35 research outputs found
Türkiye florasi için yabancı yeni bir tür olan tradescantia fluminensis’in yaprak ve gövde anatomisine katkılar
Tradescantia fluminensis Vell. (Commelinaceae) has been recorded as a new naturalised alien species for the flora of Turkey from NE Anatolia. Its description, detailed leaf and stem anatomical properties, measurements, and photographs are presented in this paper. It was observed that the stems have a primary structure, the central cylinder comprises 2 concentric rings of closed collateral vascular bundles, and the leaves are bifacial and hypostomatic, with tetracytic stomata cells. In addition, it was determined that the thickness of the leaf lamina is 326 ± 4.79 µm and average of stomatal length and stomatal index in the abaxial surface of the leaf is 51.70 ± 0.33 µm and 12.54 ± 1.33, respectively.Tradescantia fluminensis Vell. (Commelinaceae), Türkiye florası için doğallaşmış yabancı bir tür olarak ilk kez Kuzeydoğu Anadolu’dan kaydedilmektedir. Bu çalışmada türün betimlemesi, yaprak ve gövdesinin detaylı anatomik özellikleri, ölçümler ve fotoğraflar sunulmaktadır. Gövdelerin primer yapılı, merkezi silindir iki konsentrik halkalı, kapalı kollateral iletim demetleri içerdiği ve yaprakların bifasial, hipostomatik, tetrasitik tip stomalı olduğu gözlenmiştir. Ayrıca yaprak laminasının kalınlığı 326 ± 4.79 µm ve yaprağın alt yüzeyinde ortalama stoma uzunluğu ve stoma indeksi sırasıyla 51.70 ± 0.33 µm ve 12.54 ± 1.33 olarak tespit edilmiştir
Preparation of Tradescantia pallida-mediated zinc oxide nanoparticles and their activity against cervical cancer cell lines
Purpose: To synthesize zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) using Tradescantia pallida. (Commelinaceae) and determine their fluorescent and cytotoxic properties.Methods: ZnO NPs were synthesized according to a simple protocol using T. pallida aqueous leaf extract (TPALE). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to analyze the morphology of the ZnO NPs. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transforminfrared spectroscopy (FTIR) measurements were performed to determine their crystalline nature and functional groups, respectively. Fluorescence spectroscopy was used to assess the photoluminescence properties of ZnO NPs. Upon confirmation of ZnO NP synthesis, cytotoxicity tests were carried out against HeLa cell line by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay.Results: The agglomerated ZnO NPs were rod-shaped and had a mean particle size of 25 ± 2 nm. Further, they exhibited good photoluminescence with correlation to ZnO crystals. MTT assay results indicated significant cytotoxicity against HeLa cervical cancer cell line.Conclusion: A simple approach for ZnO NP synthesis based on TPALE has been developed successfully. The synthesized ZnO NPs demonstrate good luminescence properties and cytotoxicity against cervical cancer line.Keywords: Commelinaceae, Cytotoxicity, Photoluminescence, Setcreasea pallida, Setcreasea purpurea, Tradescantia pallida, ZnO nanoparticle
Morphometric differences of Microgramma squamulosa (Kaulf.) de la Sota (Polypodiaceae) leaves in environments with distinct atmospheric air quality
Physiological aspects of sun and shade leaves of Lithraea molleoides (Vell.) Engl. (Anacardiaceae)
Wildflowers and Ferns of Kentucky
Since Kentucky is situated at a biological crossroads in eastern North America, citizens and visitors to this beautiful state are likely to be greeted by an astonishing variety of wildflowers. This non-technical guide—featuring more than five hundred dazzling full-color photographs by award-winning photographer Thomas G. Barnes—is the state’s indispensable guide to the most common species in the Commonwealth.
With this book, readers will learn to identify and appreciate Kentucky wildflowers and ferns by matching photographs and leaf line drawings to the more than six hundred and fifty species of flowers covered in the book. Extremely practical and simple to use, the guide’s color photographs and line drawings appear with plant descriptions for easy identification, and plants are grouped by flower color and blooming season. Each species listing includes the plant’s common and scientific name, plant family, habitat, frequency, and distribution throughout Kentucky, with similar species listed in the notes.
There is no other volume that covers the flora of Kentucky with such ease of identification. The first new statewide guide to appear in thirty years, with its combination of high quality photographs, illustrations, portability, and easy organization of information, Wildflowers and Ferns of Kentucky is an essential addition to the library or field pack of the wildflower enthusiast, naturalist, and anyone else who loves the outdoors.
Thomas G. Barnes, an extension professor of forestry and wildlife specialist in the Department of Forestry, College of Agriculture at the University of Kentucky, is the author of Kentucky’s Last Great Places.
