1,465,177 research outputs found
Hemostatic function and progressing ischemic stroke: D-dimer predicts early clinical progression
<p><b>Background and Purpose:</b> Early clinical progression of ischemic stroke is common and is associated with increased risk of death and dependency. We hypothesized that activation of the coagulation system is an important contributor in some cases of deterioration. We aimed to characterize alterations in circulating hemostatic markers in patients with progressing stroke.</p>
<p><b>Methods:</b> Consecutive acute ischemic stroke admissions were recruited. Progressing stroke was defined by deterioration in components of the Scandinavian Stroke Scale. Hemostatic markers (coagulation factors VIIc, VIIIc, and IXc, prothrombin fragments 1+2 [F1+2], thrombin-antithrombin complexes [TAT], D- dimer, fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor [vWF] and tissue plasminogen activator) were measured within 24 hours of symptom recognition.</p>
<p><b>Results:</b> Fifty-four (25%) of the 219 patients met criteria for progressing stroke. F1+2 (median 1.28 versus 1.06 nmol/L, P=0.01), TAT (5.28 versus 4.07 mug/L, P lt 0.01), D-dimer ( 443 versus 194 ng/mL, P lt 0.001) and vWF (216 versus 198 IU/dL, P lt 0.05) levels were higher in these patients than in stable/improving patients. In logistic regression analysis, with all important clinical and laboratory variables included, only natural log D-dimer (odds ratio [OR]: 1.87; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.38 to 2.54; P=0.0001) and mean arterial blood pressure (OR: 1.26 per 10 mm Hg change; 95% CI: 1.05 to 1.51; P=0.01) remained independent predictors of progressing stroke.</p>
<p><b>Conclusions:</b> There is evidence of excess thrombin generation and fibrin turnover in patients with progressing ischemic stroke. Measurement of D-dimer levels can identify patients at high risk for stroke progression. Further research is required to determine whether such patients benefit from acute interventions aimed at modifying hemostatic function.</p>
Laboratories of Reform: Virtual High Schools and Innovation in Public Education
Virtual schools are growing rapidly, serving over 700,000 students in the 2005-06 school year. But these schools are proving to be more than just another delivery system for students; they are bringing about reforms that have long eluded traditional public schools
Back to the boys? Temptations of the good gender theorist
Saturated with gloom, anxiety, mirth or irony, discourses of men in crisis are ubiquitous. Critically surveying available empirical evidence and the ever-expanding conceptual apparatus for deconstructing and refiguring masculinities, this article reflects upon the historical, social, cultural and political landscape of crisis literature. It considers the limitations of attempts to reform or undo some of the unwanted repercussions of manhood, whether endeavouring to reform, deconstruct, subvert, reclaim or ironize social attitudes, texts or performances of masculinity
Carbon isotope fractionation during aerobic biodegradation of trichloroethene by Burkholderia cepacia G4: a tool to map degradation mechanisms
The strain Burkholderia cepacia G4 aerobically mineralized trichloroethene (TCE) to CO2 over a time period of similar to20 h. Three biodegradation experiments were conducted with different bacterial optical densities at 540 nm (OD(540)s) in order to test whether isotope fractionation was consistent. The resulting TCE degradation was 93, 83.8, and 57.2% (i.e., 7.0, 16.2, and 42.8% TCE remaining) at OD(540)s of 2.0, 1.1, and 0.6, respectively. ODs also correlated linearly with zero-order degradation rates (1.99, 1.11, and 0.64 mumol h(-1)). While initial nonequilibrium mass losses of TCE produced only minor carbon isotope shifts (expressed in per mille delta C- 13(VPDB)), they were 57.2, 39.6, and 17.0parts per thousand between the initial and final TCE levels for the three experiments, in decreasing order of their OD(540)s. Despite these strong isotope shifts, we found a largely uniform isotope fractionation. The latter is expressed with a Rayleigh enrichment factor, E, and was -18.2 when all experiments were grouped to a common point of 42.8% TCE remaining. Although, decreases of epsilon to -20.7 were observed near complete degradation, our enrichment factors were significantly more negative than those reported for anaerobic dehalogenation of TCE. This indicates typical isotope fractionation for specific enzymatic mechanisms that can help to differentiate between degradation pathways
Open source repositories: Implications for libraries
Software that is accepted as “Open source” should comply with 10 conditions which are itinerated in the paper. The
paper subsequently describes the application of open source initiatives in the digital library context. Three open source digital library initiatives developed by the Digital Library Research Group at the Faculty of Computer Science and information Technology, University of Malaya are highlighted. These are; (a) MyManuskrip: digital library of Malay manuscripts; (b) MyAIS : Digital library of Malaysian scholarly journals and conference proceedings; and (d)
DSpace@Um: a digital library of dissertations, theses and final year project reports. Other “free” systems such as
EJUM: electronic journal of university of Malaya is also described to highlight the slight difference between open source and being free. The paper also describes the libraries involved in the initiatives and the changing eco-system which libraries must accept to embrace the open source culture
Discrete rigid body dynamics and optimal control
We analyze an alternative formulation of the rigid body equations, their relationship with the discrete rigid body equations of Moser-Veselov (1991) and their formulation as an optimal control problem. In addition we discuss a general class of discrete optimal control problems
Pinch Keyboard: Natural Text Input for Immersive Virtual Environments
Text entry may be needed for system control tasks in immersive virtual environments, but no efficient and usable techniques exist. We present the pinch keyboard interaction technique, which simulates a standard QWERTY keyboard using Pinch Gloves™ and 6 DOF trackers. The system includes visual and auditory feedback and a simple method of calibration
Raising standards and tackling workload: a national agreement: time for standards
"This document represents an historic national Agreement between Government, employers and school workforce unions to help schools, teachers and support staff meet the
challenges that lie ahead. It promises joint action, designed to help every school across the country to raise standards and tackle workload issues. Action will take place across England and Wales and will take account of the different circumstances from school to school. Proposals in this Agreement for changes to the School Teachers’ Pay and
Conditions Document will apply equally to teachers in England and Wales." - introduction
Image of Woman in Indonesian Folktales: Selected Stories from the Eastern Indonesian Region
In Indonesia, a folk tale is used as a medium of entertainment as well as a teaching tool for children. Parents
read folktales to their children at night. Folktales are used in the text of Indonesian lessons at the elementary
education level. However, Indonesian folktale is suspected of being gender-biased. Although there is
research on this subject, there is still little research on Indonesian folktales originating from Eastern
Indonesia. Previous research conducted is still focused on the western region of Indonesia, for example,
Java and Sumatra Island. This study aims to understand how women are depicted in Eastern Indonesian
folktales, especially to understand the objectification of female characters. Based on the results of our
research, we argue that many female characters in Eastern Indonesian folktales are subject to objectification.
The objectification of female figures is carried out in the form of women as objects of sexuality, women as
a medium of exchange of power, and women being passive and working in the domestic sphere. This finding
shows that the folktale of Eastern Indonesia cannot be separated from patriarchal ideology. These stories
show that women in the imagination of the Indonesian people still occupy an inferior position compared
to men. Furthermore, the female characters also experience objectification and inequality as in folktales
from Western Indonesia. The patriarchal point of view in folktales has deep roots and spreads in Indonesia.
Research proves that the ideology of folktale is not always in harmony with the ideal values?? that exist in
society. It takes a critical attitude towards the selection of stories that will be conveyed to childre
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