1,855 research outputs found

    Motivation and Anxiety in adult strength training practitioners during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    The objective of this study was to analyze which motivational factors influenced the search for the practice of strength training (ST) and its relationship with anxiety in adults during the new coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Forty-three ST practitioners analyzed their motivational factors using the Exercise Motivations Inventory - 2 (EMI-2) and their anxiety level using the Depression and Stress Anxiety Scale (DASS-21). Friedman's tests were used to compare motivational factors, and Spearman's tests were used to relate the EMI-2 results with the DASS-21 anxiety subscale. The main motivational factors for the practice of ST were physical condition, disease prevention, fun and well-being, and stress control. Anxiety levels showed a negative relationship with the affiliation factor for older ST practitioners (≥26 years). It is concluded that health care is the biggest motivational aspect for the practice of ST during the Covid-19 Pandemic

    Effects of a Rehabilitation Programme Using a Nasal Inspiratory Restriction Device in COPD

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients are characterised for presenting dyspnea, which reduces their physical capacity and tolerance to physical exercise. The aim of this study was to analyse the effects of adding a Feel-Breathe (FB) device for inspiratory muscle training (IMT) to an 8-week pulmonary rehabilitation programme. Twenty patients were randomised into three groups: breathing with FB (FBG), oronasal breathing without FB (ONBG) and control group (CG). FBG and ONBG carried out the same training programme with resistance, strength and respiratory exercises for 8 weeks. CG did not perform any pulmonary rehabilitation programme. Regarding intra group differences in the value obtained in the post-training test at the time when the maximum value in the pre-training test was obtained (Post(PRE)), FBG obtained lower values in oxygen consumption (VO2, mean = -435.6 mL/min, Bayes Factor (BF10) > 100), minute ventilation (VE, -8.5 L/min, BF10 = 25), respiratory rate (RR, -3.3 breaths/min, BF10 = 2), heart rate (HR, -13.7 beats/min, BF10 > 100) and carbon dioxide production (VCO2, -183.0 L/min, BF10 = 50), and a greater value in expiratory time (Tex, 0.22 s, BF10 = 12.5). At the maximum value recorded in the post-training test (Post(FINAL)), FBG showed higher values in the total time of the test (T-t, 4.3 min, BF10 = 50) and respiratory exchange rate (RER, 0.05, BF10 = 1.3). Regarding inter group differences at Pre(POST), FBG obtained a greater negative increment than ONBG in the ventilatory equivalent of CO2 (EqCO(2), -3.8 L/min, BF10 = 1.1) and compared to CG in VE (-8.3 L/min, BF10 = 3.6), VCO2 (-215.9 L/min, BF10 = 3.0), EqCO2 (-3.7 L/min, BF10 = 1.1) and HR (-12.9 beats/min, BF10 = 3.4). FBG also showed a greater Pre(POST) positive increment in Tex (0.21 s, BF10 = 1.4) with respect to CG. At Pre(FINAL), FBG presented a greater positive increment compared to CG in T-t (4.4 min, BF10 = 3.2) and negative in VE/VCO2 intercept (-4.7, BF10 = 1.1). The use of FB added to a pulmonary rehabilitation programme in COPD patients could improve tolerance in the incremental exercise test and energy efficiency. However, there is only a statically significant difference between FBG and ONBG in EqCO(2). Therefore, more studies are necessary to reach a definitive conclusion about including FB in a pulmonary rehabilitation programme

    Design and performance of ropes for climbing and sailing

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    Ropes are an important part of the equipment used by climbers, mountaineers, and sailors. On first inspection, most modern polymer ropes appear similar, and it might be assumed that their designs, construction, and properties are governed by the same requirements. In reality, the properties required of climbing ropes are dominated by the requirement that they effectively absorb and dissipate the energy of the falling climber, in a manner that it does not transmit more than a critical amount of force to his body. This requirement is met by the use of ropes with relatively low longitudinal stiffness. In contrast, most sailing ropes require high stiffness values to maximize their effectiveness and enable sailors to control sails and equipment precisely. These conflicting requirements led to the use of different classes of materials and different construction methods for the two sports. This paper reviews in detail the use of ropes, the properties required, manufacturing techniques and materials utilized, and the effect of service conditions on the performance of ropes. A survey of research that has been carried out in the field reveals what progress has been made in the development of these essential components and identifies where further work may yield benefits in the future

    Ethics review of research projects involving human subjects

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    Maltreatment of subjects has led to the introduction of an ethics review process for research involving humans. There is a feeling that the bureaucratization of the process is too restrictive and that it may be hampering research. The function, duties, and effectiveness of ethics committees are examined, and it is contended that there are problems with the way that committees operate. The remit of committees needs to be clarified, and the paper presents guidelines for making decisions on ethical matters, with deontological considerations taking precedence over consequentialist ones. It is concluded that the functions and processes of ethics committees need to be modified

    The Impact of Replacing Run Training with Cross-training on Performance of Trained Runners

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    Previous research has shown that runners who cross-train can maintain physiological parameters such as maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) but has been equivocal about the ability to maintain competitive running performance while cross-training. In this study, a group of high school cross country runners was tested immediately after their season on a treadmill for VO2max, lactate threshold, and running economy. They also performed a 3000-meter time trial. Following the tests, the runners were assigned to one of two cross-training groups, using either elliptical exercise machines or stationary bicycles, and given assigned workouts to replace all running. After five weeks of cross-training, the treadmill and performance tests were repeated. A control group of runners completed the same tests but continued normal off-season run training. Post-study 3-km time trials were significantly slower than the pre-study for both cross-training groups, while the control group showed non-significant improvements. Differences between the elliptical trainer and stationary bike groups were not statistically significant. No significant changes were found in any group for VO2max or lactate threshold. Cross-training with either an elliptical trainer or a stationary bike maintained VO2max and lactate threshold as measured during treadmill running, but they did not preserve running performance level

    2022-2023 - Undergraduate Curriculum Council Annual Report

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    Inside pass predicts ball possession effectiveness in NBA basketball

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    The aims of this study were to analyse the effects of using inside pass on ball possession effectiveness and to identify game performance indicators to predict inside pass success in the National Basketball Association (NBA), considering situational variables. A total of 4207 closed ball possessions (± 10 points difference) where recorded from 25 matches of the 2010 NBA Playoffs series. Ball possessions were classified whether including inside pass (n=808) or not (n=3399). Predictive analysis of use and effectiveness was made through a series of binomial logistic regressions and Classification tree analysis (CHAID). Results indicate that ball possessions including inside pass were more effective and longer in duration, finding a greater use in top-4 NBA teams regardless the game period. Additionally, inside pass effectiveness was influenced by: the receiver attitude, reception distance, and defensive help. Particularly, the analysis of combined performance indicators disclosed relevant information on attack effectiveness, suggesting players to adopt a dynamic attitude in the weak side before getting the ball, while their teammates are developing individual and collective actions to create free space and enhance inside game options and effectiveness. Current findings shed some light on specific knowledge concerning tactical behaviours in NBA basketball, contributing in the design of specific programmes to increase inside game options and players’ decision- making according to specific game constraints

    Space medicine research publications: 1983-1984

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    A list of publications supported by the Space Medicine Program, Office of Space Science and Applications is given. Included are publications entered into the Life Sciences Bibliographic Database by The George Washington University as of October 1, 1984

    UD Professor Selected as Massage Therapist for Summer Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia

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    News release announces that Carol Siciliano will volunteer her massage skills for Olympic athletes in Sydney, Australia
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