Former naturalist S. Wilson Francis, Ph.D., is park superintendent at Natural Bridge State Resort Park in Kentucky.
An essential addition to the library or field pack of the wildflower enthusiast or naturalist. —Kentucky Alumni
A striking volume, memorable not only for its color photographs and plant descriptions but also for its introductory exposition of such pertinent matters as finding a good definition for \u27wildflower\u27 and one for \u27weed.\u27 —Mountain Eagle
There isn\u27t a gardener on your gift list who wouldn\u27t be delighted by this book. Don\u27t forget-you need a copy too. —Southsider
Wildflowers and Ferns of Kentucky is an extraordinarily beautiful, helpful, full color, 344-page guide showing 634 of the most common species of native ferns and seed-bearing wildflowers in Kentucky. —State Magazine
Utilizes strong artistic compositions without compromising the identifiable characteristics of the plant. —Burpee Museum of Natural History
This book is an excellent choice for professionals and general readers interested in the flora of Kentucky, adjacent states, and the northeastern US. . . . Highly recommended. —Choice
Contains superb color photographs that make identifying the ferns and flowers much easier. —Modern Mountain Magazine
A must-have for Kentuckiana gardeners. . . . A beautiful book that is easy to use (and carry) as a field guide. —Perry County News
An astonishing variety of plant life exists in Kentucky\u27s diverse geography, and the book represents the impressive mix. . . . Even a botanical novice will benefit from perusing this delightfully blooming book. —Southern Livinghttps://uknowledge.uky.edu/upk_plant_sciences/1005/thumbnail.jp
Recommended from our members
The potato : composition, non-enzymatic browning and anthocyanins
Chipping varieties and model systems were used to determine the role of potato
constituents on chip color. Composition was evaluated by HPLC and chip color
measured using a ColorQuest colorimeter. Reducing sugar (RS) content did not
completely explain color quality when present in low concentrations (<60 mg/lOOg).
Levels of ascorbic acid, glutamine and a chlorogenic acid isomer, along with RS,
showed high correlation with color. Sucrose was a poor estimator of chip color.
Model systems used leached potato slices infiltrated with solutions containing
sucrose, RS, ascorbic, chlorogenic and amino acids. Linear association of RS with L*
and hue angle and quadratic relationship with chroma of chips were found. Ascorbic acid
affected chroma and hue at low RS levels while chlorogenic acid was not involved in
color development.
Red potatoes {Solarium tuberosum and Solarium stenotomum) were evaluated as
potential source of natural red colorant. Cultivars (33) were screened for anthocyanin
content and qualitative composition. Monomeric anthocyanin content, determined by pH
differential, ranged between 4 and 40 mg/lOOg fresh weight (fw) tuber. Varieties 5847-1
and ND04069-4 showed high anthocyanin content (>35 mg/lOOg). Anthocyanin
composition was characterized by HPLC, spectral analysis and Mass Spectroscopy
(MS). The major anthocyanin was pelargonidin-3-rutinoside-5-glucoside acylated with
p-coumaric acid.
The presence of glycoalkaloids (α-solanine and α-chaconine) was detected by
MS and quantified by HPLC. Varieties NDO4069-4 and 5847-1 showed glycoalkaloid levels of 13 and 7 mg/lOOg fw, respectively. Glycoalkaloids were precipitated from
pigment concentrates by alkaline treatment. The best results were obtained at pH 8.0
with 30% monomeric anthocyanin degradation and 90% glycoalkaloid precipitation.
