310 research outputs found

    A Detailed Investigation of First and Second Order Supersymmetries for Off-Shell N = 2 and N = 4 Supermultiplets

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    This paper investigates the d = 4, N = 4 Abelian, global Super-Yang Mills system (SUSY-YM). It is shown how the N = 2 Fayet Hypermultiplet (FH) and N = 2 vector multiplet (VM) are embedded within. The central charges provide a plethora of information as to further symmetries of the Lagrangian. Several of these symmetries are calculated to second order. It is hoped that investigations such as these may yield avenues to help solve the auxiliary field closure problem for d = 4, N = 4, SUSY-YM and the d = 4, N = 2 Fayet-Hypermultiplet, without using an infinite number of auxiliary fields.Comment: 47 pages, reworded text relating to central charges, renumbered pages, updated title page and reference

    On non-minimal N=4 supermultiplets in 1D and their associated sigma-models

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    We construct the non-minimal linear representations of the N=4 Extended Supersymmetry in one-dimension. They act on 8 bosonic and 8 fermionic fields. Inequivalent representations are specified by the mass-dimension of the fields and the connectivity of the associated graphs. The oxidation to minimal N=5 linear representations is given. Two types of N=4 sigma-models based on non-minimal representations are obtained: the resulting off-shell actions are either manifestly invariant or depend on a constrained prepotential. The connectivity properties of the graphs play a decisive role in discriminating inequivalent actions. These results find application in partial breaking of supersymmetric theories.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure

    Non-gravitational exceptional supermultiplets

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    We examine non-gravitational minimal supermultiplets which are based on the tensor gauge fields appearing as matter fields in exceptional generalised geometry. When possible, off-shell multiplets are given. The fields in the multiplets describe non-gravitational parts of the internal dynamics of compactifications of M-theory. In flat backgrounds, they enjoy a global U-duality symmetry, but also provide multiplets with a possibility of coupling to a generalised exceptional geometry.Comment: 11 pp., plain te


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    The superembedding approach to pp-branes is used to study a class of pp-branes which have linear multiplets on the worldvolume. We refer to these branes as L-branes. Although linear multiplets are related to scalar multiplets (with 4 or 8 supersymmetries) by dualising one of the scalars of the latter to a pp-form field strength, in many geometrical situations it is the linear multiplet version which arises naturally. Furthermore, in the case of 8 supersymmetries, the linear multiplet is off-shell in contrast to the scalar multiplet. The dynamics of the L-branes are obtained by using a systematic procedure for constructing the Green-Schwarz action from the superembedding formalism. This action has a Dirac-Born-Infeld type structure for the pp-form. In addition, a set of equations of motion is postulated directly in superspace, and is shown to agree with the Green-Schwarz equations of motion.Comment: revised version, minor changes, references added, 22 pages, no figures, LaTe

    Think Different: Applying the Old Macintosh Mantra to the Computability of the SUSY Auxiliary Field Problem

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    Starting with valise supermultiplets obtained from 0-branes plus field redefinitions, valise adinkra networks, and the "Garden Algebra," we discuss an architecture for algorithms that (starting from on-shell theories and, through a well-defined computation procedure), search for off-shell completions. We show in one dimension how to directly attack the notorious "off-shell auxiliary field" problem of supersymmetry with algorithms in the adinkra network-world formulation.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figur

    Exploring the Abelian 4D, N\mathcal{N} = 4 Vector-Tensor Supermultiplet and Its Off-Shell Central Charge Structure

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    An abelian 4D, N\mathcal{N} = 4 vector supermultiplet allows for a duality transformation to be applied to one of its spin-0 states. The resulting theory can be described as an abelian 4D, N\mathcal{N} = 4 vector-tensor supermultiplet. It is seen to decompose into a direct sum of an off-shell 4D, N\mathcal{N} = 2 vector supermultiplet and an off-shell 4D, N\mathcal{N} = 2 tensor supermultiplet. The commutator algebra of the other two supersymmetries are still found to be on-shell. However, the central charge structure in the resulting 4D, N\mathcal{N} = 4 vector-tensor supermultiplet is considerably simpler that that of the parent abelian 4D, N\mathcal{N} = 4 vector supermultiplet. This appears to be due to the replacement of the usual SO(4) symmetry associated with the abelian 4D, N\mathcal{N} = 4 vector supermultiplet being replaced by a GL(2,R\mathbb{R})⊗\otimesGL(2,R\mathbb{R}) symmetry in the 4D, N\mathcal{N} = 4 vector-tensor supermultiplet. The MathematicaMathematica code detailing the calculations is available open-source at the HEPTHools Data Repository on GitHub.Comment: HEPTHools Data Repository available open-source at https://hepthools.github.io/Data/, added references and related content, corrected group from SU(2) to GL(2,R
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