1,496,202 research outputs found

    The observed velocity distribution of young pulsars

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    We argue that comparison with observations of theoretical models for the velocity distribution of pulsars must be done directly with the observed quantities, i.e. parallax and the two components of proper motion. We develop a formalism to do so, and apply it to pulsars with accurate VLBI measurements. We find that a distribution with two maxwellians improves significantly on a single maxwellian. The `mixed' model takes into account that pulsars move away from their place of birth, a narrow region around the galactic plane. The best model has 42% of the pulsars in a maxwellian with average velocity sigma sqrt{8/pi}=120 km/s, and 58% in a maxwellian with average velocity 540 km/s. About 5% of the pulsars has a velocity at birth less than 60\,km/s. For the youngest pulsars (tau_c<10 Myr), these numbers are 32% with 130 km/s, 68% with 520 km/s, and 3%, with appreciable uncertainties.Comment: submitted to A&A; 14 pages, 10 figure

    The NuMI Neutrino Beam at Fermilab

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    The Neutrinos at the Main Injector (NuMI) facility at Fermilab is due to begin operations in late 2004. NuMI will deliver an intense muon neutrino beam of variable energy 2-20 GeV directed into the Earth at 58 mrad for short (~1 km) and long (~700-900 km) baseline experiments. Several aspects of the design are reviewed, as are potential upgrade requirements to the facility in the event a Proton Driver is built at Fermilab to enhance the neutrino flux.Comment: Paper given at the ICFA Workshop on High Intensity Hadron Beams (HB2004), Bensheim, Germany, 18-22 October, 200

    WSRT and VLA Observations of the 6 cm and 2 cm lines of H2CO in the direction of W 58 C1(ON3) and W 58 C2

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    Absorption in the J{K-K+} = 2{11}-2{12} transition of formaldehyde at 2 cm towards the ultracompact HII regions C1 and C2 of W 58 has been observed with the VLA with an angular resolution of ~0.2'' and a velocity resolution of ~1 km/s. The high resolution continuum image of C1 (ON 3) shows a partial shell which opens to the NE. Strong H2CO absorption is observed against W 58 C1. The highest optical depth (tau > 2) occurs in the SW portion of C1 near the edge of the shell, close to the continuum peak. The absorption is weaker towards the nearby, more diffuse compact HII region C2, tau<~0.3. The H2CO velocity (-21.2 km/s) towards C1 is constant and agrees with the velocity of CO emission, mainline OH masers, and the H76 alpha recombination line, but differs from the velocity of the 1720 MHz OH maser emission (~-13 km/s). Observations of the absorption in the J{K-K+} = 1{10}-1{11} transition of formaldehyde at 6 cm towards W 58 C1 and C2 carried out earlier with the WSRT at lower resolution (~4''x7'') show comparable optical depths and velocities to those observed at 2 cm. Based on the mean optical depth profiles at 6 cm and 2 cm, the volume density of molecular hydrogen n(H2) and the formaldehyde column density N(H2CO) were determined. The n(H2) is ~6E4 /cm**3 towards C1. N(H2CO) for C1 is ~8E14 /cm**2 while that towards C2 is ~8E13 /cm**2.Comment: AJ in press Jan 2001, 14 pages plus 6 figures (but Fig. 1 has 4 separate parts, a through d). Data are available at http://adil.ncsa.uiuc.edu/document/00.HD.0

    NANTEN 12CO (J=1-0) observations around the star WR 55

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    Context: A complete study of the molecular and ionized gas in the environs of the nebula RCW 78 around WR 55 is presented. Aims: The aim of this work is to investigate the spatial distribution, physical characteristics, and kinematical properties of the molecular gas linked to the galactic nebula RCW 78 to achieve a better understanding of its interaction with the star and with the ionized gas. Methods: This study was based on 12CO(1-0) fully sampled observations of a region of ~0.45{\deg} in size around the star WR 55 and the nebula RCW 78 obtained with the 4-m NANTEN telescope, radio continuum archival data at 1.4 and 4.85 GHz, obtained from SGPS and PMNRAO Southern Radio Survey, respectively, and available infrared MIPSGAL images at 24 microns. Results: A molecular gas component in the velocity range from ~ -58 to -45 km s-1, compatible with the velocity of the ionized gas, was found to be associated with the optical nebula. Adopting a distance of ~ 5 kpc, the mass of this molecular component is about 3.4 x 10^4 Msun. The analysis of the molecular data revealed the presence of a velocity gradient, in agreement with the Halpha line. New radiocontinuum flux density determinations confirm the thermal nature of RCW 78. This indicates that the ionized gas in RCW 78 arises from photoionization of the molecular gas component in the velocity range from -58 km s-1 to -45 km s-1. A molecular concentration at a velocity of -56.1 km s-1 (identified as C1) is very likely associated with the star HD 117797 and with a collection of candidate YSOs, lying at a distance of 3.9 kpc, while the rest of the molecular gas at velocities between -56 and -46 km s-1 constitute an incomplete ring-like structure which expands around WR 55 at a velocity of about ~ 5 km s-1. Mechanical energy and time requirements indicate that WR 55 is very capable of sustaining the expansion of the nebula.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures.Accepted for publication in A&

    Can Sodium Abundances of A-Type Stars Be Reliably Determined from Na I 5890/5896 Lines?

