2 research outputs found
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A Premliminary Report on Strength of 1/2 of a 3Q120
Attached please find some data taken on the dates show at MTF on a 3Q12OA magnet by utilizing a Morgan Coil for determining the strength of the quadrupole component. The probe was inserted approximately 1/2 the distance through the magnet (accuracy of longitudinal placement about .25 inch) and was rotated to record the flux change at constant current. The data are listed twice: once in time order and once sorted by current. It should be noted that these measurements were begun when the magnet had not ever been powered and the initial flux was very small. The remanent after a 400 A excitation is also available in these results. As a guide to the activity planned for each measurement, Table 3 lists with each run the title created by the measurer. these results are plotted in Figures 1-3. This magnet is marked as No.4 and to match the MTF VAX measurement system conventions, it was labeled as QGGOO4 in the data. The analysis of strength is based on a nominal probe radius determined from shop drawings. The amplitude of the quadrupole component is converted to Tesla-m/m of strength in the regular data reduction program. It is reported in the frame in which the skew quadrupole component is zero. The data is taken with the current measured at the Transductor. This is known to be an inferior method of current measurement below about 50 A. The author has not corrected the data, but a special calibration against the shunt was carried out