57 research outputs found
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on ASEAN (IC-ASEAN) "Towards a better ASEAN", September 5-6, 2019; Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Since the establishment of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) as a regional organization in 1967, it has played a significant role most importantly related to regional affairs and has also given notable contribution to the international arena. Undisputedly, ASEAN has been successfully fostering good relations among its members since its foundation. After completing the first period of its vision of an integrated regional community (ASEAN Community 2015), ASEAN is now preparing for the launch of ASEAN Community Vision 2025, supported by ASEAN Connectivity 2025. As a study center focusing primarily and solely on ASEAN, in collaboration with the Directorate General of ASEAN Cooperation, Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Center of ASEAN Studies Andalas University, will be hosting the International Conference on ASEAN (IC-ASEAN) as a platform to evaluate past actions, to discuss present issues, and to provide an outlook for the future of ASEAN. Aims and Scope The International Conference on ASEAN (IC-ASEAN) is a multidisciplinary conference which covers a broad range of area. The sub theme will be divided into two large categories focusing on ASEAN Community 2015 and 2025 also ASEAN Connectivity 2025. The sub theme related to ASEAN Community will cover issues related to the three pillars (Political-security Community, Economic Community and Social-cultural Community). Meanwhile the ASEAN Connectivity sub theme will include issues within the key areas (Physical Connectivity, Institutional Connectivity and People-to-people Connectivity
CELSciTech towards Downstream and Commercialization of Research
The Institute for Research and Community Service of Universitas Muhammadiyah Ria
Proceeding The 5th International Seminar On Social Studies and History Education (ISSSHE) 2020: Promoting Global Competency in the Era of the New Normal in Social Studies and History Learning
Study Program of Social Studies Education, School of Postgraduate
Studies Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia proudly present the 5th International
Seminar on Social Studies and History Education (ISSSHE) 2020. The theme in
this seminar is “Promoting Global Competency in the Era of the New Normal in
Social Studies and History Learning”.
All the paper presented in the conference were in line with the following
1. Developing Curriculum of Social Studies History and History Education
in The Era of New Normal
2. Developing Conflict resolution the teaching of Social Studies and History
Education in The Era of New Normal
3. Developing the values of phylantrophyc in Islamic History for teaching
Social Studies and History Education
4. Developing the values of local wisdom in teaching Social Studies and
History Education
5. Critical Digital Literacy in post pandemic education: what can and
should teachers do?
6. The Curriculum and teaching reform in the post pandemic, a Taiwan
7. Global Citizenship Education in Social Studies for The New Normal
8. The role of educator in the post-pandemic learning
9. The learning method in the New Normal era
10. Educational change and sustainability in the New Normal era
11. The TPACK (technological pedagogical content knowledge framework)
adoption in the New Normal era
12. Internalizing global competencies in the post-pandemic era in Social
Studies and history education
We would thank to all the organizing committee, keynote speakers,
presenters, and participants who joined this conference. Finally, we wish this
conference proceeding will give benefits to strengthen social studies education
Influence of Use Academic Information Systems Towards the Quality of Academic Student Service in Universitas Andalas Padang
Kumpulan dokumen hasil turnitin - Siti Aisyah
1. Meningkatkan Akuntabilitas Pelayanan Publik Melalui City Branding 2.Factors That Affect of The Achievement of The Public Accountability in Depok City, West Java Province, Indonesia 3. Kinerja Birokrasi Publik Dalam Menyelenggarakan Pelayanan Publik Di Indonesia 4. Village Government and Its Institutional Design Under the Constitutional Norms (The Case of Village Regulation in Indonesia) 5. Accountability Optimization of Local Budget Policy in Indonesia 6. Peningkatan Peran Pemerintah dan Masyarakat Sebagai Upaya Menjaga Ekosistem dan Konservasi Lingkungan di Dieng Plateau 7. Analysis of The Local Budgeting Policy Accountability Achievement in South Tangerang City, Banten Province 8. Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Tutorial Online Terhadap Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Mahasiswa FISIP-UT 9. Analisis Pengembangan Model Matakuliah Praktik pada Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan Universitas Terbuka 10. Analisis Implementasi Kebijakan Dalam Pengelolaan Kawasan Perbatasan Negara Di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau 11. Difusi Inovasi Kesehatan Masyarakat Melalui Program Jamban Arum (Antar Ke Rumah) Di Kecamatan Simpangkatis Kabupaten Bangka Tengah 12. The Development Of A Local Government Scorecard (LGSC) Model As Effort Improving The Performance Of The Local Budget Policy Human Resources Career Development Model A Strategy To Enhance Human Capital In Indonesia Open University 14. Local Government Marketing Between Needs and Limitations In The Implementation of Decentralization in Indonesia 15. Utilization of the MOOCs Program to Improve the Quality of Student Skills and Teaching Innovation in the Vocational Program at Universitas Terbuka 16.Quality Assurance in Open and Distance Education Experience from Universitas Terbuka 17. The Challenges & Opportunities Of E-Verification And Evoting On Simultaneous Village Head Elections (PILKADES) In Pemalang Regency In 2018 18. Governance Collaboration in Local Tourism Management Opportunities and Barriers to the Sustainability of Tourism Development in Indonesia 19. Dynamic Capability in Licensing and Business Investment Services in the Jakarta’s Hinterland Area (Case Study of Bekasi City Integrated Licensing and Business Investment Service Agency) 20. Analysis of Optional Government Affairs in Local Government 21. Strategic Collaboration To Promote Education For Sustainable Development In Universitas Terbuka
22. Transformation of Public Services in Urban Through The Implementation of Smart City Policy in Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia 23. Editor Prosiding-Seminar-FHISIP-2018 24. Editor Prosiding-OSC-FHISIP-2019 25. Sertifikat HAKI 26. sertifikat HAKI EC00202111576 Smart City 27. Manajemen Keuangan 28. Model 8 P Pemasaran sektor publik (The 8Ps Model of Public sector marketing) 29. Model Pengembangan Smart City di Indonesi
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