1,219,032 research outputs found

    Expression of the Mitochondrial Genome in HeLa Cells. XV. Effect of Inhibition of Mitochondrial Protein Synthesis on Mitochondrial Formation

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    The effect of selective inhibition of mitochondrial protein synthesis by chloramphenicol at 40 or 200 µg/ml on the formation of mitochondria in HeLa cells was investigated. HeLa cells, under the conditions used in the present work, grow at a decreasing rate for at least four cell generations in the presence of 40 µg/ml chloramphenicol, and for two generations in the presence of 200 µg/ml chloramphenicol. The progressive cell growth inhibition which begins after 2 days of exposure of the cells to 40 µg/ml chloramphenicol is immediately or gradually reversible, upon removal of the drug, for periods up to at least 8 days of treatment, though there is a progressive loss of cloning efficiency. In cells which have been treated for 6–7 days with 40 or 200 µg/ml of chloramphenicol, mitochondrial protein synthesis occurs at a normal or near-normal rate 1 h after removal of the drug. Mitochondria increase normally in number and show a normal size and amount of cristae in the presence of either concentration of drug. However, in 4–5% of the mitochondrial profiles the cristae appear to be arranged in unusual, circular, looped or whorled configuration

    Cytometric analysis, genetic manipulation and antibiotic selection of the snail embryonic cell line Bge from Biomphalaria glabrata, the intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni.

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    The invertebrate cell line, Bge, from embryos of the snail Biomphalaria glabrata, remains to date the only established cell line from any species of the Phylum Mollusca. Since its establishment in 1976 by Eder Hansen, few studies have focused on profiling its cytometrics, growth characteristics or sensitivity to xenobiotics. Bge cells are reputed to be challenging to propagate and maintain. Therefore, even though this cell line is a noteworthy resource, it has not been studied widely. With growing interest in functional genomics, including genetic transformation, to elucidate molecular aspects of the snail intermediate hosts responsible for transmission of schistosomiasis, and aiming to enhance the convenience of maintenance of this molluscan cell line, we deployed the xCELLigene real time approach to study Bge cells. Doubling times for three isolates of Bge, termed CB, SL and UK, were longer than for mammalian cell lines - longer than 40 h in complete Bge medium supplemented with 7% fetal bovine serum at 25 °C, ranging from ∼42 h to ∼157 h when 40,000 cells were seeded. To assess the potential of the cells for genetic transformation, antibiotic selection was explored. Bge cells were sensitive to the aminonucleoside antibiotic puromycin (from Streptomyces alboniger) from 5 μg/ml to 200 ng/ml, displaying a half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of ∼1.91 μg/ml. Sensitivity to puromycin, and a relatively quick kill time (<48 h in 5 μg/ml) facilitated use of this antibiotic, together with the cognate resistance gene (puromycin N-acetyl-transferase) for selection of Bge cells transformed with the PAC gene (puroR). Bge cells transfected with a plasmid encoding puroR were partially rescued when cultured in the presence of 5 μg/ml of puromycin. These findings pave the way for the development of functional genomic tools applied to the host-parasite interaction during schistosomiasis and neglected tropical trematodiases at large

    RAB family gene expression in breast cancer cells under influence of paclitaxel

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the role of paclitaxel on RAB family of genes in primary breast cancer cell lines. The cancer breast cells obtained from 40 women during mastectomy were used to address this issue. The group included patients with intraductal breast cancer - lesions in I or II advancement level by TNM classification and G1-G2 by Bloom classification. (tumor dimensions up to 2.0 cm without metastases to lymph nodes). Cytostatic drugs before surgery were not administered to these patients. The cultures were conducted in 25 cm^2^ plastic containers at RPMI medium with addiction of 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) at the standard conditions. After reaching concentration levels of 10 000/ml of the cells, the cultures were treated with 60 ng/ml and 300 ng/ml doses of paclitaxel. The concentrations were calculated in relation to therapeutic doses of paclitaxel, applied in polytherapy in patients with breast cancer. The cell cultures untreated for cytostatic were used as a control group. Analysis was conducted for RAB family of genes: RAB3D, RAB5B, RAB5C, RAB7, RAB7L1, RAB9P1, RAB10. RAB11A, RAB311B, RAB13, RAB18, RAB22A, RAB23, RAB26, RAB27A, RAB27B, RAB28, RAB30, RAB31, RAB33A, RAB3D6, RAB 38, RABL2B Total RNA was extracted from the harvest control group and the treated cells, and this was followed by cDNA synthesis, which was used for hybridization assays using arrays. A lower dose of paclitaxel (60 ng/ml) treatment resulted in an increase (2-4 fold- statistically significant), whereas a higher dose (300 ng/ml) caused a decrease (2-fold - statistically insignificant) in expression of examined oncogenes, compared to that of the control group.In summary, this data indicates that 60 ng/ml paclitaxel dose induced the RAB gene expression in an up-regulated pathway. A higher concentration of cytostatic (300 ng/ml) is a toxic dose for primary breast cells in vitro

