70,138 research outputs found

    Formal Desingularization of Surfaces - The Jung Method Revisited -

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    In this paper we propose the concept of formal desingularizations as a substitute for the resolution of algebraic varieties. Though a usual resolution of algebraic varieties provides more information on the structure of singularities there is evidence that the weaker concept is enough for many computational purposes. We give a detailed study of the Jung method and show how it facilitates an efficient computation of formal desingularizations for projective surfaces over a field of characteristic zero, not necessarily algebraically closed. The paper includes a generalization of Duval's Theorem on rational Puiseux parametrizations to the multivariate case and a detailed description of a system for multivariate algebraic power series computations.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figure

    Cohen-Macaulay Properties of Square-Free Monomial Ideals

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    In this paper we study simplicial complexes as higher dimensional graphs in order to produce algebraic statements about their facet ideals. We introduce a large class of square-free monomial ideals with Cohen-Macaulay quotients, and a criterion for the Cohen-Macaulayness of facet ideals of simplicial trees. Along the way, we generalize several concepts from graph theory to simplicial complexes.Comment: 28 pages, 17 figure
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