2,992,547 research outputs found
Mean Field Limit for Coulomb-Type Flows
We establish the mean-field convergence for systems of points evolving along
the gradient flow of their interaction energy when the interaction is the
Coulomb potential or a super-coulombic Riesz potential, for the first time in
arbitrary dimension. The proof is based on a modulated energy method using a
Coulomb or Riesz distance, assumes that the solutions of the limiting equation
are regular enough and exploits a weak-strong stability property for them. The
method can handle the addition of a regular interaction kernel, and applies
also to conservative and mixed flows. In the appendix, it is also adapted to
prove the mean-field convergence of the solutions to Newton's law with Coulomb
or Riesz interaction in the monokinetic case to solutions of an Euler-Poisson
type system.Comment: Final version with expanded introduction, to appear in Duke Math
Journal. 35 page
Curves and cycles on K3 surfaces
The notion of constant cycle curves on K3 surfaces is introduced. These are
curves that do not contribute to the Chow group of the ambient K3 surface.
Rational curves are the most prominent examples.
We show that constant cycle curves behave in some respects like rational
curves. E.g. using Hodge theory one finds that in each linear system there are
at most finitely many such curves of bounded order.
Over finite fields, any curve is expected to be a constant cycle curve,
whereas over number fields this does not hold. The relation to the
Bloch--Beilinson conjectures for K3 surfaces over global fields is discussed.Comment: 44 pages, minor revision, reference adde
Online Appendix to Efficient Timing of Retirement
Post-retirement, the model in the main text (published in the Review of Economic Dynamics) reduces to the Merton (1969) problem, which has of course an exact solution. Pre-retirement, however, the agent holds an American option, namely, retire now or keep working. Problems involving American options are generally difficult to solve exactly. This appendix describes an approximate solution to the agent's pre-retirement problem.retirement, life cycle model, optimal stopping problem
Torsion order of smooth projective surfaces
To a smooth projective variety whose Chow group of -cycles is -universally trivial one can associate its torsion index ,
the smallest multiple of the diagonal appearing in a cycle-theoretic
decomposition \`a la Bloch-Srinivas. We show that is the
exponent of the torsion in the N\'eron-Severi-group of when is a
surface over an algebraically closed field , up to a power of the
exponential characteristic of .Comment: A few more minor changes in Colliot-Th\'el\`ene's appendi
Online Appendix to "The Equivalence of Wage and Price Staggering in Monetary Business Cycle Models"
This appendix details the derivation of a number of results reported in "The Equivalence of Wage and Price Staggering in Monetary Business Cycle Models," which appears in the Review of Economic Dynamics.
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