48,123 research outputs found
Genome wide association mapping of grain arsenic, copper, molybdenum and zinc in rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown at four international field sites
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Alternate phenotype–genotype selection for developing superior high-yielding irrigated rice lines
Increase grain yield potential is one of the most important objectives of any cereal crop breeding program. To efficiently develop superior rice lines by the introgression of favorable alleles for yield and yield component traits, a strategy of alternate phenotype–genotype selection was used. The present study aimed to (i) investigate the allelic diversity of loci associated with major yield-component traits and (ii) phenotype and genotype advanced populations derived from crosses between NERICA-L-20 and Giza178 for yield component traits using agro-morphological descriptors and GRiSP polymorphic markers to select superior high-yielding rice lines. A total of 100 F2:3 progeny were selected from 1000 F2 plants and genotyped with 16 polymorphic markers linked to four major yield- component traits. Four promising F2:3 lines (ARS 563–14, ARS 563–62, ARS 563–286, and ARS 563–41) bearing combinations of desirable alleles were selected. A selected set of 20 F2:4 lines showed moderate to high heritability for all target traits. Fourteen F2:5 lines derived from ARS 563–14 and 17 F2:5 from ARS 563–286 families were evaluated in preliminary trials to estimate yield gain. The three top lines, ARS 563–286–16-1-1, ARS 563–286–5-1-1, and ARS 563–14–10-1-1, showed an increase of more than 10% grain yield over the best check, Sahel 108, which is widely cultivated in the Senegal River valley. The 16 markers linked to the target yield component traits can be used to fast-track breeding programs targeting rice productivity
Shared memory for a fault-tolerant computer
A system is described for sharing a memory in a fault-tolerant computer. The memory is under the direct control and monitoring of error detecting and error diagnostic units in the fault-tolerant computer. This computer verifies that data to and from the memory is legally encoded and verifies that words read from the memory at a desired address are, in fact, actually delivered from that desired address. The means are provided for a second processor, which is independent of the direct control and monitoring of the error checking and diagnostic units of the fault-tolerant computer, and to share the memory of the fault-tolerant computer. Circuitry is included to verify that: (1) the processor has properly accessed a desired memory location in the memory; (2) a data word read-out from the memory is properly coded; and (3) no inactive memory was erroneously outputting data onto the shared memory bus
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A key variant in the cis-regulatory element of flowering gene Ghd8 associated with cold tolerance in rice.
Variations in the gene promoter play critical roles in the evolution of important adaptive traits in crops, but direct links of the regulatory mutation to the adaptive change are not well understood. Here, we examine the nucleotide variations in the promoter region of a transcription factor (Ghd8) that control grain number, plant height and heading date in rice. We find that a dominant promoter type of subspecies japonica displayed a high activity for Ghd8 expression in comparison with the one in indica. Transgenic analyses revealed that higher expression levels of Ghd8 delayed heading date and enhanced cold tolerance in rice. Furthermore, a single-nucleotide polymorphism (T1279G) at the position -1279 bp that locates on the potential GA-responsive motif in the Ghd8 promoter affected the expression of this gene. The 1279 T variant has elevated expression of Ghd8, thus conferring increased cold tolerance of rice seedlings. Nucleotide diversity analysis revealed that the approximately 25-kb genomic region surrounding Ghd8 in the subspecies japonica was under significant selection pressure. Our findings demonstrate that the join effects of the regulatory and coding variants largely contribute to the divergence of japonica and indica and increase the adaptability of japonica to the cold environment
Spectroscopic Signatures for the Dark Bose-Einstein Condensation of Spatially Indirect Excitons
We study semiconductor excitons confined in an electrostatic trap of a GaAs
bilayer heterostructure. We evidence that optically bright excitonic states are
strongly depleted while cooling to sub-Kelvin temperatures. In return, the
other accessible and optically dark states become macroscopically occupied so
that the overall exciton population in the trap is conserved. These combined
behaviours constitute the spectroscopic signature for the mostly dark
Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons, which in our experiments is restricted
to a dilute regime within a narrow range of densities, below a critical
temperature of about 1K.Comment: 7 pages and 5 figure
FUSE Observations of Intrinsic Absorption in the Seyfert 1 Galaxy Mrk 509
We present far-ultraviolet spectra of the Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 509 obtained
in 1999 November with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE). Our
data span the observed wavelength range 915-1185 A at a resolution of ~20 km/s.
