2 research outputs found
This paper deals with research and development of Vehicle Monitoring and Security System which is GPS based vehicle tracking system used for security applications. It uses two main underlying concepts. These are GPS (Global Positioning System) and GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication). The main application of this system is tracking the vehicle to which the GPS is connected, giving the information about its position whenever required and for the security of each person travelling by the vehicle. This is done with the help of the GPS satellite and the GPS module attached to the vehicle which needs to be tracked. The GPS antenna present in the GPS module receives the information from the GPS satellite in NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association) format and thus it reveals the position information. This information got from the GPS antenna has to be sent to the Base station wherein it is decoded. For this GSM module is used which has an antenna too. Thus we have at the Base station; the complete data about the vehicle. Along with tracking the vehicle, the system is used for security applications as well. Each passenger/employee will have an ID of their own and will be using a remote containing key for Entry, Exit and Panic. The Panic button is used by the driver or the passenger so as to alert the concerned of emergency conditions. On pressing this button, an alarm will be activated which will help the passenger/employee in emergencies and keep them secure throughout the journey. The vehicle can also be immobilized remotely
The implications of resource depletion for freight transport and distribution
The distribution of goods is essential to all developed
economies and is dependent upon non-renewable resources of energy
and raw materials which must become progressively scarcer and
more expensive within the next fifty years. Although
resource shortages are thought unlikely to bring transport
systems to a half within this time, the historical trend towards
concentration upon relatively resource extravagent modes and
systems may create future problems. The purpose of this wideranging
thesis is therefore to examine ways by which freight
transport's dependence upon scarce resources may be reduced
and to discuss the potential for a more efficient use of resources
in distribution. [Continues.