27 research outputs found

    Tanggungjawab Negara Terhadap Pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia Berat

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    Gross human rights violations have been regulated in Law Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights and Law Number 26 of 2000 concerning Human Rights Courts. But in reality, gross human rights violations still occur in Indonesia, one of which occurred in South Aceh known as the Jambo Keupok tragedy. The Jambo Keupok tragedy began with information conveyed by an informant to TNI members that Jambo Keupok Village became the base of the Free Aceh Movement (FAM). International law has provided a solid foundation for effective punishment of perpetrators gross violations of human rights, among others Article 4 of the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel; In Human or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and According to Article 17 paragraph (1) of the Rome Statute of 1998, the government's responsibility regarding gross human rights violations in Jambo Keupok Aceh proceeded very slowly. This is influenced by 2 main things, namely: there is no official recognition in the Indonesian government that the event was a gross human rights violation and the second because of the Aceh tsunami disaster. After the Aceh tsunami, the Indonesian government has carried out reconciliation. Finally, in 2023, the Government of Indonesia, in this case, President Jokowidodo has determined that the Jambo Keupok Aceh incident is a gross human rights violation

    Tinjauan Perjanjian Internasional Terhadap Kerja Sama Mikro

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    International Treaties are sources of international law that have the basis of international legal force. Countries in the Southeast Asian region agreed to create a safe and peaceful atmosphere for the region by forming an organization called ASEAN. ASEAN formed the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) which is a form of economic integration in the Southeast Asian region. AEC aims to assist ASEAN integration through AEC (ASEAN Economic Community). Each ASEAN member country pays attention to strategies, policies for the empowerment of MSMEs, including in Indonesia. The purpose of the study is to analyze and know about ASEAN cooperation, especially AEC in Micro Cooperation (MSMEs) in ASEAN and to analyze and find out the implementation of MSME micro cooperation agreements implemented in Indonesia. This research method used is normative juridical. The problem approach used is a legal approach and a conceptual approach. The sources of legal materials are primary, secondary, and tertiary.  Collection of legal materials using literature studies. Furthermore, the analysis of legal materials on MSME trade, ASEAN, and their relationships in International Agreements is analyzed and processed systematically so that the results are expected to answer this research problem. The results of the study found that the AEC cooperation relationship has a positive impact on MSME microeconomic cooperation in ASEAN. The presence of AEC is the basis and legal basis, important for MSME microeconomic cooperation. The implementation of the AEC cooperation agreement for Indonesian MSMEs has been going well, but there are still several obstacles that need to be overcome. These problems are related to funding, availability of natural resources, and lack of human resources. These things are still a challenge for Indonesia in competing with other countries

    Katalog Induk Bidang Ilmu Hukum Perpustakaan Universitas Andalas

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    Buku ini memuat tentang daftar katalog buku-buku bidang Ilmu Hukum yang dimiliki oleh UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Andalas. Katalog tersebut disajikan dan diurutkan berdasarkan nomor klasifikasi. Di halaman terakhir juga disajikan data statistik koleksi bidang Ilmu Hukum yang dimiliki oleh UPT Perpustakaan Unand

    Konstruksi/Karakter Hukum Penyalahgunaan Wewenang dan Menyalahgunakan Kewenangan Dalam Tindak Pidana Korupsi

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    Introduction: The legal issues in this paper are how the legal construction/character of abuse of authority in corruption crimes and how the basis for the enforcement of offenses/norms of abuse of authority in corruption Purposes of the Research:  This writing aims to find out and analyze the legal construction/character of the abuse of authority in corruption Methods of the Research: The research method used is normative, that is, research that primarily examines positive legal provisions and legal principles, explain and predicts in the direcrion of future legal developments. Results/Originality of the Research: The results show that or The findings of this study prove that abuse of authority and abuse of authority is the core of the concept of administrative law relating to the source or birth of authority. This has consequences for the concept of legal responsibility that was born from deviations from the principle of objectives that have been given to the authority


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    In the growing business world is balanced by the development of technology which is also increasingly rapid. Evidence in the field can be seen on the online trading site. The point is that in buying and selling online there is a process which then arises an agreement that is poured online or electronically. This electronic agreement if analyzed in the world of Notaries and the National Law domain indirectly also influences. The validity of the agreement is still questionable, because none of them are clearly stated in the provisions of the law. In the national law based on the law governing the deed itself, namely the Law of Notary Position and the Civil Code, the application of these provisions will not yet be clearly regulated in both laws. The principle of confidentiality that must be upheld in Article 16 of the LawJN must still be carried out even in making electronic deeds. This study uses a normative juridical method, which describes, explains and at the same time explains the notary liability in upholding the principle of confidentiality in the making of an electronic notary deed. be an authentic deed or not. Notary liability does not uphold the principle of confidentiality according to Article 16 of the UUJN, the notary must be responsible for all the contents of the deed.