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    An extensive non-LTE abundance analysis based on Na I 5890/5896 doublet lines was carried out for a large unbiased sample of ~120 A-type main-sequence stars (including 23 Hyades stars) covering a wide v_e sin i range of ~10--300 km/s, with an aim to examine whether the Na abundances in such A dwarfs can be reliably established from these strong Na I D lines. The resulting abundances ([Na/H]_{58}), which were obtained by applying the T_eff-dependent microturbulent velocities of \xi ~2--4 km/s with a peak at T_eff ~ 8000 K (typical for A stars), turned out generally negative with a large diversity (from ~-1 to ~0), while showing a sign of v_e sin i-dependence (decreasing toward higher rotation). However, the reality of this apparently subsolar trend is very questionable, since these [Na/H]_{58} are systematically lower by ~0.3--0.6 dex than more reliable [Na/H]_{61} (derived from weak Na I 6154/6161 lines for sharp-line stars). Considering the large \xi-sensitivity of the abundances derived from these saturated Na I D lines, we regard that [Na/H]_{58} must have been erroneously underestimated, suspecting that the conventional \xi values are improperly too large at least for such strong high-forming Na I 5890/5896 lines, presumably due to the depth-dependence of \xi decreasing with height. The nature of atmospheric turbulent velocity field in mid-to-late A stars would have to be more investigated before we can determine reliable sodium abundances from these strong resonance D lines.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, Vol. 61, No. 5 (2009

    Radio Images of 3C 58: Expansion and Motion of its Wisp

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    New 1.4 GHz VLA observations of the pulsar-powered supernova remnant 3C 58 have resulted in the highest-quality radio images of this object to date. The images show filamentary structure over the body of the nebula. The present observations were combined with earlier ones from 1984 and 1991 to investigate the variability of the radio emission on a variety of time-scales. No significant changes are seen over a 110 day interval. In particular, the upper limit on the apparent projected velocity of the wisp is 0.05c. The expansion rate of the radio nebula was determined between 1984 and 2004, and is 0.014+/-0.003%/year, corresponding to a velocity of 630+/-70 km/s along the major axis. If 3C 58 is the remnant of SN 1181, it must have been strongly decelerated, which is unlikely given the absence of emission from the supernova shell. Alternatively, the low expansion speed and a number of other arguments suggest that 3C 58 may be several thousand years old and not be the remnant of SN 1181.Comment: 12 pages; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Collimated jets from the first core

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    We have performed Smoothed Particle Magnetohydrodynamics (SPMHD) simulations demonstrating the production of collimated jets during collapse of 1 solar mass molecular cloud cores to form the `first hydrostatic core' in low mass star formation. Recently a number of candidate first core objects have been observed, including L1448 IRS2E, L1451-mm and Per Bolo 58, although it is not yet clear that these are first hydrostatic cores. Recent observations of Per Bolo 58 in particular appear to show collimated, bipolar outflows which are inconsistent with previous theoretical expectations. We show that low mass first cores can indeed produce tightly collimated jets (opening angles <~ 10 degrees) with speeds of ~2-7 km/s, consistent with some of the observed candidates. We have also demonstrated, for the first time, that such phenomena can be successfully captured in SPMHD simulations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted to MNRAS Letters. Movies at http://users.monash.edu.au/~dprice/pubs/jet

    A spectroscopic study of LMC X-4

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    The orbital radial velocity semi-amplitude of the binary star system LMC X-4 primary was determined to be 37.9 + or - 2.4 km/s from measurements of the hydrogen absorption lines. The semi-amplitude of the He I and He II absorption lines are consistent with this, namely 44.9 + or - 5.0 and 37.3 + or - 5.3 km/s. The phase and shape of the radial velocity curves of the three ions are consistent with a circular orbit and an ephemeris based upon X-ray measurements of the neutron star, with the exception that the He II absorption line radial velocity curve has detectable shape distortion. Measurements of the He II LAMBOA 4686 emission line velocity are consistent with a phase shifted sine wave of semi-amplitude 535 km/s, a square wave of semi-amplitude 407 km/s, or high order harmonic fits. The spectral type was found to be 08.5 IV-V during X-ray eclipse. Variations to types as early as 07 occur, but not as a function or orbital phase. Absorption line peculiarities were noted on 6 of 58 spectra
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