The color and pigment stability of chemically related anthocyanin extracts (red-fleshed
potatoes and radishes), the effect of pigment purity, and temperature were
evaluated in model juices (pH 3.5). Color (CIELch) and anthocyanin degradation was
monitored for 65 wks of storage. All model juices showed color similar to FD&C Red #
40. Excellent stability was obtained with all treatments in refrigeration. Anthocyanin
structure and extraction method affected pigment stability. At 25°C, higher stability was
obtained on juices colored with chemically purified radish anthocyanins (22 wk half-life)
and lowest with potato vegetable juice (10 wk half-life)
Forum Geobotanicum Vol. 8 (2018/2019)
Forum Geobotanicum is an electronic journal devoted to disseminate information concerning geographical distribution, ecology, morphology, taxonomy and conservation of vascular plants in the European Union with a main focus on middle Europe. It covers from molecular biology to environmental aspects. The focus is to publish original papers, reviews and announcements for the educated generalist as well as the specialist in this broad field. Forum Geobotanicum does not aim to supplant existing paper journals, but will be much more flexible in format, publication time and world-wide distribution than paper journals. Many important studies are being currently published in local journals and booklets and some of them are published privately. Hence, these studies will become aware to only a limited readership. Forum Geobotanicum will encourage authors of such papers to submit them as special issues of the journal. Moreover, the journal is planning to build up an E-mail-address section to support communication between geobotanists in Europe. The editors are optimistic that this electronic journal will develop to a widely used communication forum that will help to stimulate activities in the entire field of geobotany in middle Europe. To overcome problems of long term archivation and effective taxonomic publication of articles published electronically in Forum Geobotanicum, print versions of each volume of the journal and appropriate digital storage devices will be delivered freely to selected university libraries and state libraries in middle Europe.Forum Geobotanicum ist eine elektronische Plattform, deren Zielsetzung darin besteht, neue Erkenntnisse der geobotanischen Forschung in der Europäischen Union mit Schwerpunkt Mitteleuropa umfassend zu verbreiten. Das Journal befasst sich mit allen Fragen von Verbreitung, Ökologie, Morphologie und Taxonomie von Gefäßpflanzen und soll das gesamte Spektrum der Geobotanik von molekularbiologischen Aspekten bis zu Umwelt- und Naturschutzfragen abdecken. Der Hauptfokus liegt auf der Publikation von Originaluntersuchungen und Übersichtsartikeln sowie Behandlung aktueller Fragen des Naturschutzes. Die Zielgruppen sind Personen mit Allgemeinkenntnissen in der Botanik und Floristik sowie Spezialisten auf den Gebieten der Geobotanik und Pflanzensystematik.
Das Journal soll keine Zeitschrift in Druckform ersetzen, sondern eine Ergänzung zu den traditionellen Publikationsorganen bilden. Der Vorteil der Zeitschrift liegt in ihrer Flexibilität und raschen Publikationszeit nach Begutachtung der eingereichten Manuskripte und den Möglichkeiten, in größerem Umfang Fotografien und andere Abbildungen zu veröffentlichen. Der Vorteil einer elektronischen Zeitschrift besteht weiterhin darin, dass die Veröffentlichungen weltweit jedermann sofort zugänglich sind. Viele durchaus wichtige Untersuchungen aus dem Bereich der Geobotanik erscheinen in lokalen Publikationsorganen, wie Jahrbüchern und Heimatkalendern, oder auch im Eigenverlag. Da solche Veröffentlichungen bibliographisch kaum erfasst werden, können sie auch nicht in adäquater Weise wahrgenommen werden. Forum Geobotanicum soll ermöglichen, dass auch solche Publikationen in einer Literaturrubrik bekannt gemacht werden und ggf. nach Klärung von Copyright-Fragen als Supplemente der Zeitschrift ins Netz gestellt werden. Forum Geobotanicum nutzt die Vorteile des Internets, indem es abrufbare Hilfen, wie ein Verzeichnis von Adressen, Pflanzenlisten etc. zur Verfügung stellt. Insgesamt soll die Kommunikation zwischen Geobotanikern in Mitteleuropa erleichtert und eine Kommunikationsplattform etabliert werden, die die Aktivitäten auf dem gesamten Wissenschaftsgebiet stimuliert.
Das Journal ist uneigennützig und für Autoren und Benutzer kostenfrei. Für die Kostendeckung sind Sponsoren erwünscht, denen eine begrenzte Möglichkeit zur Darstellung eingeräumt werden kann. In der Anfangsphase wird das Journal von einem kleinen Herausgebergremiumbetrieben. Sollte sich Forum Geobotanicum erfolgreich weiter entwickeln, ist an eine Erweiterung des Herausgebergremiums auf Experten aus allen Nationen des mitteleuropäischen Raums gedacht. Um eine langfristige Verfügbarkeit der Publikationen zu gewährleisten, wird jeder Jahrgang von Forum Geobotanicum ausgedruckt, gebunden und mit digitalem Datenträger versehen an ausgewählte Universitätsbibliotheken, Landes- und Staatsbibliotheken Deutschlands und wichtiger Städte Mitteleuropas zur Archivierung und Ausleihe versandt
Análise morfoanatômica de partes vegetativas aéreas de espécies de Baccharis L. (Asteraceae) do Sul do Brasil