    Radiolabeling human peripheral blood stem cells for positron emission tomography (PET) imaging in young rhesus monkeys.

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    These studies focused on a new radiolabeling technique with copper ((64)Cu) and zirconium ((89)Zr) for positron emission tomography (PET) imaging using a CD45 antibody. Synthesis of (64)Cu-CD45 and (89)Zr-CD45 immunoconjugates was performed and the evaluation of the potential toxicity of radiolabeling human peripheral blood stem cells (hPBSC) was assessed in vitro (viability, population doubling times, colony forming units). hPBSC viability was maintained as the dose of (64)Cu-TETA-CD45 increased from 0 (92%) to 160 µCi/mL (76%, p&gt;0.05). Radiolabeling efficiency was not significantly increased with concentrations of (64)Cu-TETA-CD45 &gt;20 µCi/mL (p&gt;0.50). Toxicity affecting both growth and colony formation was observed with hPBSC radiolabeled with ≥40 µCi/mL (p&lt;0.05). For (89)Zr, there were no significant differences in viability (p&gt;0.05), and a trend towards increased radiolabeling efficiency was noted as the dose of (89)Zr-Df-CD45 increased, with a greater level of radiolabeling with 160 µCi/mL compared to 0-40 µCi/mL (p&lt;0.05). A greater than 2,000 fold-increase in the level of (89)Zr-Df-CD45 labeling efficiency was observed when compared to (64)Cu-TETA-CD45. Similar to (64)Cu-TETA-CD45, toxicity was noted when hPBSC were radiolabeled with ≥40 µCi/mL (p&lt;0.05) (growth, colony formation). Taken together, 20 µCi/mL resulted in the highest level of radiolabeling efficiency without altering cell function. Young rhesus monkeys that had been transplanted prenatally with 25×10(6) hPBSC expressing firefly luciferase were assessed with bioluminescence imaging (BLI), then 0.3 mCi of (89)Zr-Df-CD45, which showed the best radiolabeling efficiency, was injected intravenously for PET imaging. Results suggest that (89)Zr-Df-CD45 was able to identify engrafted hPBSC in the same locations identified by BLI, although the background was high

    Alterations of T cell activation signalling and cytokine production by postmenopausal estrogen levels

