133 research outputs found

    Efectividade do adestramento muscular respiratorio nos pacientes con enfermidade pulmonar obstructiva crónica

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    [Resumen] Objetivo: Conocer la evidencia existente sobre la efectividad del tratamiento con entrenamiento muscular respiratorio en la Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica (EPOC). Material y Métodos: Se realiza una búsqueda de artículos en las bases de datos Pubmed/Medline, Scopus, PEDro y Web of Science, que hablen del efecto del entrenamiento muscular respiratorio en la EPOC, cuya lengua de publicación sea el castellano, el inglés, el francés, el italiano o el portugués. Se buscan artículos publicados desde el año 2005 hasta mayo de 2016. Resultados: Han sido incluidos 11 artículos después de la estrategia de búsqueda y selección utilizada. En ellos, se miden los efectos del entrenamiento respiratorio en la EPOC. Únicamente un artículo habla acerca del entrenamiento muscular espiratorio mientras que los otros diez artículos tratan del entrenamiento muscular inspiratorio. Conclusión: A través del análisis de los diferentes artículos estudiados podemos decir que el entrenamiento respiratorio produce una mejora significativa en las variables estudiadas: fuerza y resistencia de la musculatura respiratoria, tolerancia al ejercicio, disnea y calidad de vida. No podemos valorar qué tipo de entrenamiento resulta más eficaz.[Abstract] PURPOSE: To determine the evidence of the efecctiveness of treatment with respiratory muscle training in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. METHODS: A search in Pubmed/Medline, Scopus, PEDro and Web of Science, wich speak of the effect of respiratory muscle training in COPD whose publication language is Spanish, English, French, Italiano or Portuguese. Articles published from 2005 through June 2016 are sougth. RESULTS: There were used 11 articles after the search and selection strategy used. In them, the effects of respiratory muscle training in COPD are measured. Only one article talks about expiratory muscle training while the other then articles talks deal of inspiratory muscle training. CONCLUSION: Through the analysis of diferente articles studied we can say that the respiratory training produces a significant improvement in the studied variables: strength and endurance of the respiratory muscles, exercise tolerance, dyspnea and quality of live. We can not assess what training is more effective.[Resumo] OBXETIVO: Coñecer a evidencia existente da efectividade do tratamento con adestramento muscular respiratorio na Enfermidade Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crónica (EPOC). MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Realízase unha busca de artigos nas bases de datos Pubmed/Medline, Scopus, PEDro e Web of Science, que falen do efecto do adestramento muscular respiratorio na EPOC. Os idiomas nos que se realizou a busca foron: castelan, inglés, francés, italiano e portugués, dende o ano 2005 ata Xuño de 2016. RESULTADOS: Foron incluidos 11 artigos despois de aplicar a estratexia de busca e selección. Neles, midense os efectos do adestramento muscular respiratorio na EPOC. Únicamente un artigo fala sobre o adestramento muscular espiratorio, mentres que os outros analizan o adestramento muscular inspiratorio CONCLUSIÓN: A través da análise dos diferentes artigos estudiados podemos falar de que o adestramento respiratorio produce unha mellora significativa das variables estudiadas: forza e resistencia da musculatura respiratoria, tolerancia o exercicio, disnea e calidade de vida. Non podemos determinar que adestramento resulta máis eficaz.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FCS). Fisioterapia. Curso 2015/2016

    High Morbidity during Treatment and Residual Pulmonary Disability in Pulmonary Tuberculosis: Under-Recognised Phenomena

