74,889 research outputs found
Abbreviations and Acronyms: The Case of Tlhalosi ya Medi ya Setswana
This paper looks at how abbreviations and acronyms are treated in African language dictionaries in general compared to selected mainstream English dictionaries. Specifically, the study looks at their treatment in T.J. Otlogetswe's (2012) Tlhalosi ya Medi ya Setswana dictionary. Altogether, a survey of twenty selected dictionaries was carried out examining the treatment of abbreviations and acronyms in these dictionaries. Ten of these dictionaries are mainstream English dictionaries and the remaining ten are dictionaries of varied African languages spoken in the Southern African region e.g. Shona, Ndebele, Venda, Setswana and Northern Sotho. The study addresses four questions: (a) whether African lexicographers include abbreviations and acronyms in their dictionaries as is practice in mainstream English dictionaries; (b) if so, how these have been treated; (c) what linguistic features are highlighted in these entries, if any; and, (d) what recommendation the study makes for the way forward.The results showed that in most of the African dictionaries in the survey, unlike in mainstream English dictionaries, abbreviations and acronyms are not included despite the fact that many of them are coined and used by native speakers of these languages. An exception is Otlogetswe (2012) with a list of 25 abbreviations and acronyms. The paper recommends that African lexicographers include abbreviations and acronyms as part of their lexicon because these lexical items are coined by the communities making them part of the vocabulary of the language. Users of these dictionaries should find entries of abbreviations and acronyms in these dictionaries whenever they want to confirm the meaning, or when teaching.Keywords: Abbreviations, acronyms, African languages, dictionary, French acronyms, lemmas, lexicographers, monolingual, pronunciation, semantic properties, stress, ton
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronyms and abbreviations that are used throughout this book and that are frequently encountered in Washington legal materials are listed below, along with the full names or titles they represent. The list includes publications (the full titles are printed in italics); bar associations and legal organizations; federal and state agencies, boards, commissions, and departments; legal terms; court rules; statutes; and electronic databases and services. Washington State agencies are designated by the word Washington in parentheses; sections or programs of the Washington State Bar Association are indicated by WSBA in parentheses. It is a representative, not a comprehensive, list.https://digitalcommons.law.uw.edu/librarians-chapters/1017/thumbnail.jp
Acronyms are abbreviations made up of the first letters of several words. They replace longer terms with simpler ones. In the English language, the widespread use of acronyms and initialisms is a relatively new linguistic phenomenon. As literacy rose, andacronyms, initialisms, business, English, communication
Scientific communication (XXIII). Medical language (1): The use and abuse of abbreviations and acronyms in the medical language and in Pediatrics
[EN]: Abbreviations (abbreviations, acronyms and symbols) are widely used in all scientific fields, especially in health sciences, usually used as a resource to gain time and save space. However, they can cause communication problems between professionals from different levels of care and may incur misunderstandings that can lead to serious consequences, especially in drug prescriptions in childhood. This article revises the rules that define their construction and use, describes problems of their use in scientific communication, proposes solutions to avoid acronyms and details some search engines about acronyms on the internet.[EN]: Abbreviations (abbreviations, acronyms and symbols) are widely used in all scientific fields, especially in health sciences, usually used as a resource to gain time and save space. However, they can cause communication problems between professionals from different levels of care and may incur misunderstandings that can lead to serious consequences, especially in drug prescriptions in childhood. This article revises the rules that define their construction and use, describes problems of their use in scientific communication, proposes solutions to avoid acronyms and details some search engines about acronyms on the internet.Peer Reviewe
Abbreviations and acronyms
This booklet provides a partial list of acronyms, abbreviations, and other short word forms, including their definitions, used in documents at the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). This list does not preclude the use of other short forms of less general usage, as long as these short forms are identified the first time they appear in a document and are defined in a glossary in the document in which they are used. This document supplements information in the GSFC Scientific and Technical Information Handbook (GHB 2200.2/April 1989). It is not intended to contain all short word forms used in GSFC documents; however, it was compiled of actual short forms used in recent GSFC documents. The entries are listed first, alphabetically by the short form, and then again alphabetically by definition
This study aims (1) to describe the embodiment of arbitrary abbreviations and acronyms in Instagram social media, and (2) explains the purpose of forming arbitrary abbreviations and acronyms in Instagram social media. The method used in this study is observed method by taking screenshots and recording abreviation data. The sample used in this study does not depend on quantity, but rather on quality based on the scope andprofundity of the problem researched. The results show that arbitrary abbreviations are made by twisting and forming a new extension. Meanwhile, the acronym is made for an extension that seems forced because the form of the acronym does not have a meaning relationship with its extension. Arbitrary abbreviations and acronyms generally also contains meaning that was deliberately mischarged, making it difficult for understanding outsiders who don't use social media.There are three objectives of forming arbitrary abbreviations and acronyms on Instagram social media, looks contemporary, ragged material, and as a reminder
Appendix: Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronyms and abbreviations that are used throughout this book and that are found in Washington and other legal materials are listed below, along with the full names or titles they represent. The list includes publications (the full titles are printed in italics); bar associations and legal organizations; U.S. and Washington agencies, boards, commissions, and departments; legal terms; court rules; statutes; and electronic databases and services. This list is representative, not comprehensive.https://digitalcommons.law.uw.edu/librarians-chapters/1008/thumbnail.jp
Acronyms, abbreviations and initialisms
Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73192/1/j.1464-410x.2000.00717.x.pd
Abbreviations and acronyms guide
A selected list of abbreviations and acronyms in use throughout the Jet Propulsion Laboratory is presented. The compilation includes NASA and JPL facilities and organizations, federal government agencies, international organizations, engineering and scientific associations and societies, commercial organizations, and words and phrases with technical and financial applications
Abbreviations (Acronyms and Initialisms) in Business Communication
The use of abbreviations (acronyms and initialisms) has grown rapidly in the 21st century. The reason of their extensive use is the increasing need to save space and to avoid repetitions of rather long expressions in science, technology and business communication. Due to the fact that it is almost impossible to communicate without having the basic knowledge on acronyms and initialism in the specific field of interest the author of the paper presents definitions of abbreviations, a brief historical overview and certain rules on their spelling and pronunciation. The
paper also includes a list of commonly used acronyms and initialisms in business, finance and accounting
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