46,499 research outputs found
Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Penghuni Rusunawa dalam Pelaksanaan Perjanjian Sewa Menyewa dI Sumatera Barat
The house is one of the basic needs of every person in addition to the need for food (food) and clothing (clothing). The need for a house as a place to live or stay in urban areas is very large along with the large number of residents. The construction of flats is part of the government's policy in poverty alleviation and welfare for the lower middle class. The construction of simple rental flats (rusunawa) is intended for low-income people (MBR). Placement for prospective residents of Rusunawa has terms and conditions through contractual legal grounds. This becomes a skill and is right on target that the purpose of building rusunawa is only for the lower middle class. This study uses an empirical juridical method (empirical legal research) with an analytical approach (conceptual approach) and is descriptive. The results of this study explain that, the occupants of the Rusunawa in Sawahlunto carry out the rental agreement. For the placement of the residents using a written agreement (contract) for a period of 1 (one) year with an extension through applicable terms. Then, there is the implementation of an obstacle in the rental agreement in the form of arrears in rent payments, however, a written warning will be taken as a form of firm warning. The form of legal protection has been carried out well through quick response actions if there are problems experienced by residents, both facilities, facilities and infrastructure to the utilization of residents' facilities for flats through the permission of the local UPTD Rusunawa Head
Pada Pasal 351 Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana ayat 3 disebutkan jikapenganiayaan menyebabkan mati diancam pidana penjara paling lama tujuh tahun.Dan Pasal 359 Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana menyebutkan barang siapakarena kelalaiannya( kealpaannya) menyebabkan orang lain mati, diancam denganapidana penjara paling lama lima tahun atau pidana kurungan paling lama satu tahun.Serta disebutkan di dalam Pasal 54 Undang-Undang Perlindungan Anak pendidikwajib melindungi dan bertanggungjawab terhadap muridnya di lingkungan sekolah.Namun dalam prakteknya terdapat pelajar yang meninggal akibat kegiatan MasaOrientasi Siswa karena kelalaian kepala sekolah serta guru dan penganiayaan daripanitia MOS namun tidak diproses secara hukum.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan bagaimanapertanggungjawaban pidana yang seharusnya diberikan kepada kepala sekolah danmurid senior yang menyebabkan murid meninggal, dan untuk menjelaskan hubungankausalitas antara kegiatan MOS dengan sebab-sebab hilangnya nyawa murid.Data diperoleh melalui penelitian kepustakaan dengan mempelajari bukubuku,media, dan peraturan perundang-undangan. Untuk melengkapi data sekunder,maka dilakukan penelitian lapangan dengan cara wawancara dengan para akademisiatau informan.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pertanggungjawaban pidana yang dapatdikenakan kepada panitia MOS karena melanggar Pasal 351 ayat 3 KUHP dandipotong setengah hukuman berdasarkan Undang-Undang Sistem Peradilan PidanaAnak menjadi penjara paling lama tiga tahun enam bulan. Kemudian hukuman untukkepala sekolah dapat dijerat hukuman pidana penjara paling lama lima tahun ataukurungan satu tahun karena melanggar Pasal 359 KUHP. Hubungan kausalitas yangmenyebabkan pelajar meninggal adalah penganiayaan yang dilakukan panitia MOSkepada pelajar dan kurangnya pengawasan dari kepala sekolah.Disarankan pelaku penganiayaan dihukum pidana agar menimbulkan efek jerasehingga tidak menimbulkan korban lain lagi, serta tidak lagi menganiaya danmenyiksa pelajar baru. Disarankan kepala sekolah diproses secara hukum, karenatelah melanggar Pasal 359 Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana dan Pasal 54Undang-Undang Perlindungan Anak, serta kepada orang yang menjabat sebagaikepala sekolah disarankan memberi himbauan dan mengawasi setiap kegiatanpelajarnya agar tidak tejadi lagi kasus serupa
Labiatae checklist for Andalusia (Southern Spain) and Rif (Northern Morocco)
. Labiatae checklist for Andalusia (Southern Spain) and the Rif (Northern Morocco). The taxa of Labiatae from Andalusia (Southern Iberian Peninsula) and the Rif (Northern Morocco) are included in a checklist, which has about 262 taxa, belonging to 28 genera and 5 subfamilies, representing almost 25% of total Mediterranean Labiatae taxa and c. 70% of total strict Labiatae Mediterranean genera. Nepetoideae with 17 genera is the richest subfamily; Ajugoideae (Ajuga genus), Teucrioideae (Teucrium genus) and Scutellarioideae (Scutellaria genus) are monogenerics. In this biogeographical region, 23 genera and about 70 species are common to both Andalusia and the Rif (about 88% of all genera and 30% of all taxa). Teucrium, Sideritis Satureja and allied genera, Salvia and Mentha, are the most widespread, representing almost 50% of the total taxa. The importance of the Labiatae family in the Andalusia and the Rif regions is reflected by the fact that they make up c. 20% of all taxa, while 25 of the total number of genera are distributed in the Betic-Rif Mountains. In addition, these mountains, are themselves the richest and best endowed regions of the Andalusia and the Rif, with the greatest concentration of endemic species (c. 65% of total endemisms)
The purpose of research is to identify and analyze whether the indemnity principle as one of the
main principles of conventional insurance is compliance with sharia insurance principle. This
study also discusses the implementation of the indemnity principle in PT. Asuransi Takaful Umum
as the first sharia insurance company in Indonesia. This research is an empirical legal research,
which is based on secondary data such the basic norms, basic rules, legislation and the books.
