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Model Partnership Sebagai Upaya Strategis Peningkatan Pelayanan Air Bersih (Studi Terhadap Public Private Partnership Di Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Kabupaten Gresik)
: Strategic Partnership Model for Increasing Efforts to Water Services (Public Private Partnership against Studies in Regional Water Company Gresik). Water is a basic human needs. Therefore Millennium Development Goals is targeting that by 2015 access to basic sanitation clean water should be 68.87% filled. But in Indonesia, just 47.56% (BPS, 2011). This study problem formulation is: 1) how does a model partnership in PDAM Gresik, 2) how do the impact of the partnership as a strategic improvement of water services in Gresik. The purpose is: 1) to describe and analyse a model partnership in PDAM Gresik, 2) to describe and analyse the impact of the partnership as a strategic improvement of water services in Gresik. The research method used is descriptive research with qualitative approach. The results of the study appointment that the government's limited capacity can be transferred to the private sector's involvement it. Conclusion, the PDAM Gresik success improve water services
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