3 research outputs found
本研究では、児の泣きに着目し、泣きの見極めができるようになる時期などを示したリーフレットを用いて情報提供を行う介入群と通常ケアを行う対照群での継続調査の結果を比較検討した。生後1ヶ月時点での母親の困難感および生後8ヶ月時点での困難感は、両郡間で有意な差は認められなかった。すなわち、介入による効果はみられなかった。一方、妊娠中の母親の不安傾向とストレス対処能力が産後の泣きに対する困難感に影響しているのではないかと分析したところ、妊娠中の不安傾向が高いほど、産後の泣きに対する困難感が高いこと、反対に妊娠中のストレス対処能力が高いほど、産後の泣きに対する困難感が低いことが明らかとなった。Mothers who rear their child for the first time can feel perplexed at how to cope with an infant who does not stop crying or feel difficulty in childcare.In this study, we focused on the crying of the child. We compared the results of a follow-up survey between the intervention group who were provided with information leaflets that indicated when it would be possible to determine the reason for crying and ways of dealing with it. There was no significant difference between the two groups regarding the mother\u27s sense of difficulty at 1 month of age and at 8 months of age. That is, no effect of the intervention was observed.It was found that anxiety and the ability to cope with stress during pregnancy are related to the mothers` feelings toward the crying of their infants. Continuous support for women from the period of pregnancy is necessary, and its positive effects can be expected.研究課題/領域番号:26463406, 研究期間(年度):2014-04-01 - 2019-03-3