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Prevalence of respiratory pathogens in nasal swabs from horses with acute respiratory disease in Belgium


Contagious respiratory infections are an important cause of respiratory disease in horses, resulting in impaired pulmonary function, poor performance and sometimes severe illness. Although bacterial infections are often suspected to be involved, viruses are frequently overlooked and are an underestimated cause of respiratory disease outbreaks in horses. In this study, nasal swabs of 103 horses with acute symptoms of respiratory disease were analyzed for the presence of 13 different respiratory pathogens. Gamma herpesviruses were the most commonly detected, with 60% of the samples being positive, followed by streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus infection (30%). Rhinovirus B, streptococcus equi subsp. equi, adenovirus 1 and EHV-4 were more rarely detected. Further research is necessary to correctly interpret the importance of gamma herpesviruses in horses, for example by screening a healthy control population. National surveillance of respiratory viruses in horses by PCR analysis on nasal swabs might be a useful, early warning system for viral epidemics

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This paper was published in Ghent University Academic Bibliography.

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