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    BACKGROUND In pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB), morbidity during treatment and residual pulmonary disability can be under-estimated. METHODS Among adults with smear-positive PTB at an outpatient clinic in Papua, Indonesia, we assessed morbidity at baseline and during treatment, and 6-month residual disability, by measuring functional capacity (six-minute walk test [6MWT] and pulmonary function), quality of life (St George's Respiratory Questionnaire [SGRQ]) and Adverse Events ([AE]: new symptoms not present at outset). Results were compared with findings in locally-recruited volunteers. RESULTS 200 PTB patients and 40 volunteers were enrolled. 6WMT was 497m (interquartile range 460-529) in controls versus 408m (IQR 346-450) in PTB patients at baseline (p<0.0001) and 470m (IQR 418-515) in PTB patients after 6 months (p=0.02 versus controls). SGRQ total score was 0 units (IQR 0-2.9) in controls, versus 36.9 (27.4-52.8) in PTB patients at baseline (p<0.0001) and 4.3 (1.7-8.8) by 6 months (p<0.0001). Mean percentage of predicted FEV1 was 92% (standard deviation 19.9) in controls, versus 63% (19.4) in PTB patients at baseline (p<0.0001) and 71% (17.5) by 6 months (p<0.0001). After 6 months, 27% of TB patients still had at least moderate-severe pulmonary function impairment, and 57% still had respiratory symptoms, despite most achieving 'successful' treatment outcomes, and reporting good quality of life. More-advanced disease at baseline (longer illness duration, worse baseline X-ray) and HIV positivity predicted residual disability. AE at any time during treatment were common: itch 59%, arthralgia 58%, headache 40%, nausea 33%, vomiting 16%. CONCLUSION We found high 6-month residual pulmonary disability and high AE rates. Although PTB treatment is highly successful, the extent of morbidity during treatment and residual impairment could be overlooked if not specifically sought. Calculations of PTB-related burden of disease should acknowledge that TB-related morbidity does not stop at 6 months. Early case detection and treatment are key in minimising residual impairment.The study received funding from the Australian Respiratory Council, Royal Australasian College of Physicians (Covance Award to APR), National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia (Grants 605806 and 496600, a scholarship to APR, and fellowships to APR, TWY, PMK, NMA). Graeme Maguire is supported by an NHMRC Practitioner Fellowship and the Margaret Ross Chair in Indigenous Health. Views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not reflect the views of NHMRC. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Trabecular bone score in active or former smokers with and without COPD

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    Background Smoking is a recognized risk factor for osteoporosis. Trabecular bone score (TBS) is a novel texture parameter to evaluate bone microarchitecture. TBS and their main determinants are unknown in active and former smokers. Objective To assess TBS in a population of active or former smokers with and without Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and to determine its predictive factors. Methods Active and former smokers from a pulmonary clinic were invited to participate. Clinical features were recorded and bone turnover markers (BTMs) measured. Lung function, low dose chest Computed Tomography scans (LDCT), dual energy absorptiometry (DXA) scans were performed and TBS measured. Logistic regression analysis explored the relationship between measured parameters and TBS. Results One hundred and forty five patients were included in the analysis, 97 (67.8%) with COPD. TBS was lower in COPD patients (median 1.323; IQR: 0.13 vs 1.48; IQR: 0.16, p = 0.003). Regression analysis showed that a higher body mass index (BMI), younger age, less number of exacerbations and a higher forced expiratory volume-one second (FEV1%) was associated with better TBS (β = 0.005, 95% CI:0.000–0.011, p = 0.032; β = -0.003, 95% CI:-0.007(-)-0.000, p = 0.008; β = -0.019, 95% CI:-0.034(-)-0.004, p = 0.015; β = 0.001, 95% CI:0.000–0.002, p = 0.012 respectively). The same factors with similar results were found in COPD patients. Conclusions A significant proportion of active and former smokers with and without COPD have an affected TBS. BMI, age, number of exacerbations and the degree of airway obstruction predicts TBS values in smokers with and without COPD. This important information should be considered when evaluating smokers at risk of osteoporosis

    An Evaluation of Prediction Equations for the 6 Minute Walk Test in Healthy European Adults Aged 50-85 Years

