9 research outputs found

    Sentiment analysis in arabic: opinion polarity detection

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    Con Mención de Doctorado Internacional[ES]El análisis de sentimientos está obteniendo una gran importancia debido al aumento de popularidad de la web 2.0. Esta memoria se centra en el estudio de diferentes aspectos del análisis de sentimientos. El primer objetivo es analizar las opiniones que provienen del árabe y predecir su polaridad. Para alcanzar este objetivo se han generado dos corpora: OCA y EVOCA. OCA es un corpus de opinión de películas en árabe, y EVOCA es un corpus paralelo a OCA que incluye la traducción al inglés de las opiniones. Otro objetivo consiste en el análisis de sentimientos adaptado a diferentes dominios. Para ello, se ha generado el corpus SINAI-SA y se han aplicado distintas técnicas de aprendizaje automático. Finalmente, en esta memoria se realiza un estudio sobre revisiones neutrales. Para llevar a cabo este objetivo, se han investigado dos enfoque principales, uno basado en orientación semántica y el otro basado en algoritmos de aprendizaje automático como SVM o NB.[EN]Sentiment analysis is becoming increasingly important due the growing popularity of Web 2.0. This study focuses mainly on how to analyze opinions in Arabic language and predict their polarity. To achieve that, two corpora have been generated (OCA and EVOCA), OCA is an opinion corpus for Arabic movie reviews, while EVOCA is the translated version of OCA to English. Another corpus was created (SINAI-SA corpus) used with other corpora in order to predict sentiments in different domains. SINAI corpus was also used to study how to sort comments behave as textual information for the prediction of customer rates. Another question that was solved in this study is “How to treat with the neutral reviews”. Two main approaches have been investigated in this research, one based on semantic orientation and the other one based on machine learning algorithms like SVM or NBTesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de Informática, leída el 7 de octubre de 201

    Topology Reconstruction of Dynamical Networks via Constrained Lyapunov Equations

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    The network structure (or topology) of a dynamical network is often unavailable or uncertain. Hence, we consider the problem of network reconstruction. Network reconstruction aims at inferring the topology of a dynamical network using measurements obtained from the network. In this technical note we define the notion of solvability of the network reconstruction problem. Subsequently, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions under which the network reconstruction problem is solvable. Finally, using constrained Lyapunov equations, we establish novel network reconstruction algorithms, applicable to general dynamical networks. We also provide specialized algorithms for specific network dynamics, such as the well-known consensus and adjacency dynamics.Comment: 8 page

    Distributed moderation systems:an exploration of their utility and the social implications of their widespread adoption.

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    The present research introduces and investigates Distributed Moderation systems - in particular, sites where the votes of users are aggregated in order to rank or grade items of content. The primary subject of this research is reddit.com - a 'social news' website where users vote to collectively determine the level of visibility which will be afforded to submitted items of content. This research is investigative in nature - at its inception there was little published research on Distributed Moderation (DM) systems. The question which has guided the research is "what can we learn about these systems through observation and the interrogation of data which they naturally produce and store in their day-to-day operation?". There are Chapters of the thesis which investigate how DM works in practice (Chapter 5) and how/why individual users participate (Chapter 6). The research also devotes considerable attention to the social implications of producing information resources in this fashion (Chapter 7) - how do the resources which are produced using DM systems differ to those produced in a more conventional manner? At the outset of this research reddit was a relatively little-known website - over the course of the research it has become much more widely recognised and in the process it has changed considerably. Chapter 8 considers reddit from a longitudinal perspective; observing its development has offered insight into both the potential and the limitations of this particular application of DM. The final Chapter re-visits research questions and considers how one might go about adapting DM to other domains, with an emphasis on the political

    Corporate Governance and the Shareholder: Asymmetry, Confidence, and Decision-Making