The spectrum shows a blue continuum, broad OVI 1032,1038 emission, and a broad
CIII 977 emission line. Superposed on these emission components, we resolve
associated absorption lines of OVI 1032,1038, CIII 977, and Lyman lines through
Lzeta. Seven distinct kinematic components are present, spanning a velocity
range of -440 to +170 km/s relative to the systemic velocity. The absorption is
clustered in two groups, one centered at -370m km/s and another at the systemic
velocity. The blue-shifted cluster may be associated with the extended line
emission visible in deep images of Mrk 509 obtained by Phillips et al. Although
several components appear to be saturated, they are not black at their centers.
Partial covering or scattering permits ~7% of the broad-line or continuum flux
to be unaffected by absorption. Of the multiple components, only one has the
same ionization state and column density as highly ionized gas that produces
the OVII and OVIII ionization edges in X-ray spectra of Mrk 509.
This paper will appear in a special issue of Astrophysical Journal Letters
devoted to the first scientific results from the FUSE mission.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal (Letters). 4 pages, 3 color
PostScript figures. Figures are best viewed and printed in color. Added
acknowledgment that this is one of many papers to be published in a special
issue of ApJL devoted to the first scientific results from the FUSE missio
A generic approach for augmenting tactile diagrams with spatial non-speech sounds
Blind or visually impaired users typically access diagrams in the tactile medium. This paper describes TouchMelody, a system designed for augmenting such existing diagrams with 3D spatial auditory information to increase their usefulness, information content and reduce tactile clutter. The motivation for this system, an overview of its development and early experiences are presented. The two major technologies used are the Polhemus FASTRAK and the LakeDSP CP4 to facilitate the creation of a directly manipulated dynamic 3D spatial soundscape
X-ray photoemission characterization of La_{0.67}(Ca_{x}Sr_{1-x})_{0.33}MnO_{3} films
The Curie temperature and x-ray photoemission spectra of thin films of
La_{0.67}(Ca_{x}Sr_{1-x})_{0.33}MnO_{3} (LCSMO) have been studied as a function
of the Ca/Sr ratio. The films were grown by off-axis cosputtering from
individual targets of La_{0.67}Ca_{0.33}MnO_{3} (LCMO) and
La_{0.67}Sr_{0.33}MnO_{3} (LSMO) onto (100) oriented NdGaO_{3} substrates. The
films grow with a (100) orientation, with no other orientations observed by
x-ray diffraction. For the alloy mixtures, the Curie temperature, T_C, varies
slowly as the Ca/Sr is decreased, remaining 300 K, while for the LCMO
and LSMO films T_C is 260 and 330 K, respectively. The Mn-O valence structure
is composed of two dominant peaks, whose positions undergo a change as the Ca
fraction is decreased. The core lines behave as linear combinations of lines
from pure LCMO and LSMO.Comment: 3 pages, 5 eps figures. To be published in Journal of Applied Physics
(Proceedings of MMM'98
Thermodynamic investigations in the precursor region of FeGe
High-resolution DC magnetization and AC-specific heat data of the cubic
helimagnet FeGe have been measured as function of temperature and magnetic
field. The magnetization data as well as the isothermal susceptibility data
confirm the complexity of the magnetic phase diagram in the vicinity of the
onset of long-rang magnetic order (Tc = 278.5 K) and the existence of a
segmented A-phase region. Moreover, these data revealed independent and clear
indications of phase boundaries and crossovers within the A-phase region.
Together with the anomalies in the specific-heat data around Tc and at small
magnetic fields (H < 600 Oe) a complex magnetic phase diagram of FeGe is
obtained.Comment: Presented at the QCNP conference in Dreden, Germany, August 201
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