Then continued with research on primary data in the field. All data were analyzed with qualitative
methods. The results showed that the indemnity principle is compliance with the principles of
Islamic contract, especially with the justice principle that requires the parties in a contract to get
a balanced profit. PT. Asuransi Takaful Umum already implemented the indemnity principle that
can be seen since the registration process of the insurance that obligate the insurance participant
to fill the complete data related to the value of the insurance object. Moreover, the implementation
of indemnity principle also can be seen from the insurance policy that contained with maximum
value of claim and the rate of contribution. In addition, the indemnity principle was clearly
implemented at the claim process by the calculation of claim value based on conclusion and also
by the verification of the real loss of insurance object.
Keywords: Indemnity Principle, General Insurance, Sharia Insurance
Kewenangan Kepolisian sebagaiamana yang telah diatur dalam Pasal 15 Undang-Undang No. 2 Tahun 2002 yang salah satu kewenangannya ialah memelihara keamanandan ketertibanmasyarakat, menegakkan hukum, dan.memberikan perlindungan, pengayoman, dan pelayanan kepadamasyarakat. Sedangkan kewenangan Kejaksaandiatur dalam Pasal 30 Undang-UndangNomor16 Tahun 2004 tentangKejaksaan. Adapun Kekuasaan kehakiman adalah kekuasaannegara yang merdeka untuk menyelenggarakan peradilan gunamenegakkan hukum dan keadilan berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945, demi terselenggaranya Negara Hukum Republik Indonesia. Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Utara sebagaisalahsatupelakukekuasaankehakimanmenerima, memeriksadanmengadiliperkaradugaanpenodaan agama yang dilakukanolehBasukiTjahajaPurnama alias Ahok. Pada salah satu agenda persidangan tersebut, Kapolda Metro Jaya mengirimkan surat permohonan penundaan sidang pembacaantuntutan dan Penuntut Umum juga meminta penundaan sidang selama 2 (dua) minggu dengan alasan belum dapat menyelesaikan penyusunan surat tuntutan pidana di samping memperhatikan surat Kapolda tersebut dan meminta agar sidang dilanjutkan setelah pemungutan suara pemilihan gubernur DKI Jakarta putaran 2 selesai. Majelis Hakim dalam perkara tersebut akhirnya menundasidang. Hal ini menimbulkan reaksi publik karena terkesan kepolisian mengintervensi peradilan, kejaksaan tidak profesional sehingga hakim tidak memilikipilihan lain selain menunda sidang.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskandasar hukum kewenangan kepolisian dan kejaksaan meminta penundaan pembacaan tuntutan dalam kasuspenodaan agama di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Utara dan menjelaskan analisis terhadap permintaan penundaan pembacaan tuntutan oleh kepolisian dan kejaksaan dalam kasus penodaan agama di PengadilanNegeri Jakarta Utara.Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dengan melakukan pendekatan terhadap asas-asas hukum dalam menganalisis permasalahan yang ada dan menganalisis hukum sebagai gejala masyarakat atau perilaku yang berpola dan dengan cara meneliti bahan pustaka atau data sekunder.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Permintaan penundaan sidang pembacaan tuntutan oleh kepolisian dalam kasuspenodaan agama di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Utara tidak berdasarkan atura nhukumpositif Indonesia yang menyatakan secara tegas bahwaha itu merupakan salah satu tugas dan/atau kewenangan kepolisian. Sedangka npermintaan penundaan sidang pembacaan tuntutan ole hpenuntut umum didasarkan pada ketentuan Pasal182 ayat (1) huruf a KUHAP yang memberikan kewenangan absolut kepada penuntut umum untuk mengajukan tuntutan pidana. Permintaan penundaan sidang oleh kepolisian tanpa dasar hukum tersebut patut dipandang sebagai bentuk intervensi kepolisian terhadap proses persidangan yang memiliki konsekuensi hukum pidana berdasarkan ketentua nPasal 3 ayat (2) dan (3) Undang-UndangNomor 48 Tahun 2009 tentang Kekuasaan Kehakiman. Sedangkan permintaan penundaan sidang oleh penuntut umum selama 2 (dua) minggu dengan alasan belum dapat menyelesaikan penyusunan surat tuntutan pidana dan memperhatikan surat permintaan penundaan persidangan oleh Kapolda Metro Jaya telah memunculkan kesan seolah penuntut umum tunduk pada permintaan Kapolda Metro Jaya dan mencederai kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap proses