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Online marketing of a chosen company


The main goal of this thesis was evaluate the impact of indiviudal tools of communication mix on the results of the online campaign of the chosen brand. This campaign lasted for almost three months. The core of the campaign was consumer competition. The main goal of this campaign was sale increase and brand awareness. In the first part, I dealt with the tools of the communication mix from the point of view of the use in marketing and measuring their performance. In the second part, I analyzed the way brand worked with individual tools of commuciation mix and then I evaluated the tools according to established criteria such as impresion, interaction, web traffic and conversions. I used analytical tools to evaluate the success of each of the communication mix tools. After evaluating the communication mix tools, I suggested recommendations for further brand communication on the Internet. The biggest impact on the results of the campaign had Facebook, which clearly dominated among all of the tools from the point of view of all the criteria

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National Repository of Grey Literature

Last time updated on 22/10/2017

This paper was published in National Repository of Grey Literature.

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