885 research outputs found
Abstrak Pengelolaan persediaan merupakan salah satu penentu keberhasilan suatu perusahaan manufaktur. Proses pengelolaan persediaan yang baik dapat menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas dan dapat menghasilkan kondisi yang efisien. PT. Cakra Guna Cipta adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam produksi rokok. Proses pengadaan bahan baku dilakukan dengan pemesanan dalam jumlah besar untuk memenuhi kebutuhan minggunan.Untuk mengantisipasi kenaikan permintaan, jumlah bahan baku yang dipesan dilebihkan dari jumlah bahan baku yang dibutuhkan. Kondisi ini, berdampak pada tingginya biaya simpan dan biaya persediaan yang ditanggung oleh perusahaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah meminimasi biaya persediaan dengan cara menurunkan tingkat persediaan. Pendekatan just in time digunakan untuk menurunkan tingkat persediaan. Rancangan pengelolaan persediaan dengan pendekatan just in time dilakukan dengan perancangan sistem pengiriman milk run, pembuatan rencana persediaan, dan perhitungan biaya persediaan. Dari hasil penerapan just in time didapat penurunan biaya simpan dari semula Rp 12.293.170,38 menjadi Rp 2.312.534,34 dan kenaikan biaya order dari semula Rp 51.600 menjadi Rp 982.120. Kata kunci : Just in time, minimasi persediaan, pengelolaan persediaa
A new small satellite sunspot triggering recurrent standard- and blowout-coronal jets
In this paper,we report a detailed analysis of recurrent jets originated from
a location with emerging, canceling and converging negative magnetic field at
the east edge of NOAA active region AR11166 from 2011 March 09 to 10. The event
presented several interesting features. First, a satellite sunspot appeared and
collided with a pre-existing opposite polarity magnetic field and caused a
recurrent solar jet event. Second, the evolution of the jets showed
blowout-like nature and standard characteristics. Third, the satellite sunspot
exhibited a motion toward southeast of AR11166 and merged with the emerging
flux near the opposite polarity sunspot penumbra, which afterward, due to flux
convergence and cancellation episodes, caused recurrent jets. Fourth, three of
the blowout jets associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs), were observed
from field of view of the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory. Fifth,
almost all the blowout jet eruptions were accompanied with flares or with more
intense brightening in the jet base region, while almost standard jets did not
manifest such obvious feature during eruptions. The most important, the blowout
jets were inclined to faster and larger scale than the standard jets. The
standard jets instead were inclined to relative longer-lasting. The obvious
shearing and twisting motions of the magnetic field may be interpreted as due
to the shearing and twisting motions for a blowout jet eruption. From the
statistical results, about 30% blowout jets directly developed into CMEs. It
suggests that the blowout jets and CMEs should have a tight relationship.Comment: ApJ 18 pages, 7 figure
Deploying quantum light sources on nanosatellites II: lessons and perspectives on CubeSat spacecraft
To enable space-based quantum key distribution proposals the Centre for
Quantum Technologies is developing a source of entangled photons ruggedized to
survive deployment in space and greatly miniaturised so that it conforms to the
strict form factor and power requirements of a 1U CubeSat. The Small Photon
Entangling Quantum System is an integrated instrument where the pump, photon
pair source and detectors are combined within a single optical tray and
electronics package that is no larger than 10 cm x 10 cm x 3 cm. This footprint
enables the instrument to be placed onboard nanosatellites or the CubeLab
structure aboard the International Space Station. We will discuss the
challenges and future prospects of CubeSat-based missions.Comment: Submitted to SPIE Quantum Information Science and Technology. Paper
number 9648-4
A reference atmosphere for patrick afb, florida, annual /1963 revision/
Reference atmosphere for cape kennedy based on statistical parameters of pressure-height, temperature, and relative humidity at constant pressure level
The promise of eutectics for aircraft turbines
The current status of the first generation eutectics, gamma/gamma transition - delta and NiTaC-13, is described in detail. Several second generation systems, such as gamma/gamma transition - alpha and NiTaC 3-116A, gamma - beta, and COTAC 74 are also reviewed with particular emphasis on their critical physical and mechanical properties, future research directions, and potential applications. Results of recent cost-benefit analyses of eutectic turbine blades are discussed
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