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    This study compared actual 6 minute walk test (6MWT) performance with predicted 6MWT using previously validated equations and then determined whether allometric modelling offers a sounder alternative to estimating 6MWT in adults aged 50-80 years.We compared actual 6MWT performance against predicted 6MWT in 125 adults aged 50-85 years (62 male, 63 female). In a second sample of 246 adults aged 50-85 years (74 male, 172 female), a new prediction equation for 6MWT performance was developed using allometric modelling. This equation was then cross validated using the same sample that the other prediction equations were compared with.Significant relationships were evident between 6MWT actual and 6MWT predicted using all of the commonly available prediction equations (all P<0.05 or better) with the exception of the Alameri et al prediction equation (P>0.05). A series of paired t-tests indicated significant differences between 6MWT actual and 6MWT predicted for all available prediction equations (all P<0.05 or better) with the exception of the Iwama et al equation (P = .540). The Iwama et al equation also had similar bias (79.8m) and a coefficient of variation of over 15%. Using sample 2, a log-linear model significantly predicted 6MWT from the log of body mass and height and age (P = 0.001, adjusted R2 = .526), predicting 52.6% of the variance in actual 6MWT. When this allometric equation was applied to the original sample, the relationship between 6MWT actual and 6MWT predicted was in excess of values reported for the other previously validated prediction equations (r = .706, P = 0.001). There was a significant difference between actual 6MWT and 6MWT predicted using this new equation (P = 0.001) but the bias, standard deviation of differences and coefficient of variation were all less than for the other equations.Where actual assessment of the 6MWT is not possible, the allometrically derived equation presented in the current study, offers a viable alternative which has been cross validated and has the least SD of differences and smallest coefficient of variation compared to any of the previously validated equations for the 6MWT

    Are the average gait speeds during the 10 meter and 6 minute walk tests redundant in Parkinson disease?

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    Published in final edited form as: Gait Posture. 2017 February ; 52: 178–182. doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2016.11.033.We investigated the relationships between average gait speed collected with the 10Meter Walk Test (Comfortable and Fast) and 6Minute Walk Test (6MWT) in 346 people with Parkinson disease (PD) and how the relationships change with increasing disease severity. Pearson correlation and linear regression analyses determined relationships between 10Meter Walk Test and 6MWT gait speed values for the entire sample and for sub-samples stratified by Hoehn & Yahr (H&Y) stage I (n=53), II (n=141), III (n=135) and IV (n=17). We hypothesized that redundant tests would be highly and significantly correlated (i.e. r>0.70, p<0.05) and would have a linear regression model slope of 1 and intercept of 0. For the entire sample, 6MWT gait speed was significantly (p<0.001) related to the Comfortable 10 Meter Walk Test (r=0.75) and Fast 10Meter Walk Test (r=0.79) gait speed, with 56% and 62% of the variance in 6MWT gait speed explained, respectively. The regression model of 6MWT gait speed predicted by Comfortable 10 Meter Walk gait speed produced slope and intercept values near 1 and 0, respectively, especially for participants in H&Y stages II-IV. In contrast, slope and intercept values were further from 1 and 0, respectively, for the Fast 10Meter Walk Test. Comfortable 10 Meter Walk Test and 6MWT gait speeds appeared to be redundant in people with moderate to severe PD, suggesting the Comfortable 10 Meter Walk Test can be used to estimate 6MWT distance in this population.This study was funded by the Davis Phinney Foundation, the Parkinson's Disease Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health (R01 NS077959, K12 HD055931, UL1 TR000448). The funding sources had no input related to study design, data collection, or decision to submit for publication. (Davis Phinney Foundation; Parkinson's Disease Foundation; R01 NS077959 - National Institutes of Health; K12 HD055931 - National Institutes of Health; UL1 TR000448 - National Institutes of Health

    A cross-sectional study of differences in 6-min walk distance in healthy adults residing at high altitude versus sea level

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    BACKGROUND: We sought to determine if adult residents living at high altitude have developed sufficient adaptation to a hypoxic environment to match the functional capacity of a similar population at sea level. To test this hypothesis, we compared the 6-min walk test distance (6MWD) in 334 residents living at sea level vs. at high altitude. METHODS: We enrolled 168 healthy adults aged ≥35 years residing at sea level in Lima and 166 individuals residing at 3,825 m above sea level in Puno, Peru. Participants completed a 6-min walk test, answered a sociodemographics and clinical questionnaire, underwent spirometry, and a blood test. RESULTS: Average age was 54.0 vs. 53.8 years, 48% vs. 43% were male, average height was 155 vs. 158 cm, average blood oxygen saturation was 98% vs. 90%, and average resting heart rate was 67 vs. 72 beats/min in Lima vs. Puno. In multivariable regression, participants in Puno walked 47.6 m less (95% CI -81.7 to -13.6 m; p < 0.01) than those in Lima. Other variables besides age and height that were associated with 6MWD include change in heart rate (4.0 m per beats/min increase above resting heart rate; p < 0.001) and percent body fat (-1.4 m per % increase; p = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: The 6-min walk test predicted a lowered functional capacity among Andean high altitude vs. sea level natives at their altitude of residence, which could be explained by an incomplete adaptation or a protective mechanism favoring neuro- and cardioprotection over psychomotor activity