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Immunosenescence is an age-associated disorder occurring primarily in T cell compartments, including altered subset composition, functions, and activation. In women, evidence implicates diminished estrogen in the postmenopausal period as a contributing factor to diminished T cell responsiveness. Since hypoestrogenism is present in postmenopausal women, our objective focused on whether T cell activation, defined as signalling molecule expressions and activation, and function, identified as IL-2 production, were affected by low estrogen.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using Jurkat 6.1 T cells, consequences of 4 pg/ml (corresponding to postmenopausal levels) or 40 pg/ml (premenopausal levels) of estradiol (E<sub>2</sub>) were analyzed on signalling proteins, CD3-zeta, JAK2, and JAK3, determined by Western immunoblotting. These consequences were correlated with corresponding gene expressions, quantified by real time-polymerase chain reaction. Tyrosine phosphorylation of CD3-zeta was defined by immunoprecipitation and western immunoblotting following activation by T cell receptor (TcR) cross-linking. CD3-zeta expression and modulation was also confirmed in T cells from pre- and postmenopausal women. To assess functional consequences, IL-2 production, induced by PMA and ionomycin, was determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot assay (ELISpot).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At 40 pg/ml E<sub>2</sub>, the level of signalling protein CD3-zeta was elevated 1.57-fold, compared with cells exposed to 4 pg/ml E<sub>2</sub>. The CD3-zeta proteins also exhibited altered levels of activation-induced phosphorylation in the presence of 40 pg/ml E<sub>2 </sub>versus 4 pg/ml: 23 kD phosphorylated form increased 2.64-fold and the 21 kD form was elevated 2.95-fold. Examination of kinases associated with activation signalling also demonstrated that, in the presence of 40 pg/ml E<sub>2</sub>, JAK2 protein expression was increased 1.64-fold (p < 0.001) and JAK3 enhanced 1.79-fold (p < 0.001) compared to 4 pg/ml. mRNA levels for CD3-zeta, JAK2, and JAK3 were significantly increased following exposure to 40 pg/ml E<sub>2 </sub>(2.39, 2.01, and 2.21 fold, respectively) versus 4 pg/ml. These findings were confirmed in vivo, since T cells from postmenopausal women exhibited 7.2-fold diminished CD3-zeta expression, compared to pre-menopausal controls and this expression was elevated 3.8-fold by addition of 40 pg/ml E<sub>2</sub>. Functionally, Jurkat cells exposed to 40 pg/ml E<sub>2 </sub>and activated exhibited significantly elevated numbers of IL-2 producing colonies compared to 4 pg/ml (75.3 ± 2.2 versus 55.7 ± 2.1 colonies, p < 0.0001).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Jurkat T cells exposed to 4 pg/ml E<sub>2 </sub>expressed significantly diminished activation signalling proteins, correlating with reduced IL-2 production. Lower signalling protein levels appear to result from decreased CD3-zeta, JAK2, and JAK3 gene expressions. These findings may provide a molecular basis for immunosenescence associated with the postmenopausal state.</p

    Role of COX-1 and COX-2 in the release of prostanoids in murine lung and isolated lung fibroblasts

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    Cyclooxygenase (COX) is the first enzyme in the conversion of arachidonic acid to prostanoids. There are two isoforms of COX; COX-1, which is constitutively expressed with a homeostatic role in most tissues, and COX-2, which while constitutively expressed in some discreet sites is generally inducible by growth factors and during inflammation. In the current study, we have used tissues and cells from knock-out mice to investigate the relative contributions of COX-1 and COX-2 to PGE2 production by lung tissue ex vivo and by proliferating lung fibroblasts in vitro. Lung tissues from WT (C57Bl6), COX-1-/- and COX-2-/- mice were immediately dissected (<15 min after death) and incubated (37 °C) for 30 min in DMEM containing 50 µM calcium ionophore (A23187). Release of PGE2 was determined by competitive immunoassay. In parallel studies, murine lung fibroblasts from COX-1-/- and COX-2-/- mice were explanted and cultured before being seeded in 96-well plates at sub-confluence (5000-8000/well) and incubated for 24-48 hours in the presence of 10% FCS. Accumulated release of PGE2 was then measured as above. Over 30 min PGE2 was released by lung pieces from wild type (1117 ± 55 pg/ml) and COX-2-/- (2013 ± 255 pg/ml) but not from COX-1-/- (<61pg/ml) mice (n=4). In contrast, proliferating lung fibroblasts from COX-1-/- (4978.9 ± 1392 pg/ml) mice released higher levels of PGE2 than cells from COX-2-/- (1194 ± 617 ng/ml) mice (n=4 using cells from 2-3 separate mice for each genotype). These results show that COX-1 activity underpins the stimulated release of PGE2 in healthy mouse lung tissue. Conversely, COX-2 activity predominates in proliferating lung fibroblasts, which may be important as COX-derived PGE2 mediates proliferation of lung fibroblasts (Trends Immunol.2004;25(1):40-6). Our results suggest a switch in COX isoform in lung cells during proliferation which could be relevant to our understanding of conditions such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.Non peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Kinetics of CD4+ T-cell recovery amongst HIV load suppressed patients on first-line antiretroviral therapy in Yaoundé, Cameroon

