma line generated in response to Gra6 peptide. Adoptively transferred Gra6 TN CD8 T cells proliferated upon Toxoplasma infection in vivo and exhibited an activated phenotype similar to host CD8 T cells specific to Gra6. The brain of Toxoplasma-infected mice carried Gra6 TN cells already at day 8 post-infection. Both Gra6 TN mice as well as adoptively transferred Gra6 TN cells were able to significantly reduce the parasite burden in the acute phase of Toxoplasma infection. Overall, the Gra6 TN mouse represents a functional tool to study the protective and immunodominant specific CD8 T-cell response to Toxoplasma in both the acute and the chronic phases of infection
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