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    In the decade following the ten-plus percent stockmarket collapse of 2000, regulators enacted a myriad of regulations in response to increasing angst experienced by U.S. capital market retail investors. Systemic asymmetric disclosures have fractured investor confidence prompting many commentators to characterize the relationship between Wall Street and the investment community on main street as dire. Though copious works exist on the phenomenon of corporate behaviors, especially matters of shareholder welfare, weak boards, pervious governance mechanisms, and managerial excess, current literature has revealed a dearth in corporate governance praxis specific to the question and effects of asymmetric disseminations and its principal impact on the retail/noninstitutional accredited investor\u27s (NIAI) confidence and decision-making propensities. This phenomenological study is purposed to bridging the gap between the effects of governance disclosure and the confidence and decision-making inclinations of NIAIs. Conceptual frameworks of Akerlof\u27s information theory and Verstegen Ryan and Buchholtz\u27s trust/risk decision making model undergirded the study. A nonrandom purposive sampling method was used to select 21 NIAI informants. Analysis of interview data revealed epistemological patterns/themes confirming the deleterious effects of asymmetrical disseminations on participants\u27 investment decision-making and trust behaviors. Findings may help academicians, investors, policy makers, and practitioners better comprehend the phenomenon and possibly contribute to operating efficiencies in the capital markets. Proaction and greater assertiveness in the investor/activist community may provide an impetus for continued regulatory reforms, improved transparency, and a revitalization of public trust as positive social change outcomes

    A framework for digital archiving at selected public universities in Kenya.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietemaritzburg.Archival records are knowledge assets that preserve the overall historical scholarship, memory and identity of organisations and institutions of higher learning. The rapid transformations witnessed on the digital landscape today have led to the increased generation of digital records, prompting the growing interest by universities to adopt sustainable digital archiving implementations to ensure the continued access of archives. This research investigated digital archives management practices in selected public universities in Kenya. The objective of the study was to develop a digital archiving framework for the archival repositories at the institutions. To achieve this objective, the study sought to answer five research questions which were: what is the state of digital archiving readiness of public universities in Kenya? How are digital archives identified and administered in Kenyan public universities? Which legal and regulatory frameworks govern digital archives management in Kenyan public universities? Which risk factors are digital archives exposed to in these universities? What possible solutions can be adopted to mitigate the identified risks and support sustainable digital archiving implementations in Kenyan public universities? The study subscribed to the pragmatic school of thought which formed the basis for adopting a mixed methods approach that prompted the use of qualitative and quantitative methodologies, with a qualitative priority. The study was underpinned by the records continuum (RC) model, Open Archival Information System (OAIS) Reference model and the Archives and Records Management Association (ARMA) Records Management Maturity model which were triangulated to coin a conceptual framework for the study. The study adopted a multiple-case (embedded) design using cross-sectional survey. Six universities were purposively selected from 23 fully accredited public universities in Kenya namely: the University of Nairobi, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Moi, Kenyatta, Maseno and Egerton Universities. Purposive sampling was used to select a sample of 205 respondents comprising of deputy vice-chancellors, finance officers, legal officers, ICT directors, archivists, records managers, records officers, ICT staff and administrative staff. Questionnaires were administered to 169 respondents; 36 participants were targeted for interviews, and document review was used to confirm the data. Quantitative data was analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and presented using inferential and descriptive statistics. Qualitative data was analysed thematically using NVivo and presented using charts, graphs and tables as applicable. The key findings suggested that public universities in Kenya have not attained the desired optimal state of readiness for digital archiving. This was evidenced by the absence of functional archival repositories in five of the universities, insufficient harnessing of the available ICTs for d-archiving, inadequate skilled and competent staff, low prioritization for the education and training of recordkeeping staff and absence of dedicated budgets for records and archives management functions in the institutions. Furthermore, there were no formal processes guiding the lifecycle management of digital records and the generated metadata. The situation was exacerbated by weak and/or non-existent legal and regulatory frameworks for recordkeeping at national and institutional levels. Subsequently, digital records were exposed to risks at various stages of their lifecycle which included records technology risks, legal and regulatory risks, administrative risks and records control risks. The risks further occasioned a cocktail of challenges that called for urgent interventions. The overall conclusion of the study was that even though the institutions have instigated various approaches and strategies to mitigate the identified risks, a lot needed to be done to improve the state of digital archives management in the universities. Taking into consideration the study findings, this research recommends a framework for digital archiving that brings into perspective a collaborative approach, whose core focus is to enhance d-archiving practices in archival repositories of collaborating institutions