12,654,600 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Clustering for Image Segmentation Using Generic Shape Information

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    The performance of clustering algorithms for image segmentation are highly sensitive to the features used and types of objects in the image, which ultimately limits their generalization capability. This provides strong motivation to investigate integrating shape information into the clustering framework to improve the generality of these algorithms. Existing shape-based clustering techniques mainly focus on circular and elliptical clusters and so are unable to segment arbitrarily-shaped objects. To address this limitation, this paper presents a new shape-based algorithm called fuzzy clustering for image segmentation using generic shape information (FCGS), which exploits the B-spline representation of an object's shape in combination with the Gustafson-Kessel clustering algorithm. Qualitative and quantitative results for FCGS confirm its superior segmentation performance consistently compared to well-established shape-based clustering techniques, for a wide range of test images comprising various regular and arbitrary-shaped objects

    First-Year Papers Cover Page and Editorial Board

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    THE FIRST-YEAR PAPERS Volume 20, 2015 – 2016 EDITORS (in alphabetical order) Haley Dougherty Justin Fortier Lydia Herndon Caroline Howell Dylan Ingram Lilla Kis Mathilde Sauquet Emily Turner Editors were drawn from the Class of 2019 Deans’ Scholars Editing, Layout, and Publishing Tennyson O’Donnell, Director, Allan K. Smith Center for Writing and Rhetoric, and Allan K. Smith Lecturer in English Composition Dania Field, Coordinator of First-Year Academic Experiences Amy Harrell, Librarian, Digital Projects The First-Year Papers were established in 1996-1997 to recognize the excellent written work of the first-year students at Trinity College. Each year, submissions are drawn from First-Year Seminars and from courses associated with the Cities, Guided Studies, InterArts, and Interdisciplinary Science Programs. The First-Year Papers Volume 20, 2015 – 2016 Published by Trinity College Hartford, Connecticut, September 201

    MHD Flow of a Uniformly Stretched Vertical Permeable Membrane in the Presence of Zero Order Reaction and Quadratic Heat Generation

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    We present a magneto - hydrodynamic flow of a uniformly stretched vertical permeable surface undergoing Arrhenius heat reaction. The analytical solutions are obtained for concentration, temperature and velocity fields using an asymptotic approximation, similar to that of Ayeni et al 2004. It is shown that the temperature field and the velocity field depend heavily on the thermal grashof numbers, heat generation/absorption, magnetic induction, chemical reaction parameters and reaction order. It is also established that maximum velocity occurs in the body of the fluid close to the surface and not the surface

    Avatars and Lebensform: Kirchberg 2007

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    Several years ago, after a decade of experiments in the software industry, I returned to academia and found philosophy colleagues troubled by the term “virtual reality” — a term which enjoys wide usage in the ?eld of immersive computing but which raises hackles in post-metaphysical philosophers. Some vocabulary in this paper may create similar unease, so a warning may be in order. What makes sense to software engineers may for philosophers carry too much baggage. Words like “empathetic” or “empathic” may cause similar discomfort for those with an allergy to Romanticism. While these adjectives associated with poets like Wordsworth, the term “empathy” belongs equally to software designers and video-game artists who use it to describe the opposite of “?rst-person shooter” software. Empathic, as opposed to “shoot ‘em up” software, encourages the exchange of viewpoints beyond ?rst-person perspective and may even merge several perspectives. Rather than deepen a user’s ?rst-person point-of-view, empathic software offers a socializing experience, and in fact, is sometimes called “social” software, “Net 2.0,” or “computer supported cooperative work.

    Color, Bacteria, and Mosquito Eggs as Ovipositional Attractants for \u3ci\u3eAedes Aegypti\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3eAedes Albopictus\u3c/i\u3e (Diptera: Culicidae)

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    Selected bacterial washes, color, and mosquito eggs were comparatively examined as ovipositional attractants for Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Any evidence of additive activity was noted. All colored washes alone were preferred over selected bacterial washes. The combinations of color and bacteria in a single wash were better attractants for oviposition than colored washes alone. The bacterial content of the breeding water was a more important factor than egg presence in oviposition site selection