penegakanhukum yang adil dan transparan.Disarankan kepada aparat penegak kepolisian dalam menjalankan tugas agar sesuai dengan tugas dan kewenangannya dan tidak melakukan tindakan diluar kewenangan yang dapat dikualifikasikan sebagai tindakan mencampuri urusan peradilan. Tugas pokok memelihara keamanan dan ketertibanmasyarakat, menegakkan hukum, dan memberikan perlindungan, pengayoman dan pelayanan kepada masyarakat tidak dapat ditafsirkan dan diperluas pelaksanaannya dengan cara meminta penundaan dalam hal pembacaan tuntutan dipersidangan. Akan tetapi harus dilakukan dengancara-cara lain sedemikian rupa untuk memastikan keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat tetap terjaga tanpa mencampuri urusan peradilan apalagi dalam halpersidangan. Kepada kejaksaan disarankan supaya bekerja lebih teliti, bertanggungjawab dan profesional dalam pelaksanaan kewenangan penuntutan, segera menyelesaikan penyusunan surat tuntutan pidana dalam batas waktu yang ditetapkan majelis hakim, serta menghindari segala tindakan yang mengakibatkan tidak terlaksananya asas peradilan yang sederhana, cepat dan biayaringan dalam proses persidangan.Banda Ace
Penetapan Kadar Aflatoksin B1, B2, G1, dan G2 pada Olahan Kacang Tanah dengan Metode HPLC
Kacang tanah (Arachis hypogaea L) memiliki banyak manfaat seperti mencegah peningkatan kadar kolesterol, pencegahan keriput, kandungan serat tinggi, sumber energi dan pencegahan kanker. Akan tetapi jika dalam proses pemanenan, penyimpanan serta pengolahannya yang tidak sesuai, maka kacang tanah terkontaminasi aflatoksin yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan. Batas kadar cemaran aflatoksin pada kacang tanah dan hasil olahannya diatur dalam Peraturan Badan POM Nomor 18 Tahun 2018. Penelitian ini bertujuan menetapkan kadar kontaminasi aflatoksin B1, B2, G1 dan G2 pada olahan kacang tanah dengan prinsip ekstraksi menggunakan immunoaffinity column dengan instrumen High Performance Liquid Cromatogram (HPLC) detektor fluoresen. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kromatogram baku kerja Aflatoksin G1, G2, B1, dan B2 berturut-turut menunjukkan respon terbentuknya peak pada waktu retensi 6,966 menit, 8,395 menit, 12,806 menit dan 10,395 menit. Hasil kromatogram sampel yang diuji tersebut memberikan respon terbentuknya peak pada waktu retensi yang berbeda dengan baku aflatoksin. Sehingga kedua sampel tersebut dapat disimpulkan tidak terdeteksi mengandung aflatoksin B1, B2, G1 dan G2 dengan nilai LOD aflatoksin G1 sebesar 0,8311 ng/mL, aflatoksin G2 sebesar 0,0941 ng/mL, aflatoksin B1 sebesar 0,3046 ng/mL dan aflatoksin B2 sebesar 0,3143 ng/mL
Territory and cooperativism: A spatial analysis of the Spanish region of Andalusia
This study seeks to identify the behavior of cooperative societies in Andalusia, as well as the environments in which their greater relative importance is evident. The weight of cooperative societies is significantly greater in Andalusia as compared to the rest of Spain. These organizations are noteworthy for acting under social, economic and environmental principles and values, and represent a potential opportunity for the region. The methodology applied for this purpose consists of spatial analysis using descriptive graphing techniques and application of spatial autocorrelation. Among the results obtained, a significant finding is these organizations’ defined behavior as opposed to that of mercantile or traditional businesses. In mapping the weight of cooperativism in Andalusia, this study enables a deeper understanding that could lead to improved design and execution of general and specific territorial policies, and with a greater guarantee of success
Differentials and persistence in unemployment - an analysis of the Spanish regions with the highest unemployment rates
