8 research outputs found

    ANAS as a Historical Memory Space: Philosophical Approach

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    The article explores the philosophical implications of Pierre Nora's concept of "memory space" in the context of historical memory. Within this framework, a philosophical perspective is applied to the scientific and cultural memory space of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS). It is demonstrated that the memory space of ANAS can be examined in two aspects with distinct characteristics. One aspect is related to the historical-chronological context of the philosophical research of existing academies in Azerbaijan. The main factor here is the synthesis of Greek philosophical-scientific rationalism with the local scientific thinking style, which has been present in academies in Azerbaijan since ancient times. The second direction is linked to the establishment of ANAS in Azerbaijan in the mid-20th century and is associated with institutionalising scientific research under new conditions.The synthesis of these two aspects is analysed in the context of the role of ANAS's historical memory space in ensuring the integrity of society in the modern stage (in the digital cultural environment) and is subjected to philosophical analysis. To achieve the scientific goal, interdisciplinary methodology is employed, emphasising dynamic integration, systematic analysis, and organisational prioritisation as methodological principles. Historical aspect-oriented systematic analysis is applied as a method.The analysis of ANAS's historical memory space as a scientific-cultural historical memory space in the context of Azerbaijani philosophical thought is a novelty in scientific innovation

    Embedded Way of Responsible Innovation in ChatGPT

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    In the era of artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, as an advanced language model technology, has the potential for radical innovation. Despite its significant advantages, ChatGPT poses specific potential social and ethical issues. Therefore, we need responsible innovation to mitigate these risks and enable ChatGPT to benefit the global community truly. By embedding responsible innovation throughout the various stages of ChatGPT, we can ensure the practical realisation of public trust in governments and expectations from enterprises, thus achieving compliance and successful implementation. Through such a healthy development approach, we can ensure that ChatGPT positively impacts society and continues to foster its healthy growth

    In the Beginning: Chinese Cosmogonic Myths and Taoist Philosophy

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    The paper aims to analyse the Chinese cosmogonic myths, cosmogony, and cosmology elaborated by the ancient Chinese philosophers, particularly the representatives of Taoism. Chinese cosmogony and cosmology are most fully represented in philosophical texts, not mythological narratives. Chinese thinkers elaborated on the complex scheme of the emergence and development of the world. The source of the world's origin is not a transcendent external force. Just the opposite, this source is immanent and is based on the principle of constant changes. Chinese philosophers understood the universe as a continuous interaction of complementary forces. The interaction of complementary forces is the path of changes, i.e., the constant creation of the world and the flow of life processes. With special attention given to the Chinese Hundun myth and chaos-hundun concept, the author analyses "Tao Te Ching", "Zhuangzi", "Huaninanzi", and "Taijitu shuo"

    Toward a Definition of the Matter in Philosophy

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    The definition of the matter which is still in use today is based on the method of formation of general notions proposed in his time by John Locke In doing so the matter is regarded not as something sensually existing but as a distraction from the distinctions of forms of matter already known to us This gave George Berkeley grounds for arguing that such an abstraction could simply be discarded without anyone even noticing it In his work Materialism and Empirio- Criticism objecting to G Berkeley Lenin corrected the definition of the matter by emphasizing that it is not just a philosophical category to denote objective reality but that the matter is copied photographed displayed by our senses existing independently of them In this way however V I Lenin only confirmed G Berkeley s view that to exist is to be perceived which he himself had previously challenged In the opinion of the author of the article V I Lenin s definition of the matter did not fully take into account the lessons of Hegelian dialectics which proves that the most general concepts are those that appear first It turns out that at this point the matter should be understood not as some abstraction from forms already known to us but as some of its pre-physical form whatever it may be But the pre-physical the form of the matter is not given to us in the senses Yet its objective existence is undeniable After all if we reject the prephysical form of the matter as G Berkeley ironically suggested we will destroy with it the physical basis of the world including ourselves However such an understanding of the matter raises the question of the beginning of its development in a new wa

