3,293 research outputs found
Senryakuteki kodo riron o donyushita 1969-2016nen no Nihon no uchu seisaku shinka ni okeru ronri no kyumei
Senryakuteki kodo riron o donyushita 1969-2016nen no Nihon no uchu seisaku shinka ni okeru ronri no kyumei
目的:統合失調症患者が地域生活において対処できない問題とその対処に向けた訪問看護師の支援を明らかにする.方法:A県内の精神科病院および訪問看護ステーションにおいて統合失調症患者を支援している訪問看護師を対象として面接調査を行い,Berelson,B.の内容分析を参考にして分析した.結果:訪問看護師が語った統合失調症患者が地域生活において対処できない問題は,【服薬自己管理ができないため薬を正しく飲めない】【入浴・洗髪・行為をできないため清潔が保てない】など11コアカテゴリが抽出された.統合失調症患者が地域生活において対処できない問題の対処に向けた訪問看護師の支援は,《服薬自己管理ができるように服薬確認や声かけを行う》など17コアカテゴリであった.結論:訪問看護師は,患者が地域生活において対処できない服薬,清潔,金銭管理,熱中症予防などの問題に対して,患者の状態に合わせて段階的に継続的な支援を行っていた.Purpose: To elucidate the problems in community living that patients with schizophrenia are unable to manage and the support provided by visiting nurses to address these problems. Methods : Interviews were conducted with visiting nurses caring for patients with schizophrenia at a psychiatric hospital or a visiting nurse service provider in Prefecture A. Interview data were analyzed according to Berelson's method of content analysis. Results : Results : Analysis of interview data extracted 11 core categories of problems in community living experienced by patients with schizophrenia, such as "medication errors due to inability to self-manage medication" and "cleanliness problems due to inability to bathe, shampoo and change clothing". The analysis also extracted 17 core categories of support that visiting nurses provided to address the problems, such as "checking medication and providing reminders to help patients manage self-medication." Conclusion : Visiting nurses provided continuous support to patients with schizophrenia living in the community in problem areas such as taking medication,cleanliness,money management and heat stroke prevention according to the condition of the patient.報
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