    Home‐Based Cardiac Rehabilitation Alone and Hybrid With Center‐Based Cardiac Rehabilitation in Heart Failure: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis

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    Background Center‐based cardiac rehabilitation (CBCR) has been shown to improve outcomes in patients with heart failure (HF). Home‐based cardiac rehabilitation (HBCR) can be an alternative to increase access for patients who cannot participate in CBCR. Hybrid cardiac rehabilitation (CR) combines short‐term CBCR with HBCR, potentially allowing both flexibility and rigor. However, recent data comparing these initiatives have not been synthesized. Methods and Results We performed a meta‐analysis to compare functional capacity and health‐related quality of life (hr‐QOL) outcomes in HF for (1) HBCR and usual care, (2) hybrid CR and usual care, and (3) HBCR and CBCR. A systematic search in 5 standard databases for randomized controlled trials was performed through January 31, 2019. Summary estimates were pooled using fixed‐ or random‐effects (when I2\u3e50%) meta‐analyses. Standardized mean differences (95% CI) were used for distinct hr‐QOL tools. We identified 31 randomized controlled trials with a total of 1791 HF participants. Among 18 studies that compared HBCR and usual care, participants in HBCR had improvement of peak oxygen uptake (2.39 mL/kg per minute; 95% CI, 0.28–4.49) and hr‐QOL (16 studies; standardized mean difference: 0.38; 95% CI, 0.19–0.57). Nine RCTs that compared hybrid CR with usual care showed that hybrid CR had greater improvements in peak oxygen uptake (9.72 mL/kg per minute; 95% CI, 5.12–14.33) but not in hr‐QOL (2 studies; standardized mean difference: 0.67; 95% CI, −0.20 to 1.54). Five studies comparing HBCR with CBCR showed similar improvements in functional capacity (0.0 mL/kg per minute; 95% CI, −1.93 to 1.92) and hr‐QOL (4 studies; standardized mean difference: 0.11; 95% CI, −0.12 to 0.34). Conclusions HBCR and hybrid CR significantly improved functional capacity, but only HBCR improved hr‐QOL over usual care. However, both are potential alternatives for patients who are not suitable for CBCR

    Lifestyle interventions are feasible in patients with colorectal cancer with potential short-term health benefits:a systematic review

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    Purpose: Lifestyle interventions have been proposed to improve cancer survivorship in patients with colorectal cancer (CRC), but with treatment pathways becoming increasingly multi-modal and prolonged, opportunities for interventions may be limited. This systematic review assessed the evidence for the feasibility of performing lifestyle interventions in CRC patients and evaluated any short- and long-term health benefits. Methods: Using PRISMA Guidelines, selected keywords identified randomised controlled studies (RCTs) of lifestyle interventions [smoking, alcohol, physical activity (PA) and diet/excess body weight] in CRC patients. These electronic databases were searched in June 2015: Dynamed, Cochrane Database, OVID MEDLINE, OVID EMBASE, and PEDro. Results: Fourteen RCTs were identified: PA RCTs (n = 10) consisted mainly of telephone-prompted walking or cycling interventions of varied durations, predominately in adjuvant setting; dietary/excess weight interventions RCTs (n = 4) focused on low-fat and/or high-fibre diets within a multi-modal lifestyle intervention. There were no reported RCTs in smoking or alcohol cessation/reduction. PA and/or dietary/excess weight interventions reported variable recruitment rates, but good adherence and retention/follow-up rates, leading to short-term improvements in dietary quality, physical, psychological and quality-of-life parameters. Only one study assessed long-term follow-up, finding significantly improved cancer-specific survival after dietary intervention. Conclusions: This is the first systematic review on lifestyle interventions in patients with CRC finding these interventions to be feasible with improvements in short-term health. Future work should focus on defining the optimal type of intervention (type, duration, timing and intensity) that not only leads to improved short-term outcomes but also assesses long-term survival