1,969,017 research outputs found

    Evaluation of academic jourmals

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    Kajian Malaysia: journal of Malaysian studies322113-14

    Coherent optical phase transfer over a 32-km fiber with 1-s instability at 101710^{-17}

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    The phase coherence of an ultrastable optical frequency reference is fully maintained over actively stabilized fiber networks of lengths exceeding 30 km. For a 7-km link installed in an urban environment, the transfer instability is 6×10186 \times 10^{-18} at 1-s. The excess phase noise of 0.15 rad, integrated from 8 mHz to 25 MHz, yields a total timing jitter of 0.085 fs. A 32-km link achieves similar performance. Using frequency combs at each end of the coherent-transfer fiber link, a heterodyne beat between two independent ultrastable lasers, separated by 3.5 km and 163 THz, achieves a 1-Hz linewidth.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The observed velocity distribution of young pulsars

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    We argue that comparison with observations of theoretical models for the velocity distribution of pulsars must be done directly with the observed quantities, i.e. parallax and the two components of proper motion. We develop a formalism to do so, and apply it to pulsars with accurate VLBI measurements. We find that a distribution with two maxwellians improves significantly on a single maxwellian. The `mixed' model takes into account that pulsars move away from their place of birth, a narrow region around the galactic plane. The best model has 42% of the pulsars in a maxwellian with average velocity sigma sqrt{8/pi}=120 km/s, and 58% in a maxwellian with average velocity 540 km/s. About 5% of the pulsars has a velocity at birth less than 60\,km/s. For the youngest pulsars (tau_c<10 Myr), these numbers are 32% with 130 km/s, 68% with 520 km/s, and 3%, with appreciable uncertainties.Comment: submitted to A&A; 14 pages, 10 figure

    An Improved Measurement of the Hubble Constant from the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect

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    We present a determination of the Hubble constant from measurements of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect (SZE) in an orientation-unbiased sample of 7 z < 0.1 galaxy clusters. With improved X-ray models and a more accurate 32-GHz calibration, we obtain H_O = 64+14-11 +/- 14_sys km/s/Mpc. for a standard CDM cosmology, or 66+14-11 +/- 15_sys km/s/Mpc for a flat LambdaCDM cosmology. In combination with X-ray cluster measurements and the BBN value for Omega_B, we find Omega_M = 0.32 +/- 0.05.Comment: 5 pp., Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Distribution, Hybridization, and Taxonomic Status of Two-lined Salamanders (\u3ci\u3eEurycea bislineata\u3c/i\u3e complex) in Virginia and West Virginia

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    We used three diagnostic protein markers to examine salamanders of the Eurycea bislineata complex at 80 localities in Virginia and West Virginia. Two groups were strongly differentiated and met at a narrow contact zone. Rare hybridization was observed as well as limited introgression up to 5 km north and 10 km south of the contact zone. At the contact zone, 1% F1, 2% F2, 32% backcross, and 66% parental genotypes were observed. This pattern of parapatric distribution with limited hybridization and introgression argues for the recognition of Eurycea bislineata and E. cirrigera as separate species

    Neutron spectral measurements in the upper atmosphere

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    An experiment to measure neutrons in the upper atmosphere was performed on a balloon flight from Palestine, Texas, at an altitude of about 32 km. The experimental arrangement is discussed briefly, and results of a preliminary analysis of the data for neutrons in the energy range 3 to 30 MeV are given

    125 Gbps Pre-Compensated Nonlinear Frequency-Division Multiplexed Transmission

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    Record-high data rate of 125 Gb/s and SE over 2 bits/s/Hz in burst-mode single-polarization NFDM transmissions were achieved over 976 km of SSMF with EDFA-only amplification by transmitting and processing 222 32 QAM-modulated nonlinear subcarriers simultaneouslyComment: This paper will be presented at ECOC 2017, Gothenburg, Swede

    New Maser Emission from Nonmetastable Ammonia in NGC 7538. II. Green Bank Telescope Observations Including Water Masers

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    We present new maser emission from ^{14}NH_3 (9,6) in NGC 7538. Our observations include the known spectral features near v_LSR = -60 km/s and -57 km/s and several more features extending to -46 km/s. In three epochs of observation spanning two months we do not detect any variability in the ammonia masers, in contrast to the >10-fold variability observed in other ^{14}NH_3 (9,6) masers in the Galaxy over comparable timescales. We also present observations of water masers in all three epochs for which emission is observed over the velocity range -105 km/s < v_LSR < -4 km/s, including the highest velocity water emission yet observed from NGC 7538. Of the remarkable number of maser species in IRS 1, H_2O and, now, ^{14}NH_3 are the only masers known to exhibit emission outside of the velocity range -62 km/s < v_LSR < -51 km/s. However, we find no significant intensity or velocity correlations between the water emission and ammonia emission. We also present a non-detection in the most sensitive search to date toward any source for emission from the CC^{32}S and CC^{34}S molecules, indicating an age greater than \approx 10^4 yr for IRS 1-3. We discuss these findings in the context of embedded stellar cores and recent models of the region.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables; accepted to AJ; color figures only on arxiv; revised to include references and minor proof change