273 research outputs found

    Level Playing Field for Million Scale Face Recognition

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    Face recognition has the perception of a solved problem, however when tested at the million-scale exhibits dramatic variation in accuracies across the different algorithms. Are the algorithms very different? Is access to good/big training data their secret weapon? Where should face recognition improve? To address those questions, we created a benchmark, MF2, that requires all algorithms to be trained on same data, and tested at the million scale. MF2 is a public large-scale set with 672K identities and 4.7M photos created with the goal to level playing field for large scale face recognition. We contrast our results with findings from the other two large-scale benchmarks MegaFace Challenge and MS-Celebs-1M where groups were allowed to train on any private/public/big/small set. Some key discoveries: 1) algorithms, trained on MF2, were able to achieve state of the art and comparable results to algorithms trained on massive private sets, 2) some outperformed themselves once trained on MF2, 3) invariance to aging suffers from low accuracies as in MegaFace, identifying the need for larger age variations possibly within identities or adjustment of algorithms in future testings

    Drop Weight Impact Studies on Rib-Knit RTM Laminates

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    Six types of weft rib knit preforms developed on a flat bed hand knitting machine from E-glass rovings of 300Tex have been used in this study. RTM laminates prepared from these six preforms were drop weight tested using a Dynatup CRC model with 830-1 data acquisition software. Glass/epoxy woven fabric composites with varied lay-up sequences were used for comparison and evaluation with these knit laminates under identical test conditions. Laminates from knits 'with' added reinforcements in the course direction have clearly exhibited characteristic failure modes and superior energy absorbing capabilities as compared to the corresponding woven counterparts

    Few-body bound states in dipolar gases and their detection

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    We consider dipolar interactions between heteronuclear molecules in a low-dimensional setup consisting of two one-dimensional tubes. We demonstrate that attraction between molecules in different tubes can overcome intratube repulsion and complexes with several molecules in the same tube are stable. In situ detection schemes of the few-body complexes are proposed. We discuss extensions to the case of many tubes and layers, and outline the implications of our results on many-body physics.Comment: Published versio

    Mood Effects of Weather Conditions of the Zagreb Population, Croatia

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    The level of information on biometeorologic reports and mood effects of weather conditions on the Zagreb population were assessed in a sample of 782 subjects. Only 103 (13.2%) study subjects had not been informed on biometeorologic reports. Mood effects of weather conditions were reported by more than 76% of study subjects, 18.3% of them reporting meteorosensitivity. Meteorosensitivity showed a female predominance, and increased with age and level of education. 88% of chronic patients reported discomforts caused by changes in atmospheric conditions. Apathy and sleepiness were the most common mood changes associated with weather changes, whereas humid weather was indicated as a weather type that caused most discomforts in study subjects

    Determination of Influence Levels of Natural Factors Affecting Infiltration and Runoff: A Case Goksu Basin

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    Water is an indispensable element for human and other living life to live.  Therefore, in any river basin, it is very important to calculate the hydrological cycle parameters such as evaporation, infiltration, and runoff, and to determine the level of influence of natural factors affecting this process. In this study, In Goksu Basin, it is aimed to determine the effect levels of natural criteria such as lithology, soil, land use/cover, soil cover (ndvı), slope, aspect, on infiltration and runoff. In the hydrological model developed for this purpose, natural criteria, digitization formula, ArcGIS based analytical hierarchy (AHP) model program were processed and their effect levels were revealed. According to this result, infiltration and runoff values ​​are close to each other; Lithology 57.1%, soil 12.9%, land use/soil cover 18.4%, slope and aspect between 5.1% and 6.4% were determined. As a result of the model application, the total infiltration and flow amounts of 407.1 mm calculated with the converted real infiltration and runoff coefficients were correlated with the current height of 429.2 mm. It was found to be quite successful at 0.95

    The Partial Molal Volumes of Potassium Salts of Certain Organic Acids at 25°C

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    This paper is a brief resume of a part of the work performed under the direction of Dr. J. N. Pearce in an attempt to determine from density measurements the partial molal volumes of the potassium salts of various organic acids at various concentrations. It was hoped that some indication might be found as to the influence upon the partial molal volumes of the nature and position of substituent groups in the anion

    Ефекти впливу геліогеофізичних факторів на серцеву діяльність здорових людей

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    В синхронном мониторинге в разных регионах (Симферополь, Якутск, Киев, Москва) установлены общие эффекты воздействия гелиогеофизических факторов на деятельность сердца здоровых взрослых людей, по данным анализа электрокардиографического сигнала. Количество нетипичных кардиоциклов возрастает в окрестности дат геомагнитных возмущений, смен знака межпланетного магнитного поля, солнечных вспышек, и минимально при геомагнитных штилях. Признаки ишемии миокарда сильнее зависят от гелиогеофизической обстановки в функционально нагруженном состоянии организма, чем в состоянии покоя.In a synchronous monitoring in several regions (Simferopol, Yakutsk, Kiev, Moscow) the general effects of helioheophysical factors on the cardiac performance of healthy mature people has been found. Amount of the non-typical cardiac cycles is rising under environmental conditions of geomagnetic disturbances, changes in the interplanetary magnetic field polarity, Solar flares, and is minimal during the geomagnetic calms. Appearance of the myocardial ischemia is more depended from heliogeophysical factors in the conditions of functional loads, than in a calm state

    Зв’язок смертності людей з геліогеофізичними факторами

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    Виявлено низку специфічних ефектів геліогеофізичних факторів в динаміці смертності чоловіків і жінок від різних типів захворювань та у загальній смертності. На основі встановлених закономірностей та прогнозів геліогеофізичної обстановки є можливим завчасне попередження погіршення стану людей із захворюваннями певних органів та систем організму