7,900 research outputs found
Introduction: Women in child-bearing age are at risk of postpartum depression. Several drugs have been introduced for treatment, but because of their side effects and also breast feeding women's desire for dietary complements rather than chemical drugs. This study has been done to determine effect of omega-3 fatty acids on postpartum depression in women referring to health care centers affiliated to Tabriz medical university in 2008.
Methods and Materials: This study was a double-blind randomized placebo controlled trial, which was done on 120 women with postpartum depression, who had included criteria's. First by using Edinburgh postnatal depression scale in women who gave birth 2 weeks to 3 months before,
postpartum depression approved; for determining the severity of depression, Beck depression Inventory scale was used. Women with mild to moderate depression who had a score ≤ 46 on the (BDI) enrolled in the study and randomly assigned to receive either placebo or 1gr of Omega-3
capsules for 8 weeks. Severity of depression was measured before treatment and weekly during treatment in both groups. The data was analyzed, T-Test, repeated measurements of one way ANOVA and chi square test in SPSS 14/Win.
Results: There were no significant differences between two groups with respect to demographic characteristics. Results show that mean depression scores before treatment in omega-3 group (35.4 + 9.2) was decreased after treatment (17.7+7.0), and there was significant difference (p<0.0005). Mean depression scores before treatment in placebo group (34.2+3.4) decreased after treatment
(33.6+9.3).there wasn't significant difference (p=0.57). There was significant deference between reductions of depression scores in two groups.
Conclusion: Use of omega-3 1gr/day for 8 weeks decreases postpartum depression
Renormalised perturbative series for the impurity levels in a quantum well
The energy levels of an impurity center in a deep quantum well of width L and
depth g are studied analytically . Renormalised perturbative series are
constructed in the regions g L^ > 1. Maximal binding energy and
wave function deformation to a quasi-twodimensional function are found to occur
at a certain L_c satisfying sqrt{g} L_c ~ 1. Similar results may be obtained
for the impurity in a quantum wire, in a dot or in a multiwell structure.Comment: 11 pages. LaTeX. 3 figures not include
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