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Upper Agri Valley (Basilicata) between Geomorphology and Ancient Settlements


In this paper we present the geoarchaeological and landscape project on the Upper Agri Valley (Basilicata). Between 2012 and 2015 we coordinated multidisciplinary research with the purpose of reconstructing the history and evolution of the territory, analysing the relationships between man and landscape from the Prehistory to the Middle Age. The studied area, an inland mountain valley situated in the ancient Lucania, is very important, because it is a fundamental route between the two coasts of Magna Graecia and because during the Roman period this valley was the territory in which Grumentum was born, one of the most important towns of Roman Southern Italy. Thanks to the dialogue between different competences, this project aims at understanding the settlements dynamics and the mutual influences between man and environment: indeed, we conducted geophysics and geoarchaeological investigations, archaeological surveys, cartographic and aerial photos studies, written sources analysis: in this way, different data are used to understand the landscape from a global point of view

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Archivio della ricerca- Università di Roma La Sapienza

Last time updated on 13/04/2017

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