33,817 research outputs found

    NASA/DOD earth orbit shuttle traffic models based on end to end loading of payloads

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    An analysis of the spacecraft configurations and space missions for the Earth Orbit Shuttle traffic model based on an end-to-end loading of payloads is presented. Two possible reusable tugs are considered. The space missions are described with respect to the following: (1) number of earth orbit shuttle flights by inclination, (2) total payloads to orbit, (3) energy stages required, and (4) characteristics of reusable tug

    Study of extraterrestrial disposal of radioactive wastes. Part 1: Space transportation and destination considerations for extraterrestrial disposal of radioactive wastes

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    A feasibility study of extraterrestrial disposal of radioactive waste is reported. This report covers the initial work done on only one part of the NASA study, that evaluates and compares possible space destinations and space transportation systems. The currently planned space shuttle was found to be more cost effective than current expendable launch vehicles by about a factor of 2. The space shuttle requires a third stage to perform the waste disposal missions. Depending on the particular mission, this third stage could be either a reusable space tug or an expendable stage such as a Centaur

    Constant propellant use rendezvous scenario across a launch window for refueling missions

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    Active rendezvous of an unmanned spacecraft with the Space Transportation System (STS) Shuttle for refueling missions is investigated. The operational constraints facing both the maneuvering spacecraft and the Shuttle during a rendezvous sequence are presented. For example, the user spacecraft must arrive in the generic Shuttle control box at a specified time after Shuttle launch. In addition, the spacecraft must be able to initiate the transfer sequence from any point in its orbit. The standard four-burn rendezvous sequence, consisting of two Hohmann transfers and an intermediate phasing orbit, is presented as a low-energy solution for rendezvous and retrieval missions. However, for refueling missions, the Shuttle must completely refuel the spacecraft and return to Earth with no excess fuel. This additional constraint is not satisfied by the standard four-burn sequence. Therefore, a variation of the four-burn rendezvous, the constant delta-V scenario, was developed to satisfy the added requirement

    Active rendezvous between a low-earth orbit user spacecraft and the Space Transportation System (STS) shuttle

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    Active rendezvous of an unmanned spacecraft with the Space Transportation System (STS) Shuttle is considered. The various operational constraints facing both the maneuvering spacecraft and the Shuttle during such a rendezvous sequence are discussed. Specifically, the actively rendezvousing user spacecraft must arrive in the generic Shuttle control box at a specified time after Shuttle launch. In so doing it must at no point violate Shuttle separation requirements. In addition, the spacecraft must be able to initiate the transfer sequence from any point in its orbit. The four-burn rendezvous sequence incorporating two Hohmann transfers and an intermediate phasing orbit as a low-energy solution satisfying the above requirements are discussed. The general characteristics of the four-burn sequence are discussed, with emphasis placed on phase orbit altitude and delta-velocity requirements. The planning and execution of such a sequence in the operational environment are then considered. Factor crucial in maintaining the safety of both spacecraft, such as spacecraft separation and contingency analysis, are considered in detail

    Elements of cost comparison for planetary missions with advanced propulsion

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    Cost and performance comparisons are made between chemical propulsion and nuclear electric propulsion for planetary missions at Jupiter and beyond. Nuclear rocket comparisons are made for performance only. Titan, Saturn, and space shuttle launch are evaluated, utilizing advanced propulsion upper stages. Appendixes include a performance analysis of multiple shuttle launches, with assembly in earth orbit, and a discussion of nonrecurring costs

    Orbital transfer and release of tethered payloads. Continuation of investigation of electrodynamic stabilization and control of long orbiting tethers Martinez-Sanchez, Manuel

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    The effect of reeling operations on the orbital altitude of the tether system and the development of control laws to minimize tether rebound upon payload release were studied. The use of the tether for LEO/GEO payload orbital transfer was also investigated. It was concluded that (1) reeling operations can contribute a significant amount of energy to the orbit of the system and should be considered in orbit calculations and predictions, (2) deployment of payloads, even very large payloads, using tethers is a practical and fully stable operation, (3) tether augmented LEO/GEO transfer operations yield useful payload gains under the practical constraint of fixed size OTV's, and (4) orbit to orbit satellite retrieval is limited by useful revisit times to orbital inclinations of less than forty-five degrees

    BRAVO economic study of LANDSAT follow-on

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    The LANDSAT Follow-On satellite consists of two major systems: the instrument module and the Multi-Mission Modular Spacecraft (MMS). The instrument module contains the thematic mapper and the five-band multispectral scanner instruments. The instrument module also includes the solar array, the tracking and data relay satellite (TDRS) antenna, and the wideband data module. The MMS contains the modularized and standardized power, propulsion, attitude control, and command and data handling subsystems. The Shuttle will be supporting the LANDSAT Follow-On system. The LANDSAT Follow-On Project plans two Delta 3910 launches. The first is scheduled for 1981; the second Delta launch will occur as needed to keep one satellite operational on orbit. The second satellite will be ready six months after the first. It could be launched any time after that. Shuttle support of the system could begin in early 1983 but would be scheduled to start after the second Delta launch

    NASA/DOD earth orbit shuttle traffic models based on side by side loading of payloads

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    An analysis of the spacecraft configurations and space missions for the Earth Orbit Shuttle traffic model based on side-by-side loading of payloads is presented. The reusable tugs to be employed for the mission are examined. The space missions are described with respect to the following: (1) number of Earth Orbit Shuttle flights by inclination, (2) total payloads to orbit, (3) energy states required, and (4) characteristics of reusable tug

    Improvements of the gravity field from satellite techniques as proposed to the European Space Agency

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    A summary of the European Earth Sciences Space Programme and the requirements for each gravity field mapping resulting from this programme are given. Three satellite experiments for gravity field improvement proposed to the European Space Agency in the last years are shortly characterized. One of these experiments, the low-low-SST-SLALOM experiment, based on laser interferometry for a "two target-one Spacelab telescope" configuration, is discussed in more detail. Reasons for the low-low concept selection are given and some mission aspects and a possible system concept for a compact ranging, acquisition and tracking system are presented
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