65 research outputs found

    Anomalous Fermi level behavior in GaMnAs at the onset of ferromagnetism

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    We present the systematic study of the resonant tunneling spectroscopy on a series of ferromagnetic-semiconductor Ga1-xMnxAs with the Mn content x from ~0.01 to 3.2%. The Fermi level of Ga1-xMnxAs exists in the band gap in the whole x region. The Fermi level is closest to the valence band (VB) at x=1.0% corresponding to the onset of ferromagnetism near the metal-insulator transition (MIT), but it moves away from the VB as x increasing or decreasing from 1.0%. This anomalous behavior of the Fermi level indicates that the ferromagnetism and MIT emerge in the Mn-derived impurity band.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 table (minor revision

    Magnetotransport properties of strained Ga0.95Mn0.05As epilayers close to the metal-insulator transition: Description using Aronov-Altshuler three-dimensional scaling theory

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    The magnitude of the anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) and the longitudinal resistance in compressively strained Ga0.95Mn0.05As epilayers were measured down to temperatures as low as 30 mK. Below temperatures of 3 K, the conductivity decreases [proportional]T^1/3 over 2 orders of magnitude in temperature. The conductivity can be well described within the framework of a three-dimensional scaling theory of Anderson's transition in the presence of spin scattering in semiconductors. It is shown that the samples are on the metallic side but very close to the metal-insulator transition. At lowest temperatures, a decrease in the AMR effect is observed, which is assigned to changes in the coupling between the remaining itinerant carriers and the local Mn 5/2-spin moments

    Optical Properties of III-Mn-V Ferromagnetic Semiconductors

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    We review the first decade of extensive optical studies of ferromagnetic, III-Mn-V diluted magnetic semiconductors. Mn introduces holes and local moments to the III-V host, which can result in carrier mediated ferromagnetism in these disordered semiconductors. Spectroscopic experiments provide direct access to the strength and nature of the exchange between holes and local moments; the degree of itineracy of the carriers; and the evolution of the states at the Fermi energy with doping. Taken together, diversity of optical methods reveal that Mn is an unconventional dopant, in that the metal to insulator transition is governed by the strength of the hybridization between Mn and its p-nictogen neighbor. The interplay between the optical, electronic and magnetic properties of III-Mn-V magnetic semiconductors is of fundamental interest and may enable future spin-optoelectronic devices.Comment: Topical Revie

    Sudden restoration of the band ordering associated with the ferromagnetic phase transition in a semiconductor

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    The band ordering of semiconductors is an important factor in determining the mobility and coherence of the wave function of carriers, and is thus a key factor in device performance. However, in heavily doped semiconductors, the impurities substantially disturb the band ordering, leading to significant degradation in performance. Here, we present the unexpected finding that the band ordering is suddenly restored in Mn-doped GaAs ((Ga,Mn)As) when the Mn concentration slightly exceeds B0.7% despite the extremely high doping concentration; this phenomenon is very difficult to predict from the general behaviour of doped semiconductors. This phenomenon occurs with a ferromagnetic phase transition, which is considered to have a crucial role in generating a well-ordered band structure. Our findings offer possibilities for ultra-high-speed quantum-effect spin devices based on semiconductors.UTokyo Research掲載「半導体の基礎物理学で新たな発見」 URI: http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ja/utokyo-research/research-news/new-discovery-in-semiconductor-physics.htmlUTokyo Research "New discovery in semiconductor physics" URI: http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/utokyo-research/research-news/new-discovery-in-semiconductor-physics.htm

    Spin-dependent phenomena and device concepts explored in (Ga,Mn)As

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    Over the past two decades, the research of (Ga,Mn)As has led to a deeper understanding of relativistic spin-dependent phenomena in magnetic systems. It has also led to discoveries of new effects and demonstrations of unprecedented functionalities of experimental spintronic devices with general applicability to a wide range of materials. In this article we review the basic material properties that make (Ga,Mn)As a favorable test-bed system for spintronics research and discuss contributions of (Ga,Mn)As studies in the general context of the spin-dependent phenomena and device concepts. Special focus is on the spin-orbit coupling induced effects and the reviewed topics include the interaction of spin with electrical current, light, and heat.Comment: 47 pages, 41 figure