    Kepastian Hukum Sertifikat Elektronik Sebagai Bukti Kepemilikan Tanah

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    ABSTRACT : Discusses about electronic certificates which are still a problem in making land certificates. Electronic certificates were initially not in line with the considerations of the Ministerial Regulation because in the community there were policies that reaped many cons. The land registration system based on regulations issued by the government, namely PP No. 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration (PP 24/1997) aims to guarantee legal certainty because Thus the process of land registration must be considered properly in accordance with what is regulated by law which is the reference in the process of registering each plot of land in Indonesia. Writing with the title Legal Certainty Electronic Certificates as Proof of Land Ownership with the type of research used in this study is normative juridical, by examining legal materials in the form of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The results of this study found that currently carrying out trials for the implementation of electronic land certificates it will not be applied to the general public's land, but its implementation will only be limited to State-Owned Property (BMN), State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) assets, various companies or sectors. Large-scale private sector and for land office locations that will implement the implementation of electronic certificates in this trial phase only in certain cities. The big job now, in the transition period, is to transfer the media from conventionally stored juridical data to be converted into electronic juridical data

    Analysis of the right to reply as case settlement in press release

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    Freedom of the press is a reflection of a country that adheres to a democratic system. The freedom of the press is based on the 1945 Constitution Article 28. During the reform period through Minister Yunus Yosfiah the legalization of Law No. 40 of 1999 concerning the Press replaces Law No. 21 of 1982 amendment to Law No. 11 of 1966 concerning the Principal Provisions of the Press. The right of reply is a form of press freedom which is the settlement of a case if there is a problem in press reporting. Problem Formulation 1) How is the application of the Right to Answer as a case resolution in press reporting? 2) Why is the Right of Reply as the settlement of the case in press reporting less effective? The research method used is a normative juridical method. The conclusion of this study is that the Right to Answer has been set since Law No. 11 of 1966 concerning the provisions of the Press to Law No. 40 of 1999 concerning the Press, the Right of Reply in more detail is regulated in Press Council Regulation No. 9/regulation-DP/X/2008 concerning Guidelines for the Right to Reply. In reality the Right of Reply is not effective as a settlement of a case in a press release due to lack of regulatory substance in the Right of Reply. Right of reply is only seen as a settlement of cases in the realm of Ethic

    Perbandingan Penerapan Hukuman Mati di Indonesia dan Belanda

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang penerapan sanksi pidana hukuman mati di Indonesia yang tidak sesuai dengan dasar negara dan filosofi pemidanaan Indonesia sehingga perlu dibandingkan dengan negara Belanda. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisa perbandingan penerapan sistem serta aturan hukuman mati di Indonesia dan Belanda. Penelitian ini mempergunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa hukuman mati diterapkan di Indonesia karena Indonesia merupakan bekas jajahan Belanda. Namun, penerapan hukuman mati tersebutbertentangan dengan asas konkordasi dan ICCPR, sehingga tidak layak untuk digunakan. Sedangkan di Belanda hukuman mati sudah tidak digunakan karena dalam pelaksanaannya terpidana selalu mendapat grasi dan pengampunan raja dan pada tahun 1870 hukuman mati dihapus untuk menghargai HAM

    Entrepreneurial Inclination among Ghanaian University Students: The Case of University of Cape Coast, Ghana

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    This study examined the level of entrepreneurial inclination among Ghanaian university students. It explored whether the academic programmes read by students and certain personal characteristics have any influence on entrepreneurial inclination. 520 final year students of the University of Cape Coast, reading various programmes were randomly sampled for the study. The design employed for the study was the descriptive survey and questionnaire was used for the data collection. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used for the data analyses. These included percentages and frequencies, regression analysis and one way analysis of variance. The results of the study indicate that generally, Ghanaian students have high level of entrepreneurial inclination. However, students' age, gender and academic programmes were found to have no significant effect on their entrepreneurial inclination. Meanwhile, students' personal characteristics such as leadership attributes, task performance attitude, achievement attitude and risk taking attributes, were found to have positive influence on their entrepreneurial inclination. The findings from the study were discussed in relation to the related literature reviewed. Keywords: entrepreneurial inclination, personal characteristics, academic programmes

    Trendanalyse NH3-Immissionsmessungen in der Schweiz

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