17,595 research outputs found

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People and dementia: a review of the research

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    This report outlines the prevalence of dementia and modifiable risk factors in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Executive summary The high rate of dementia in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities requires urgent attention. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experience dementia at an earlier age then the general population and this, combined with the steadily growing number of older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, will result in the number of people effected by  dementia growing significantly in the coming years. Although higher rates of dementia have been reported in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, the disease is often overlooked by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander  communities, health workers and service providers. Geographical constraints in the provision of services, a lack of education and awareness in communities and by health workers and the prevalence of other chronic diseases have all posed considerable barriers to the recognition of dementia as an emerging health issue. This paper includes the following recommendations to ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, family members and communities have access to awareness, information, and appropriate support services for people with dementia

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health performance framework 2012 report: Australian Capital Territory

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    This report provides the latest information on how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are faring according to a range of indicators on health status, determinants or health and health system performance.Executive summaryThe Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework 2012 report for the Australian Capital Territory finds areas of improvement in the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in the territory, including:a significant increase in health assessments for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 55 years and over recorded through Medicare since the introduction of the National Partnership Agreement on Closing the Gap in Indigenous Health Outcomes in July 2009corresponding increases in allied health-care services claimed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through Medicare since 1 July 2009. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have higher rates of general practitioner management plans and team care arrangements than non-Indigenous Australiansimmunisation coverage rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are close to those for other Australian children by age 5some improvements in literacy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Year 3 and 5 between 2009 and 2011apparent retention rates from Year 7 to Year 10 and from Year 11 to Year 12 are higher for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the Australian Capital Territory than for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people nationally.Areas of concern include:high rates of smoking during pregnancy (51% total)around half of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 18 and over reported drinking alcohol at short-term risky/high-risk levels in the past 12 months, which was higher than the proportion for non-Indigenous people and for Indigenous people nationallyalmost two-thirds (63%) of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 18 and over in the Australian Capital Territory have a disability or long-term health condition, which is higher than the proportion for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people nationally (41%)breast cancer screening rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women are lower than for other women

    Protocols for an Aboriginal-led, Multi-methods Study of the Role of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers, Practitioners and Liaison Officers in Quality Acute Health Care

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    ObjectivesAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers/Practitioners and Liaison Officers play an important, often critical role providing advocacy and cultural and emotional support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients. The main goals of this research are to explore i) how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers/Practitioners and Liaison Officers are integrated in the routine delivery of care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in hospital, and ii) how the role of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers/Practitioners and Liaison Officers facilitates quality health outcomes. MethodsThis study is being conducted in three different hospitals using a multi-method approach including: yarning and Dadirri, patient journey mapping, survey and semi-structured interviews. Ethics approval has been provided from four ethics committees covering the three project sites in Australia (Adelaide, South Australia; Sydney, New South Wales and Alice Springs, Northern Territory). SignificanceThis study uses innovative methodology founded on the privileging of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledges to collect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives and understand patient journeys within acute health care systems. This project is led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander researchers and guided by the Project Steering Committee comprised of stakeholders. ImplicationsThere is limited research that explores quality acute care processes and the integration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers/Practitioners work within health care teams. This research will make a valuable contribution to understanding how hospital services can achieve quality acute health care experiences for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People

    Career Pathways for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workforce: Literature Review Report: Career Pathways Project

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    This literature review has been undertaken as a part of the research activities for the Career Pathways Project (CPP) for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health professionals commissioned by the Lowitja Institute. The CPP is focussed on providing insights and guidance to enhance the capacity of the health system to retain and support the development and careers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the health workforce and takes a national perspective. This project was initiated by Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCHOs) and involves leadership at all levels by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander investigators, partners and field researchers. The aim of the literature review is to examine the peer and grey literature to inform the broader CPP research activities and proposed actions for strengthening the career development opportunities and pathways of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the health workforce. The review focuses on four key questions: 1. What are the unique skill sets and values that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health staff and health professionals can, and do, contribute to health services? 2. What are the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health staff and health professionals in entering, and progressing, their careers within health services? 3. What factors facilitate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workforce career development and career advancement? 4. What factors impede Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workforce career development and career advancement? In undertaking this literature review and addressing these questions, we first briefly provide a snapshot of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workforce and then consider key concepts related to careers. We do so to frame the findings of the literature review provided within the main body of this report and to acknowledge the importance of privileging the contexts, values and perspectives of those who constitute the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workforce

