56,645 research outputs found
Do labour market institutions matter?: Micro-level wage effects of international outsourcing in three European countries.
Arbeitsmarkt; Institutionelle Infrastruktur; Outsourcing; Offshoring; Auslandsproduktion; Lohn;
New empirical findings on the labour market effects of employment protection
Beschäftigungspolitik, Arbeitsplatzsicherung, Arbeitsmarkt, Employment policy, Job security, Labour market
Unemployment in the United States and in Europe : a contrast and the reasons ; the European unemployment problem
Arbeitslosigkeit, Arbeitsmarkt, Vereinigte Staaten, Europa, Unemployment, Labour market, United states, Europe
The European Labour Markets - The Search for Routes to Better Economic Performance in Continental Europe
Arbeitsmarkt, Wirtschaftswachstum, Volkswirtschaft, Beschäftigung, Europa, Labour market, Economic growth, Economy, Employment, Europe
Real and monetary challenges to wage policy in Germany at the turn of the millenium : technical progress, globalisation and European Monetary Union ; the European unemployment problem
Lohnpolitik, Arbeitsmarkt, Deutschland, Wage policy, Labour market, Germany
Globalization and labor markets in the Triad : different adjustment patterns.
n.a.Globalisierung; Arbeitsmarkt; AuĂźenhandel; Direktinvestition; Internationaler Wettbewerb; Wirtschaftspolitik; Humankapital; Welt; EU-Staaten; Japan; USA;
Collective Bargaining Coverage in the OECD from the 1960s to the 1990s
Tarifpolitik, OECD-Staaten, Arbeitsmarkt, System of collective agreements, OECD countries, Labour market
Work after the Age of Fifty: Switzerland in an international Comparison
Ältere Arbeitskräfte, Arbeitsmarkt, Arbeitsmarktpolitik, Schweiz, Elderly workforce, Labour market, Labour market policy, Switzerland
Interactions between Institutions Matter
Arbeitsmarkt, Institutionelle Infrastruktur, Arbeitslosigkeit, OECD-Staaten, Labour market, Institutional infrastructure, Unemployment, OECD countries
Why do jobless rates differ?
Arbeitslosigkeit, Lohnrigidität, Lohnpolitik, Arbeitsmarkt, OECD-Staaten, Unemployment, Wage rigidity, Wage policy, Labour market, OECD countries
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