The objective of the present paper is to contribute to the study of the labour markets of two Spanish regions that have mantained over the last few decades a persistent unemployment differential with respect to the remainder of the country: Andalusia and Extremadura. To this end, a brief descriptive analysis is given of the most important variables of these regional labour makets, together with the corresponding shift-share and virtual economy analysis. To study the degree of persistence of the unemployment rate in these two regions, the behaviour of their labour markets in response to specific shocks in employment is examined by means of a VAR analysis, following the method proposed by Blanchard y Katz (1992). One of the most noteworthy aspects brought out by the descriptive analysis was that, although the labour markets of Andalusia and Extremadura share many characteristics - indeed most of those that were analyzed- they also present differenciated patterns of behaviour in some important variables. For example, in the case of Andalusia economy, there is a notably strong growth of the labor force. This contrasts whit the weakness of employment growth in the Extremadura economy. Also worthy of note is the greater wage flexibility in Extremadura compared to Andalusia. From the VAR analysis applied to each of these two regions, one can conclude that a specific demand shock in Andalusia and Extremadura has permanent effects on the participation rate - especially in Andalusia- and on the unemployment rate - especially in Extremadura-, with the migratory movements in these regions being too low to return these variables to the level they had prior to the demand shock. In sum, the present paper points to a set of factors that could contribute to explaining the unemployment differentials of Andalusia and Extremadura relative to the rest of Spain. More specific analyses would be required to evaluate the explanatory capacity of each of these factors in accordance with the underlying methodology and theories corresponding to each case.
Agro-food manufacturing in Mediterranean Spanish regions: Andalusia versus Valencian region
Agro ? food manufacturing is a basic activity in economic structure of Mediterranean regions. Spanish Mediterranean regions are not an exception in this pattern of specialization. Agro ? food manufacturing is very important in all the Spanish Mediterranean regions (Catalonia, Valencia, murcia and Andalusia). But there are some problems of reduced articulation of economic activities in southern Spanish Mediterranean regions that are not perceived in other Mediterranean spaces (Catalonia or Valencia). The aim of this article is to compare the different patterns of behavior of agro ? food manufacturing in two different Spanish Mediterranean regions: Andalusia and the Valencia community. Andalusia is a region that represents approximately 18% of Spanish population and territory. However, his participation in national g.d.p. is only of 12%. So, Andalusia is a region with some degree of backwardness in Spanish context. One of the rare activities where Andalusia has a participation of national average higher than his participation in population is agro food manufacturing. Andalusian agro food manufacturing represents 25% of total Spanish value added. Valencian community however is a richer regions and it has a more diversified manufacturing structure. The comparing between the two regions will allow to evaluate if the patterns of relation of agro ? food manufacturing with the rest of regional economic activities are similar in both region or there are important changes between them. This fact is very important for the design of a regional economic policy. Traditionally, the thesis of lack of economic articulation and orientation of economic activities toward other spaces has been defended in southern regions, especially in Andalusia. From this point of view, these elements decreased the possibilities of actuation of regional policies. However, agro ? food manufacturing, even in regions like Andalusia did not experience this kind of problems. In 1980 more of the 80% of the inputs used by this industry had regional origins. But in 1995 this participation was of the 63,3%. So there is a process of substitution of regional inputs for non-regional inputs even in activities with traditionally strong ties with regional productive structure, like agro ? food manufacturing. In this text, this hypothesis will be tested, comparing Andalusian situation with other regional situations a priori non-affected by this problem, like Valencian region. Input ? output tables of Andalusia and Valencian region will be employed to analyze this fact. The analysis will be carried for the agro ? food manufacturing and for different sectors included inside. It will be possible so to study with a relative high degree of detail the reality of agro ? food manufacturing in two concrete regions that, possibly, are representatives of a more general dynamic.
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