    Recent developments in national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health strategy

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    In this paper I will describe some of the sentinel events in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health policy and strategy during 2003 and the early part of 2004. This will involve discussion on the: • National Strategic Framework in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health • National Strategic Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Mental Health and Social and Emotional Well Being 2004–2009 • National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework • The roll-out of the Primary Health Care Access Program • The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey and the National Indigenous Health Survey These developments are consistent with a policy agenda that has evolved, in general terms, since the release of the National Aboriginal Health Strategy in 1989. However, I will also consider significant developments in the broader context for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affairs, particularly the decision made in early 2004 by the Howard government to abolish the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC). While the key events and developments that are reported in this paper elaborate on an agenda that has been developing for more than a decade, the decision to abolish ATSIC is likely to have a revolutionary impact on the future development of Aboriginal health strategy

    Understanding and valuing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of working: Opportunities for change in health service provision to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

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    This thesis draws on an analysis of the experiences of Aboriginal and/or Torres health professionals to argue that the Australian health system is missing opportunities to create something better for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health clients and health professionals. In 2018 Closing the Gap1 will be 10 years old and despite 10 years of national policy designed to close the gap on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander disadvantage in Australia, only one of the seven key measures remains on track to meet the goals set for 2020 (Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, 2017). There is an immediate need to make change in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health through changes in national policy, systems and practices. This thesis investigates the workplace experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health professionals working in mainstream and in community controlled health services in the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health sector. I have explored this from an Australian Aboriginal (Koori) perspective that was informed by Indigenous2 theories including decolonisation, Cultural Interface and Indigenous Standpoint Theories. As a Koori scholar undertaking doctoral research in a Western academy I respected and upheld both my cultural and my Western academic ethics and requirements: Yarns, including my own, are central to this thesis. I have used Indigenous research methods, Yarning and PhotoYarning, the latter having been developed as a new Indigenous research method by me within this doctoral study. Fifteen Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers from diverse health services across Australia contributed data. The empirical chapters highlight Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of working in Australian health services. For the Australian health sector to provide culturally safe services that meet the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia it needs to better engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of being, knowing, doing and seeing

    Overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health status, 2020

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    The Overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health status (the Overview) aims to provide a comprehensive outline of the most recent indicators of the health and current health status of Australia\u27s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The initial sections of the Overview provide information about the context of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, social determinants, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population and measures of population health status including births, mortality and hospitalisation..

    Overview of Australian Indigenous health status 2014

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    This Overview of Australian Indigenous health status provides information about: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations; the context of Indigenous health; various measures of population health status; selected health conditions; and health risk and protective factors. This Overview of Australian Indigenous health status provides a comprehensive summary of the most recent indicators of the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia (states and territories are: New South Wales (NSW), Victoria (Vic), Queensland (Qld), Western Australia (WA), South Australia (SA), Tasmania (Tas), The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and The Northern Territory (NT)). It draws largely on previously published information, some of which has been re-analysed to provide clearer comparisons between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous people (for more details of statistics and methods, readers should refer to the original sources). Very little information is available separately for Australian Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people. It is often difficult to determine whether original sources that use the term ‘Indigenous\u27 are referring to Aboriginal people only, Torres Strait Islander people only or to both groups. In these instances the terms from the original source are used

    Overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health status, 2017

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    The Overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health status (Overview) aims to provide a comprehensive summary of the most recent indicators of the health and current health status of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The initial sections of the Overview provide information about the context of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, population, and various measures of population health status. The remaining sections are about selected health conditions and risk and protective factors that contribute to the overall health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. These sections comprise an introduction and evidence of the extent of the condition or risk/protective factor. The annual Overview is a resource relevant for workers, students and others who need to access up-to-date information about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health

    Overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health status 2018

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    The Overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health status (Overview) aims to provide a comprehensive summary of the most recent indicators of the health and current health status of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The initial sections of the Overview provide information about the context of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, population, and various measures of population health status. The remaining sections are about selected health conditions and risk and protective factors that contribute to the overall health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. These sections comprise an introduction and evidence of the extent of the condition or risk/protective factor. The annual Overview is a resource relevant for workers, students and others who need to access up-to-date information about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health. Accompanying the Overview is a set of PowerPoint slides designed to help lecturers and others provide up-to-date information. A plain language version of the Overview, the Summary of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, 2018 is also available