199,056 research outputs found
Proof of a recent conjecture of Z.-W. Sun
The polynomials are defined by \begin{align*} d_n(x) &=
\sum_{k=0}^n{n\choose k}{x\choose k}2^k. \end{align*} We prove that, for any
prime , the following congruences hold modulo : \begin{align*}
\sum_{k=0}^{p-1}\frac{{2k\choose k}}{4^k} d_k\left(-\frac{1}{4}\right)^2
&\equiv \begin{cases} 2(-1)^{\frac{p-1}{4}}x,&\text{if with
,} 0,&\text{if ,} \end{cases} [5pt]
\sum_{k=0}^{p-1}\frac{{2k\choose k}}{4^k} d_k\left(-\frac{1}{6}\right)^2
&\equiv 0, \quad\text{if ,} [5pt] \sum_{k=0}^{p-1}\frac{{2k\choose
k}}{4^k} d_k\left(\frac{1}{4}\right)^2 &\equiv \begin{cases} 0,&\text{if
,} (-1)^{\frac{p+1}{4}}{\frac{p-1}{2}\choose
\frac{p-3}{4}},&\text{if .} \end{cases}
\sum_{k=0}^{p-1}\frac{{2k\choose k}}{4^k} d_k\left(\frac{1}{6}\right)^2 &\equiv
0, \quad\text{if .} \end{align*} The case of the first
one confirms a conjecture of Z.-W. Sun, while the second one confirms a special
case of another conjecture of Z.-W. Sun.Comment: 4 page
A congruence involving alternating harmonic sums modulo
In 2014, Wang and Cai established the following harmonic congruence for any
odd prime and positive integer , \begin{equation*}
\mathcal{P}_{p}}}\frac{1}{ijk}\equiv-2p^{r-1}B_{p-3} ~(\bmod ~ p^{r}),
\end{equation*} where denote the set of positive integers
which are prime to . In this note, we obtain the congruences for distinct
odd primes and positive integers , \begin{equation*}
j\equiv k\equiv
\end{equation*} and
\end{equation*} Finally, we raise a conjecture that for and odd prime
power , , \begin{eqnarray}
\equiv \prod\limits_{q|n\atop{q\neq
and \begin{eqnarray}
\nonumber \sum\limits_{i+j+k=n\atop{i,j,k\in\mathcal{P}_{n}\atop{i\equiv
j\equiv k\equiv 1\pmod{2}}}}\frac{1}{ijk}
\equiv \prod\limits_{q|n\atop{q\neq
Equitable vertex arboricity of graphs
An equitable -tree-coloring of a graph is a coloring to vertices
of such that the sizes of any two color classes differ by at most one and
the subgraph induced by each color class is a forest of maximum degree at most
and diameter at most . The minimum such that has an equitable
-tree-coloring for every is called the strong equitable
-vertex-arboricity and denoted by . In this paper,
we give sharp upper bounds for and
by showing that
va^{\equiv}_{k,\infty}(K_{n,n})=O(n^{\1/2}) for every . It is also
proved that for every planar graph
with girth at least 5 and for every
planar graph with girth at least 6 and for every outerplanar graph. We
conjecture that for every planar graph
and for
every graph
Some Extensions to Touchard's Theorem on Odd Perfect Numbers
The multiplicative structure of an odd perfect number , if any, is
, where is prime, and . An additive structure of , established by Touchard,
is that " OR ". A first extension of Touchard's result is that the proposition
" OR " holds for (the extension is due to the fact that the second
congruence contains also ). We further extend the proof to ,
prime, with the restriction that the congruence modulo does
not include . Besides, we note that the first extension of Touchard's result
holds also with an exclusive disjunction, so that is a
sufficient condition because .Comment: 5 page
On the equation
We propose a method to determine the solvability of the diophantine equation
for the following two cases:
, where are distinct primes with
and .