    Populism and Democracy

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    Глобальний політичний ландшафт сьогодення пронизаний популізмом, вагомим свідченням чого є усеприсутність «терміну» популізм у публічних дебатах, яка посилюється його смисловою та ідеологічною неоднозначністю, оскільки охопивши широкий спектр явищ і рухів, популізм став парасолькою, під якою можуть бути розміщені усі або майже усі форми політичного дискурсу. Дискусії щодо популізму оприявнюють його амальгамний характер та розбіжності в його оцінках, що мають місце не лише у медійно-політичному, але й у науковому контексті. Цей дисонанс породжує, крім спроб концептуалізувати популізм або принаймні виявити його сутнісні риси, з якими погодилася би політично-політологічна спільнота, й інше прагнення, а саме: з’ясувати, з чим пов’язаний  нечуваний сплеск популізму в світі, на що він вказує, на нормальний розвиток суспільства демократій чи на те, що з суспільством не все гаразд, і політичний клас мусить реагувати відповідно.Підходи до розуміння популізму (Е. Лаклау, П.-А. Тагієффа, М. Кенован, К. Мадда, П. Розанваллона, І. Суреля та І. Мені тощо) класифікують його по-різному (як назагал нормальну політику, тонку ідеологію, політичний стиль, девіацію демократії), натомість щодо основних рис, притаманних популізму, згода, попри анонсовану поліфонію, можлива. Популізм характеризується спрощеним розумінням суспільства, чия єдність фундується його ідентичністю, протиставленням брудної корумпованої еліти чистому і здоровому єдиному народу, суб’єкту спільної волі, претензією на монополію володіння істиною про цю волю.Особливий інтерес становить відношення між популізмом та демократією, дослідження якого зазвичай відбуваються в межах класичної дискусії про розбудову демократії у сучасних суспільствах, де перебільшена увага до демократичної процедури супроводжується все більшим відстороненням населення від реальної участі у прийнятті політичних рішень, що і є, на думку дослідників, причиною появи і успіху популістських політичних сил, тобто, популізм є відповіддю на кризу представницької демократії. Непопулярна теза, представлена у цій розвідці, полягає в певному зміщенні акцентів, а саме: якщо популізм – це патологія, то патологічна за суттю сама демократія (в широкому сенсі слова, як установка і спосіб мислити розвиток суспільства), і популізм тому не що інше як її епіфеномен, який потребує демократії для власного існування, втілює її імперативи, але жодним чином не може на неї вплинути, спотворюючи або вдосконалюючи. Дві атрибутивні характеристики демократії (ідея свободи та ідея рівності) породжують популізм, а принципова нездійсненність демократії (як ідеальної форми) забезпечує його успіх. Тому поруч з появою демократичного мислення обов’язково з’являється мислення популістське, а багатоманіття форм втілення демократичної установки спричиняє протеїзм популізму.Present-day global political landscape is imbued with populism, a weighty evidence of which is the presence of the “term” populism in public debate, which is aggravated by its semantic and ideological ambiguity, since, embracing a wide range of phenomena and movements, populism has become a kind of umbrella under which all or almost all forms of political discourse can be placed. The debate about populism proves its amalgamous nature and the discrepancies in its evaluation, which take place not only in the media-political, but also in the scientific context. In addition to attempts to conceptualize populism, or at least to reveal its essential features with which the political and politological community would agree, this dissonance generates another desire, namely: to find out what the unbelievable surge of populism in the world is all about and whether it points to the normal development of a society of democracies or to the fact that society is not alright, and the political class must respond accordingly.Approaches to the understanding of populism (E. Laclau, P.-A. Tagieff, M. Kenovan, C. Mudde, P. Rosanvallon, I. Surel and I. Meni, etc.) classify it differently (as a general rule, as normal politics, a subtle ideology, political style, deviation of democracy), but on the basis of the main features of populism, the consent, in spite of the announced polyphony, is possible. Populism is characterized by a simplified understanding of society, the unity of which is based on its identity, the opposition of a dirty corrupt elite to a pure and healthy united people, a subject of common will, a claim to a monopoly of possession of the truth about this will.Of particular interest is the relation between populism and democracy, the study of which usually takes place within the classical debate about the development of democracy in modern societies, where the excessive attention to the democratic procedure is accompanied by an ever-increasing holding the population off the actual participation in making political decisions, which is, according to researchers, the cause of the emergence and success of populist political forces, that is, populism is the answer to the crisis of representative democracy. The unpopular thesis presented in this research consists in a certain shift of emphasis, namely: if populism is a pathology, then democracy itself (in the broad sense of the word, as the setting and the way of considering the development of society) is pathological in its essence, and that populism is nothing else as its epiphenomenon, which needs democracy for its existence, embodies its imperatives, but in no way can be influenced, distorted or perfected. Two attributive characteristics of democracy (the idea of freedom and the idea of equality) generate populism, and the fundamental impossibility of democracy (as an ideal form) ensures its success. Therefore, along with the emergence of democratic thinking there is necessarily a populist thinking, and the multitude of forms of embodiment of a democratic setting prompts proteism of populism