Orientadora : Profª. Drª. Márcia do Rocio DuarteCo-orientadores : Drª Marilis Dallarmi Miguel, Dr. Celso Garcia AuerTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas. Defesa: Curitiba, 10/11/2009Bibliografia: f. 128-155Área de concentração: Insumos, medicamentos e correlatosResumo: Baccharis L. é um dos maiores gêneros de Asteraceae e compreende cerca de 400 espécies. Levantamentos etnobotânicos realizados em diversas comunidades sulamericanas relatam que o uso de representantes de Baccharis tem sido frequente na medicina tradicional, principalmente como analgésico, diurético, espasmolítico, antidiabético, anti-infeccioso e estomáquico. O presente trabalho objetivou estudar a morfologia externa e a anatomia de partes vegetativas aéreas de Baccharis anomala DC., B. caprariifolia DC., B. coridifolia DC., B. megapotamica Spreng., B. microcephala Baker, B. ochracea Spreng., B. singularis (Vell.) G.M. Barroso, B. spicata (Lam.) Baill., B. stenocephala Baker, B. trimera (Less.) DC., B. uncinella DC. e B. usterii Heering. O material vegetal foi analisado, utilizando-se métodos habituais de microscopia fotônica e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Com relação aos caracteres diferenciais, dentre as espécies não aladas, B. anomala mostra folha de contorno oval, base levemente reentrante, margem denteada mucronulada, células epidérmicas de contorno sinuoso e tricomas tectores cônicos. Baccharis caprariifolia apresenta folha de contorno oblongo, margem denteada mucronada na porção média superior e tricomas tectores flageliformes simples unisseriados com células isodiamétricas na base. Baccharis coridifolia possui folha de ápice agudo mucronulado, margem ciliada e tricomas tectores flageliformes ramificados unisseriados com células da base que se alargam. Em B. megapotamica notam-se tricomas glandulares não capitados unisseriados que se dobram. Baccharis ochracea evidencia caule de contorno irregular com sete projeções. Baccharis singularis apresenta folha peninérvea e de contorno elíptico. Baccharis spicata mostra filotaxia oposta, folha de contorno lanceolado e margem denteada. Baccharis uncinella possui folha de ápice obtuso mucronulado e tricomas tectores flageliformes ramificados com células isodiamétricas na base. Dentre as espécies aladas, B. microcephala revela alas estreitas e B. stenocephala mostra ramos secundários bialados e ramos principais trialados. Baccharis trimera possui tricomas tectores flageliformes ramificados unisseriados em forma de T. Em B. usterii, é verificada a presença de folhas e de tricomas glandulares não capitados unisseriados. As características observadas nas espécies estudadas contribuem para o controle da qualidade do material vegetal de Baccharis spp. e fornecem subsídios taxonômicos ao gênero e à família Asteraceae.Abstract: Baccharis L. is one of the major genera of Asteraceae and comprises about 400 species. Ethnobotanical data from several South American communities report that Baccharis taxa have been used in traditional medicine, mainly as analgesic, diuretic, spasmolytic, antidiabetic, antiseptic and stomachic. This work aimed at studying the morpho-anatomy of the aerial vegetative organs from Baccharis anomala DC.,
B. caprariifolia DC., B. coridifolia DC., B. megapotamica Spreng., B. microcephala Baker, B. ochracea Spreng., B. singularis (Vell.) G.M. Barroso, B. spicata (Lam.) Baill., B. stenocephala Baker, B. trimera (Less.) DC., B. uncinella DC. and B. usterii Heering. The botanical material was investigated according to standard methods of light and scanning electron microscopy. Considering differential characters, among non-alate species, B. anomala shows oval blade, slightly re-entrant base, mucronulated-dentate margin, epidermal cells with sinuous contour and conical nonglandular trichomes. Baccharis caprariifolia leaves present oblong contour, mucronated-dentate margin from middle to upper region and simple uniseriate flagelliform non-glandular trichomes with isodiametric cells at the base. Baccharis coridifolia leaves have mucronulated-acute apex, ciliated margin and branched uniseriate flagelliform non-glandular trichomes with cells that extend from the base. In B. megapotamica the non-capitate uniseriate glandular trichomes that are bent. Baccharis ochracea reveals stems of irregular shape with seven projections. Baccharis singularis presents pinnate leaves with elliptical shape. Baccharis spicata leaves show opposite arrangement and are spear-shaped with dentate margin. Baccharis uncinella leaves have mucronulated-obtuse apex and branched flagelliform non-glandular trichomes with isodiametric cells at the base. Among the alate species, B. microcephala demonstrates narrow winged vegetative branches. Baccharis stenocephala shows 2-alate side branches and 3-alate main branches. Baccharis trimera has branched uniseriate flagelliform non-glandular trichomes with T-shape. In B. usterii, the presence of leaves and non-capitate uniseriate glandular trichomes is verified. These observed features can contribute as quality approach for raw materials from Baccharis spp. and can provide some further taxonomic data for the genus and Asteraceae