, where are
distinct primes and with .Comment: 19p
New Explicit Lorentzian Einstein-Weyl Structures in 3-Dimensions
On a D manifold, a Weyl geometry consists of pairs (metric,
-form) modulo gauge , . In 1943, Cartan showed that every solution to the
Einstein-Weyl equations comes
from an appropriate D leaf space quotient of a D connection bundle
associated with a 3 order ODE modulo point
transformations, provided among primary point invariants vanish We find that point
equivalence of a single PDE with para-CR integrability leads to a completely similar D Cartan bundle and
connection. Then magically, the (complicated) equation becomes
whose solutions are just conics in the -plane. As an
ansatz, we take
with arbitrary functions of . This satisfies
, and we show that the condition
passes to a certain
which holds for any choice of . Descending to the
leaf space quotient, we gain -dimensional functionally parametrized and
explicit families of Einstein-Weyl structures in D.
These structures are nontrivial in the sense that and
Ramanujan-type Congruences for Overpartitions Modulo 16
Let denote the number of overpartitions of . Recently,
Fortin-Jacob-Mathieu and Hirschhorn-Sellers independently obtained 2-, 3- and
4-dissections of the generating function for and derived a
number of congruences for modulo , and including
and . By employing dissection techniques,
Yao and Xia obtained congruences for modulo and ,
such as , and . In this paper, we give
a 16-dissection of the generating function for modulo 16 and
we show that for . Moreover, by
using the -adic expansion of the generating function of
due to Mahlburg, we obtain that ,
where , is an odd prime and is a positive
integer with . In particular, for , we get
for . We also find four
congruence relations:
for , for
being not a square of an odd positive integer,
for and for
.Comment: 12 page
Long Cycles in 1-tough Graphs
In 1952, Dirac proved that every 2-connected graph with minimum degree
either is hamiltonian or contains a cycle of length at least
. In 1986, Bauer and Schmeichel enlarged the bound to
under additional 1-tough condition - an alternative and more
natural necessary condition for a graph to be hamiltonian. In fact, the bound
is sharp for a graph on vertices when . In
this paper we present the final version of this result which is sharp for each
: every 1-tough graph either is hamiltonian or contains a cycle of length at
least when , at least when or , and at least otherwise.Comment: 21 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1204.651
A simple polynomial for a simple transposition
In this note, we review some facts about polynomials representing functions
modulo primes p. In addition we prove that the polynomial f(x) = x^{p-2} +
x^{p-3} + ... + x^3 + x^2 + 2x + 1 represents the transposition (0 1) modulo p,
that is, f(0) \equiv 1 (mod p), f(1) \equiv 0 (mod p), and f(a) \equiv a (mod
p) for all 2 \le a \le p-1.Comment: 4 page
Proof of a conjecture of Z.-W. Sun on the divisibility of a triple sum
The numbers and are defined as \begin{align*}
R_n=\sum_{k=0}^{n}{n+k\choose 2k}{2k\choose k}\frac{1}{2k-1},\ \text{and}\
W_n=\sum_{k=0}^{n}{n+k\choose 2k}{2k\choose k}\frac{3}{2k-3}. \end{align*} We
prove that, for any positive integer and odd prime , there hold
\begin{align*} \sum_{k=0}^{n-1}(2k+1)R_k^2 &\equiv 0 \pmod{n}, \\
\sum_{k=0}^{p-1}(2k+1)R_k^2 &\equiv 4p(-1)^{\frac{p-1}{2}} -p^2 \pmod{p^3}, \\
9\sum_{k=0}^{n-1}(2k+1)W_k^2 &\equiv 0 \pmod{n}, \\ \sum_{k=0}^{p-1}(2k+1)W_k^2
&\equiv 12p(-1)^{\frac{p-1}{2}}-17p^2 \pmod{p^3}, \quad\text{if .}
\end{align*} The first two congruences were originally conjectured by Z.-W.
Sun. Our proof is based on the multi-variable Zeilberger algorithm and the
following observation: where .Comment: 18 page
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