    Scientific Progress and Interdisciplinarity: a Philosophical-Epistemological Approach

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    The article analyses the relationship between philosophy and science at the present stage through the prism of interdisciplinarity and scientific progress. Generally, the philosophical meaning of "scientific progress" is considered - the position of T. Sokolova, which caused a comprehensive discussion, is analysed considering the different points of view on this matter.It is shown that, in general, consideration of this problem from the point of view of interdisciplinary interactions and the formation of interdisciplinary new knowledge has heuristic potential. In particular, the philosophical and epistemological "measurement" of scientific progress becomes relevant at this time.The discussions confirm that determining an adequate criterion for scientific progress is one of the main problems when considering the problem in the selected context. Various and different proposals and theses appear. This difference in positions is related to the issue's complexity.Considering the diversity of opinions noted above, the article expresses a unique approach to the problem. In particular, the thesis has been put forward that the philosophical understanding of the concept of "now" can play a significant role in determining the criterion of scientific progress from an interdisciplinary position. The novelty of "now" was studied in synthesising cognitive and practical aspects.It is shown that in the cognitive aspect if each subsequent stage of the formation of interdisciplinary knowledge can simplify the cognitive situation compared to the previous stage (creating a more precise picture), we can talk about scientific progress.At the same time, if the practical application of new interdisciplinary knowledge is assessed as innovation, this means scientific progress.In conclusion, the following thesis is formulated: the criterion of scientific progress can be determined based on a synthesis of the purely cognitive novelty of interdisciplinary knowledge and an assessment of its application in the sociocultural environment as innovative.An interdisciplinary methodology was used to achieve the scientific goal.In particular, such methodological principles as nonlinearity, intersubjectivity, formation and synergy were applied.Complexity simplification and synergistic synthesis were used as a method.Scientific novelty is associated with the thesis that the synthesis of aspects 1) "now" of scientific progress "translates the cognitive situation from complexity to simplicity as a purely cognitive criterion" and 2) "is innovative as a result of its practical application to society as new interdisciplinary knowledge "can be a criterion of scientific progress at the present stage in general

    Discovering Jewish Studies Collections in Academic Libraries: A Practical Guide

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    The U.S. colleges and universities offering non-sectarian educational programs in Jewish Studies rely on the support of their academic libraries for research materials and library services. For college libraries which use Library of Congress Classification scheme, it is a common practice to integrate studies resources into their general library collections. Since Jewish Studies sources span a vast number of subjects within all major disciplines, shelving integration leads to the dispersion of all relevant sources and such dispersion in turn leads to a variety of problems for library professionals and library users. For collection development librarians the problems range from lack of information about collection\u27s size, strengths or weaknesses, and for library users interested in browsing the collection, dispersion of subjects creates a major roadblock. This practical guide aims at providing a solution to such problems. By identifying all relevant Library of Congress call numbers and the corresponding Library of Congress subject headings, the guide offers a simplified access to Jewish Studies sources in general library collections. It is arranged by four major discipline: Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences, Sciences, and General Works & Bibliographies. Within each discipline, specific LC call number ranges and corresponding subjects are listed. The subjects are further subdivided and precisely identified. The guide will assist collection development librarians, library liaisons, grants and fundraising professionals and especially the Jewish Studies faculty and students, in identifying and locating relevant sources

    Онтогносеологические предпосылки гармонии в тюркской народной поэзии

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    The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of harmony in Turkic folk poetry. Along with traditional signs of harmony, such as proportionality, proportionality, and conformity, synergetic signs, such as formation, optimality, nonlinear synthesis, fractality, and dynamic whole, are considered. Turkic folk poetry is a self-developing synergetic system that is favourable to studying synergetic indicators of harmony, which express harmony as a system in dynamics and development. The verse forms of Turkic folk poetry have a planetary structure, and the planetary structure is the standard of harmony.Статья посвящена исследованию феномена гармонии в тюркской народной поэзии. Наряду традиционными признаками гармонии как соразмерность, пропорциональность, соответствие, рассмотрены синергетические признаки как становление, оптимальность, нелинейный синтез, фрактальность, динамическое целое. Тюркская народная поэзия как саморазвивающаяся синергетическая система благоприятную исследованию синергетических показателей гармонии, которые выражают гармонию как систему в динамике и развитии. Стихотворные формы тюркской народный поэзии имеют планетарную структуру, а планетарная структура является эталоном гармонии