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    HIV infected patients on Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) are exposed to various immunological disorders. Immune reconstitution is one of the most challenging problem linked to morbidity and mortality in HIV patients. This study aimed at evaluating the kinetics of CD4+ T-cell recovery amongst HIV load suppressed patients on first-line ART in Yaoundé, Cameroon. This was a retrospective cohort study performed at the care and treatment units of the Yaoundé University Teaching Hospital and Essos Hospital Center, with viral suppressed patients initiated on ART between March and July 2015. Data were collected using a standard form and analyzed using R.3.6.2 software. A p&lt;0.05 was considered statistically significant for a 95%CI. Of the 499 viral suppressed participants, 32% (n=160) were male and 68% (n=339) female; 33% and 40% had severe and moderate immunodepression at baseline, respectively; 9% and 28% remain respectively on the same immunological state. CD4+ T-cell count increased by 73%, 49% and 29% for patients that started treatment, with CD4+ &lt;150 cells/ml, 150&lt;CD4+&lt;350 cells/ml and 350&lt;CD4+&lt;500 cells/ml, respectively and 14%, 34% and 40% reached a target of 500 cells/ml or more after 4 years of treatment. Elder patients and males were likely to have CD4+ T-cells less than 350 Cells/ml. Approximately 35% of patient started treatment with CD4+ T-cells &lt;350 Cells/ml. CD4+ T-cells increased significantly during 4 years of treatment but, just 29% in average achieved CD4+ ≥ 500 cells/ml. CD4 T-cells recovery represent and important challenge in the immunological monitoring of long-term HIV infected patients on ART

    Heparan sulfate proteoglycans mediate Aβ-induced oxidative stress and hypercontractility in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells

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    HSPG mitigates Aβ1-40-induced mitochondrial and cytosolic ROS production in VSMC under physiological oxygen concentration. To determine if differing levels oxygen impact ROS production in Aβ1-40 treated VSMC, cells were kept in 10 % oxygen (Panel A) or 1 % oxygen (conditions that are considered hypoxic; Panel B) in cell culture incubator with % 5 CO2. Primary human cerebral VSMC were pre-treated with heparin (15 U/mL), heparinase I (HpnI; 5 Sigma U/mL), or heparinase III (HpnIII; 2 Sigma U/mL) for 2 h, washed, loaded with Mitotracker Red CM-H2XRos, washed, and treated with Aβ1-40. In some cases, cells were pre-treated with heat-inactivated (HI) enzyme. Fluorescence was measured after 30 minutes. Results are representative of 3 independent experiments performed in triplicate. *p < 0.05 vs. vehicle-treated control. #p < 0.05 vs. comparison group. (JPEG 70 kb

    Retinal S-antigen Th1 cell epitope mapping in patients with Behcet's disease

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    Background - Retinal S-antigen (S-Ag) is a most characterized autoantigen of autoimmune uveitis. The recognized immunodominant epitope of human S-Ag in patients with uveitis has not been identified. In this study, we selected certain patients with active uveitis to map the Th1 cell epitope spectrum of human S-Ag in Behcet's disease(BD). Methods - Blood samples were taken from eight active BD patients who showed an immune response to 40 mixed overlapping peptides spanning the entire sequence of human S-Ag. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated and stimulated with single S-Ag peptide at 5 mu g/ml or 20 mu g/ml. Single-cell immune responses were measured by IFN-gamma ELIspot assay. Results - BD patients heterogeneously responded to the S-Ag peptides at two concentrations. In general, the responses to 5 mu g/ml peptides were slightly stronger than those to 20 mu g/ml peptides, while the maximum SFC frequency to single peptide at the two concentrations was similar. Several peptides including P31, P35 and P40 induced a prominent response, with the frequency of S-Ag specific cells being about 0.007%. Significant reactivity pattern shift was noted in patients with different disease courses. Conclusions - Certain active BD patients have S-Ag specific Th1 cells with a low frequency. The S-Ag epitope specificity between patients is highly heterogeneous, and varies with the uveitis cours
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